So the Alliance are just supposed to forget

Since the horde never ‘‘captured’’ Theramore and Thedrassil its mean that the horde also never had their first bump moment???

Yeah because you destroyed it. The Horde likes to destroy things. What else do you expect from the scary monster faction?

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None of those was conquered. Unlike the alliance that get to walk in Undercity twice and Orgrimar once. They even have a title for it.

What determinate what is ‘‘first bump moment’’ is relative. Dont deny your victory just because you didn’t like it. The horde just destroy it from distance without even ‘‘conquered it’’. Its nothing to be proud about.

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You clearly don’t know what Scorched Earth is do you?

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Scans Thread

Boohoo. Troll king died.

The Horde burns Teldrassil snickering “Nice Tree. Shame if something happened to it.”

I’m waiting for the memes about the Vindicaar targeting Ogrimmar that read “Nuke the Site From Orbit, It’s the Only Way to be Sure.”


Mind developing your point or your have nothing to say anymore???

Clearly you don’t know what Scorched Earth is.

It’s when you destroy the enemies objective to deny them the asset. Can’t take victory when you sacrificed your soldiers for nothing.

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You mean like Jaina counter both Sylvanas plan?? Or like Saurfang screw Sylvanas plan to kill night elf leader??? Also how Sylvanas plan to end the was before it begin with Thedrassil didn’t work??

Yeah the horde have so much first bump moment…

Btw not getting all your objective in a war doesn’t mean that you didn’t win. Its war both side loose thing. The alliance are still the winner in both Undercity and Dazar’alor.

My point still stand about how something being a ‘‘first bump moment’’ is relative and that Theramore and Thedrassil dont have more to be proud about than Undercity and Dazar’alor.

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You mean the war that Sylvanas started when Anduin clearly wanted peace. Ok…

I’ll give you Dazar’alor at the very least since we whipped out probably somewhere around 80 percent to 90 percent of their fleet aswell as their racial leader. But the original plan I believe was to capture the city after the fleet was destroyed.

But Undercity ended up being a waste of men for the Alliance since we threw so much manpower at it only to end up losing it due to the booby traps. Anduin even says in the second Saurfang cinematic that they lost too many troops at Undercity.

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Yep exactly so not tell me how she archived her plan…

Same with every battle like how the horde lost troop at Thedrassil and aslo more than the alliance at Undercity.

Stop thinking that because the crazy maniac laugh after a defeat that it mean that she won and because the mary sue would be sad if only one soldier would be kill in a overwhelming victory it doesn’t mean that he lost…


I mean her goal was to destroy the city in order to keep the Alliance from having a major city in Kalimdor. The Alliance’s goal was to retake Undercity to reform Lordaeron.

Right now you can either choose one of the following in regards to Sylvanas burning down the city:
A) She wanted to destroy the city to begin with
B) She got triggered by one Night Elf and stupidly destroyed the city.

Either admit that Sylvanas is a strategic idiot, or she started to war for the entire purpose of burning down an Alliance city on Kalimdor. The Alliance has the most peaceful High King in Warcraft history right now, so attacking Teldressil was really pointless if she was worried about the Alliance potentially starting a war.

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No its never was. The alliance cant reclaim Lordaeron since its dont belong to them. Its only the alliance fan that though that it was the goal when in reality they wanted to give a blow to Sylvanas.

So you admit that Sylvanas goal wasn’t archived at all.

I guess the Alliance of Lordaeron and all the refugees that fled to Stormwind and Theramore weren’t a thing. Not to mention the Argent Dawn, and Scarlet Crusade were also from Lordaeron, and aren’t ruled by someone from a foreign nation.

I asked you the question. Do you think she accomplished her goal to burn down the city, or do you think she got butthurt that some Night Elf said that she can’t beat hope?

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Read the books. Almost all of the population was evacuated.


you know for a faction thats suppose to be the “good guys” you sure want a lot of blood and payback

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Neither. Her original plan was to occupy Teldrassil once Malfurion was dead. Since Saurfang refused to kill him, she needed another way to destroy their morale, so she burned the tree.


Nope she didn’t archive the goal that she had with the burning of Thedrassil.
She didn’t end the war before its started. She didn’t kill the night elf leader. She didn’t put their morale to the ground and the alliance is clearly not kick out of kalimdor, the night elf are still fighting in darkshore and the draenei are still there.

So no she did not archive her goal with the war of thornes.

The human lordaeran have left it and let the majority of the Lordaeran occupy it.

Lordaeron belong to the forsaken.

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Ok, fellow horde it is time to gives up. You never going to get any alliance player to say the won anything. It would mean them giving up the stick of horde bais.

As long as they keep crying to devs and dev support them.

The will horde keeps losing war chiefs, their cities will be a raid and in the end, probably give back their city while leaving UC in ruins. They have it good and they know it. Just no way going to admit it. They rather say something about my post than admit the truth.

Don’t believe me look at how much they got. A whole race built from scratch. A story arc that was really good. An entire island supporting alliance. Two new fleets and new troops to help with the war. They attack a city and do not lose troops on both fronts. Their leader and gnome get away. yeah, one in the ice block for now. If alliance ever loses an alliance race leader you can bet horde lose one also.

Now let see what horde gets. A sacked city. All it war effort ruined in one raid. A dead king. Three horde war chiefs helping alliance along with thrall and Allied race. A war chief they making out to be utterly incompetent which is opposite of her. Looking like she is dead soon. Lost of accesses to one content and while they still have several major outposts on horde content. The list can go one. Yeah, horde bais only in their imaginations.


Because she clearly knew that he spared him right? Don’t think she knew until after the battle. So she thought she killed Malfurian, AND still burned down the tree regardless.

From a story standpoint they were kicked out up until the Darkshore content came out. So she did achieve her goal, atleast temporarily. But her goal is still in place, the war isn’t over yet. Although it’s getting close, but Sylvanas has a trick up her sleve thanks to knaifu.

Tirisfall Glade*

Pretty sure the Argent Crusade owns Eastern and Western Plaguelands now, which gives them roughly 2/5th of Lordaeron. Hillsbrad foothills was mixed with both humans and forsaken so it was a neutral territory. To say that the Forsaken were the true inhabitants oh Lordaeron and this true rightful rulers from a lore standpoint just isn’t true. They shared what remains with the kingdom between the Scarlets and Argents, and the Alliance in Southshore. But all the Forsaken have now left Lordaeron expect for some pockets of resistance in the war table missions. For lore purposes it looks like the Alliance has reclaimed Lordaeron, which makes the Forsaken pretty much lose any grasp on the region. I’m not saying they aren’t Lordaeroanian (Or whatever the denonym for them is), but to say they are the soul rightful rulers isn’t true. It’s been contested since the end of Warcraft 3.

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She left the city on her terms, executing one last move to kill Anduin, Genn, Alleria and Jaina!
If it had worked, it would only have lost a capital but executed a mortal blow against Alliance leaderships!

And honestly, I do not believe you want anyone to see this as ally’s victory, when “we” do not feel like a victory!
It was a Phirroh victory! She gives no encouragement for Teldrassil and the night elves!!

Do you feel defeated in Undiecity?
Well, I do not feel that a victory that occurs under the conditions of an opponent is a victory!