So the Alliance are just supposed to forget

We’re still living here. Definitely not burned to ashes or nuked out of existence.

Ain’t maiev the leader of the wardens?

Yes. Horde commits a genocidal atrocity, again, and alliance are expected to bend over and take it, for the greater good.

We consistently get shafted.

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I honestly dont have any idea of what you are talking about

And none of that wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t invaded the NE lands, burned their cities to the ground and killed hundreds of civilians. Oh and then started raising them into undeath.

You reap what you sow.


I know some are saying killing Rastakhan was the alliance retaliation for the tree… but from a players perspective, I don’t think killing off someone who has only just shown up in this expansion quite equals the burning down of something that has been in WoW since vanilla, I think from a player perspective, not a character perspective, the tree is far more devastating, and there’s a lot of nostalgia that surrounds it.

However, I am hoping that this means they are planning on creating a new more updated area for Night Elves and just needed a reason to get rid of the old one.

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I forgot about it 12 minutes after I saved those 3 citizens.

I feel like with the amount of major Horde characters that have either been killed off or written into obscurity, the Alliance needs to stop crying. Did you just sit aside and forget Theramore? Nope, y’all helped us defeat the one responsible, clearly showing that the Horde wanted no part of that. And you killed the Zandalari King we have been waiting eons to see. Are you gonna sit idly by and let Teldrasil slide? No, you’re gonna help us deal with another world threat, then Sylvanas will be dealt with. It is clear that 99% of the Horde want nothing to do with this and were in the middle of trying to figure it out when Azshara happened. Stop whining, the Horde as a whole did not do these genocides, and we are going to help make amends for what she has done.

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We should ask King Rastakhan how he feels about all this… Oh too soon?

Thats EXACTLY why its a Horde victory. Sylvanas denied the Alliance their Prize.

Imagine how you would feel if Tyrande showed up and chased off the entire Horde Army right before they were able to burn Teldrassil down.

If the Horde had to scurry off with their tails between their legs and the tree wasnt destroyed, would you call that a Horde victory?


Alliance (aka:Humans) ruin everything they get their hands on. They have honor, until it means acting upon that honor to help an Ally. Then it’s “Ohhh sorry, we can’t help you. What’s that? You helped us? Yeeeaaahhhhhh, well we’re tied up right now. Also, I’m going to need that stapler…”

Night elves need to just segregate and make our own faction. We were fine for 10’s of thousands of years until human babies came along and filed away our fangs. We were once proud, feared, empiristic warriors. History need reciprocating.

That was more his fault than ours. If you watch the fight from the Alliance side, we try to take him alive because the entire plan was to capture the city and use it to keep the Zand from joining the Horde. It was his constant demands that Bwonsamdi give him more and more power that lead to his own death. The power he demanded consumed him and Bwonsamdi left him to die.

Accept she is not the only one at fault. Sorry but “I am was only following order to commit mass murder” doesn’t cut it. Maybe if you guys had kicked her to the curb after Teldrassil but nope. Instead she goes on forcing undeath upon the NEs and then orders the brutal attack upon Brennadam. Yet you still did nothing about her…

The difference between this and Garrosh is the body count they built up before the Horde finally had enough.

I am sure we will put aside our conflict to defeat the Old God and his forces but after that, we have some issues to settle long before there can be peace once again.

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Roll a forsaken. That way you never have to forget or forgive.


True story that having more losses, losing 2 cities, having one of your commanders captured and being driven from the zone is a victory. Seriously dude.

That is nothing like what happened. Imagine if at the last minute Tyrande burned down her own city so the horde couldn’t get it. That is what happened in UC at least keep it consistent.

That isn’t even close to what happened. UC was destroyed because every other plan we used failed. Our forces were loosing so we sent out the azurite war machine. The azurite war machine was defeated so we pulled out the blight. The blight was countered so we tried to lure the alliance into traps in UC. Those traps were countered so Sylvanus decided to destroy undercity in an attempt to kill their leaders. That also failed and we ended up retreating out of the zone.

How anyone could even remotely consider this a horde victory just because the Alliance did not capture UC is beyond insane. The Alliance captured the entire zone. Heck what do you even thing the alliance would have done after they captured UC? Move in or raze it?

Horde lost more solders, horde lost two cities, horde lost a commander, horde lost their experimental war machine and horde retreated from the zone. Clearly a horde victory.


We argued this since BFA launched. You and I have a difference of opinion and see things differently. If we havent been able to change each others minds by now we never will. So not gonna continue to argue with you.

I play both sides. I prefer Horde (before Sylavanas). There is nothing in this expac I can see as an Alliance win. Not in any way shape or form.

I also cant see any Horde wins. Lich Queen Sylvanas wins yes, but not Horde wins. Hoping Saurfang / Zappyboi / Baine / Thrall will finally give us one.


I also play both sides. What has the horde won since Darnassus? Nothing in our war campaign. Alliance has countered everything we did there. Like I said that you considered the massive horde lose at UC to be a horde win makes every thing else you say suspect.

So we had Brill, UC, and all of Tirisfal Glade, but now we LOST them.
Scepter of the Tides? Lost that.
The Zandalari Fleet? Nope Alliance destroyed that.
Derek Proudmoore? Nope Alliance has him as well.
Both Shaw and Blightcaller say the Alliance is about to win.

Clearly Horde is on top here.

P.S. I just can’t wrap my head around how anyone can see the battle for UC as anything other then a catastrophic horde defeat. Horde obtained nothing while Alliance has the zone, destroyed 2 horde cities, dealt more damage to the horde army, destroyed our experimental war machine, captured a horde commander, saw the return of the most powerful mage on Azeroth to the Alliance and forced the horde to flee. It is like saying there is no such thing as a victory unless you have zero losses and gain everything.


Did anyone really expect anything else? They were never going to allow the Alliance to make a similar blow against the Horde.

How would we have done this?

And what could we have possibly done? I’m confused.

Go to the lore section :unamused:

The premises are crappy, i bet horde players dont believe the motivation for this war, i mean you guys attack us because maybe on 50 years we may initiate conflict? Genn that finally understands that not all the forsaken are monsters? 9 out of 10 times you guys start something Before we ever consider “damn, thats a lot of hordies”, second, were never getting proper revenge for teldrassil it would devastate horde playerbase, it was a cowardly act where civilians died in a most horrible way so the writer’s hands are tied, dazar’alor wasnt satisfactory either i could argue it was retaliation for you guys invasion of boralus, or brennadamm, instead of surrendering rasta died and we didnt even kill him he OD on death loa juice worst of all he wasnt even horde, this entire expansion looks like someone made concessions for every battle and made sure both sides were unsatisfied.
also spoilers of 8.2:


In 8.2 we lose our navy advantage on a trap laid by sylvanas where azshara uses the tidestone, our navy was following the rest of the horde navy and both get devastated when azshara parts the sea in two.

I can argue you destroyed everything treading from darkshore to teldrassil:auberdine, bashal aran, groove of the ancients,THE FOREST BETWEEN ALL THIS, and teldrassill was a mini continent on its own right, it also had its little towns that burned with the tree.

I agree with this but on your next point.


Look at my spoiler up there, we also gained nothing with our attack on dazar alor.

Because really… that was an honorable thing to do, you must take care in account troops morale when you are waging war, sacrificing your own troops morale can go only so far before they start rebelling.

I can tell you, the city was lost on sylvanas terms, we didnt get a choice on teldrassil, you guys evacuated all civilians, we didnt, im not trying to antagonize you here im merely answering.
Even if you play both side i call some bias on this, we lost much more on teldrassil and you guys didnt lose even half of it, i acknowledge you are unsatisfied because this war premise is stupid but so are we and ill tell you how it was a loss, we wanted to capture it but we didnt, we wanted to end the war you started but we didnt, we wanted to kill/capture sylvanas but we didnt and lost a bunch of resources while we were at it because, you know, we didnt wanted this war, and you know what message we always get on the alliance? forgive the horde, war is bad, like in pandaria, i wouldve sidestepped and let garrosh kill all those shadopan because tharan zhu was a naive idiot if not for anduin getting lost and the whole old god debacle.
I want good stories for both sides because i acknowledge the horde has a playerbase and that is good for the game and know the team can do good stories, but currently we are being handled turd-sandwiches on the big scope story, and i dont want to compete who has the smellier one, its pants on retarded, the only reason im wiring this is so you can see we are unsatisfied too.

Edit:bloody typo.