So... That new Store Mount

I’m low key obsessed with the crab, personally? XD Maybe it’s just me being weird, but I need it!

Also potentially Alliance getting the bee mount! Nothing beats the bee!

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Yeah, I need that crab mount too. Far more interesting then another dragon.

How bad is he blowing up over an optional purchase?

The store mount wasn’t just pulled out of a staff member’s rear end.
Company resources (time/labour) were invested into this and not the game itself.

To the consumer, it is disrespectful.

I wanna make something clear real quick. I dont actually care much for mounts. I do think the dragon is cool, if i had my choice id get the crab. But its the fact that its a pay to play game and by doing micro adjustments to the payment model they are making the general public complacent to future changes.

The industry did it with DLC, season passes and blizzard is partaking. My frustration wont change anything but we have to be aware of whats going on.

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Oh no. A publicly traded company is trying to make a profit (which by law they are required to do)? How dare they spend a few Dev hours on something that might generate a few bucks. Do you honestly think this game/patch would be any different if they hadn’t spent a few hours on this mount?

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I’m convinced there isn’t a single thing Blizzard can do that won’t lable them “Disrespectful” or “unprofessional” at this point.


How is it disrespectful to the consumer? You literally have the option not to buy it, it was made months in advance and it’s using an existing skeleton. If you want to complain about store mounts, look at the Reaver and Fay Dragons.


Its disrespectful because instead of adding to the content available in the patch they took it out and are selling it separately. its the same thing as day one dlc on games. or on disc dlc.

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How dare Blizzard be capitalist, how dare they try to make a profit.

We should protest them , make then make all mounts obtainable just by logging in .

Not only that but we must make them give College students a discount for game time and store services.

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So adding like 10+ mounts to 8.2 wasn’t enough? Especially unique minutes like Vertical wheels and side walking crabs?

I bet Blizzard would give you a free month and you would call it disrespectful because “they don’t want my money!”

This is absurd how far you people will go, the mount is a bloody reskin. Just another boring dragon.


Checking In.

Except it’s literally not?

Asmon blew up so much he ranted on and on. And someone said on other thread that he told people to /spit on the people with the store mount. I only saw part of his rant. So Idk if the /spit thing is true.

I have money to burn. Lets find out shall we?

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im sorry, do you not pay for this game? are you not paying a monthly subscription and paying for the expansion? did you get this new mount for free? no. its being sold separately, its literally the same thing

For a game that relies on active players, it’s not exactly helpful to have many YouTube videos with millions of unique viewers scoffing at the product itself for shamelessly offering cosmetics like a mediocre mobile game.

This opinion has been talked about by nearly every WoW content creator on YouTube, and to be honest it turned me off from subbing to Legion.

Feels good to have expendable income.


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I seriously hope this isn’t true, if it is I’m convinced half the idiots on these boards are just stream sheep.

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You do know different teams work on different things right?.

THey probably have a team just for making things for the store and if so that has no bearing on the game other then people crying in GD about it.