So... TBC launching on Blizzcon? I hope not

yea, i rlly hope they launch TBC this year :smiley:


What, did you want to be doing MC for a year?

TBC fixes so many classic problems though. Building up on specs and stuff. Reading right now which abilities were added in tbc and it’s quite surprising how we’re surviving without them - most of them still exist in retail


People are going to leave classic in droves to play TBC and then Wotlk. Both of those expansions were great. And you cant get the true nostalgic experience if you stick around in classic forever.

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Merge the lowest pop 9 classic servers into 3 servers. Take those 6 servers and make them 6 TBC servers.

Everyone wins.

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I like the pacing so far, but I think there will be a longer gap (closer to vanilla) between AQ and Naxx.

Each phase brings us closer to where were in 1.12 (the biggest problem with classic being the choice of 1.12 as the patch). We are ridiculously overgeared and able to min-max way better than we were when we first did MC, BWL, and ZG. There are green items that are way better than MC and DM drops, that didn’t exist in Vanilla. By the time we get to AQ, MOST of the gear most people are going to wear will have come from BG rewards / BWL which was available, in its current form, when AQ launched.

My hope is that most people (except the top 5% of guilds) will need to spend 2-4 weeks progressing through AQ, and my hope is that only those top 5-10% at most will be able to kill C’thun week 1 (increasing by 5-10% per week). If, like BWL, more than 50% are able to kill the final boss by the end of the first week, then they should just keep rushing out the content, and when TBC finally releases, they should make sure that the patch is relevant to the content so that we aren’t using OP talents and gear to complete it, taking the challenge out (which is what people enjoyed most)

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Yes. Would you like this to happen with TBC release?

Will you relax when TBC comes out before you get to even finish Naxxramas once, not to speak about getting the full set?

I will not play TBC. Ever.

Good, we didnt count on you anyway.

I hope you enjoy playing Vanilla forever.


Why not just wait for the expansion you want, then play.

Why play something you don’t like.

So many delusional people here who claim the Vanilla is the greatest iteration of WoW to ever exist and it may be true.

But Classic+ isnt Blizzlike, you cant have it.
You know what is Blizzlike? TBC arriving a few months after Naxx is released.

Ive enjoyed my Vanilla experience so far, its the only era of wow i didnt get a real crack at back in the day, but TBC or arguably WotLK is PEAK WOW, the subscriber counts dont lie.

Come at me Vanilla purists.


Sure, why not?

The Naxxramas patch (1.11) was released on June 20, 2006. Burning Crusade was released on January 16, 2007. That’s almost seven months between one and the other. If you can’t clear fifteen-year old content in seven months, you probably weren’t going to clear it anyway. So yeah, personally, I’m OK with seven months of Naxxramas before TBC comes out (assuming it comes out at all, which is yet to be determined).

That makes no sense. Naxx was live for 6-7 months before TBC. It’s not gunna take the best guilds 3 months to kill 4HM this time around. Relax

if classic doesn’t succeed, what are the odds of BC or Wrath happening?

you are operating under the assumption i don’t like classic. i do. i just don’t like it as much as i like TBC, and that is what i really want to play.

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I bet you play retail. I see this a lot with forever wow players. Can you play another game? Is it possible.

You think there’s going to be a Blizzcon

Oh you sweet summer child

Let the bodies hit the floor

There will be a blizzcon, it will be mostly streamed online.


You keep misspelling Wrath.


i don’t play retail. i don’t find it appealing. i do find burning crusade appealing.

and yes, i can play another game. i do all the time. lately I’ve been playing age of empires 2 DE.


Hmpf, fine.