So... TBC launching on Blizzcon? I hope not

AFAIK ZG is coming in on time when compared to past content. I sincerely hope that AQ and onwards will take longer. Blizzard has stated that later phases will have a larger release window.

TBC may be announced in November but there’s no chance of it being released then.

It already did.


The raids aren’t going anywhere, but the players are. If you don’t keep up to some extent, you will end up missing out on some of the more interesting stuff.

Excuse the way I quoted this. I wanted to distill the sentiment so I could address it.

Most of us aren’t going to play Classic for all eternity. If there’s a long content drought, people will simply finish achieving most of their goals, run out of things to do, get bored, and leave the game. This is how it has always worked.

The biggest difference between Classic and Vanilla actually ISN’T the game itself. It’s the community. WoW Classic isn’t attraction millions and millions of new players over time. It pretty much surged at the start and has been slowly thinning out ever since. This means that just like how people left during the earlier phases of the game, people are also going to leave during the later phases.

So there are two options here:

Release TBC after phase 6, and steal a huge chunk of the classic playerbase… killing many of the servers.

Don’t release anything after phase 6, and simply lose a huge chunk of the classic playerbase… killing many of the servers.

Either way, most Classic communities aren’t anything LIKE permanent. They’re going to die out when we get into phase 6.

Classic+ isn’t mentioned because anyone who expects ActiBlizz to spend the money necessary to create it has NOT been paying attention for the past 10 years or so.

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BWL farm phase is the longest phase. You will probably have twice as long to farm BWL as the highest raid tier (ZG is irrelevant) as you will AQ40. Won’t be more than 2 months between AQ and Naxx release. Seven months between Naxx release and TBC would personally be surprising.

prepare yourslf for alot of first day (week) clears.

I’d much rather they launch phase 5 and 6 earlier so we have more time in naxx. Don’t get me wrong I’ll still be well cleared pre-TBC launch but more farming wouldn’t hurt.

The playerbase is a different now and consumes content alot faster. I spent 10x the time farming consumes for BWL than I did clearing it day 1.

top guilds will clear naxx first week, every other guild in the first month.

everyone will have plenty of time to run naxx.

You shut your heretic mouth, BC servers are the only reason I’m playing Classic.


cottage cheese and pepper aint no joke

Can’t wait to see people get their teeth kicked in a second time around by Naxx

are u dumb? ppl are gonna clear naxx first day out

yeah, maybe 10% of guilds that even attempt it the first day. those guilds already having gone through the gauntlet of maintaining a full roster through AQ40 progression + weekly cthun/BWL/bindings farm

Nobody cares what you like.

Nobody will get full set in the first week. Unless he’s a Druid, there is only one Druid in the raid, and every boss drops a Druid item.

Aside from tanks and healers we don’t actually need AQ gear. My guild on their first rags kill (and it was messy as all hell) we were doing enough dps to down Patchwerk pre-hard enrage.

With world buffs being as prevalent as they are with the knowledge we have now gear is not even needed,

I suspected it as such. I have no issues playing Classic, indefinitely. Even if it means I’m the only human (doubt it’ll die to this extent) playing it. I do this weird thing where I treat games like games.

Pretty sure there’s no Blizzcon this year.

I’m not saying you can’t continue playing Classic. I’m saying it’ll be a dead game eventually if they don’t keep adding to it.

Right, but an MMO is supposed to be massively multiplayer. If you’re the only one, it’s not really an MMO anymore.

I’ve already agreed with you. I’m just saying I’m going to continue playing the game with or without some massive community. I still doubt I’ll be the only human playing, though.

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Literally no one anywhere thinks TBC is launching at Blizzcon. This is a particularly stupid thread even for these forums

These classic servers will die out eventually, regardless what happens. Server merges are inevitable. Whether we get tbc, a classic + (lol) or nothing afterwards, these current servers will get smaller and smaller. Is that an issue? No

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