So Sylvanas Has New Armor

So, we’re supposed to accept that she was mind controlled since ICC and nothing from that point onward is her responsibility? Yikes.


It wasn’t her fault, but she will go on thinking it was. Basically she’s going back to the ranger general who was noble and good, but is now going to feel guilt over things that she didn’t do. It’s a very interesting development, I think.

To be clear, this is the ONLY way that the Alliance gets any closure. If Sylvanas dies, nothing changed, she’s just dead. With this development, she will actually feel guilt over the things she did. So realistically this is the best story arc Alliance players could have asked for.

The only way the Alliance gets closure is her head on a pike.

Sylvanas would agree. You two think so much alike.

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The ends justify the means. Against threats that seek to end our entire existence, we will not shirk away.

This is in no way the “best story arc” anyone could ask for. Not for Alliance players and not for players who were actually loyal to the Horde (which Sylvanas Loyalists aren’t; they’re treasonous curs who should be stamped out).

We don’t want some magically re-appeared Ranger General of Silvermoon to suffer and spend the next five expansions having a pity party till everything is square and funsies again.

We want Sylvanas Windrunner, Banshee Queen of the Forsaken, Warchief of the Horde, Butcher of Teldrassil, Right Hand of Zovaal the Banished One, to suffer. We want every victory she ever had to turn to ash in her mouth. We want her to writhe in agony, both physical and emotional, as she’s eternally damned for the wrongs she laid upon the people of the world. We want to sever the head of the monster and parade it through town, before hanging it like a trophy, as we’ve done to the likes of Onyxia and Deathwing before her.

But this has been stolen from us. We’ll never have closure, never bring the greatest modern evil in the lore to task for her crimes. Zovaal is just a mustache twirling, generic omnicidal god of evil that you can’t really relate to or take serious. The evils Sylvanas committed are very human, very understandable and thus empathically easy to be reviled by. We want to make. Her. Pay.

But we can’t. Because of fanboyism, we can’t.

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Yes…yes we are.
Go Sylvanas!! :sparkling_heart:

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Ehhh she’s still undead. I doubt they’re going to do this.

How to delete an entire 17 years of character development:

Step 1:
cue recent cinematic

Step 2: Profit???


Well, you do. You do because you’ve got a vendetta and loose morals. Me on the other hand, sure I killed thousands of Night Elves at the tree burning, but I’m willing to forgive myself AND Sylvanas. But I guess that’s why the Horde is so great, we’re very forgiving.

I think they are trying to imply her soul was split and it was the evil side that was doing all the bs. Basically uther but more detail and effort trying to salvage a fan favorite leader.

You shouldn’t be forgiven.

Blizz is making it very clear that they do not give a rats rear about her crimes, she is waifu, you players shut up and love her. Or else.

Yeah that relationship wouldn’t make much sense… Besides with all the woke stuff, I feel like they’re going to push a Sylvanas and Calia thing.

Too late, I already forgave myself. Besides, aren’t you Dark Iron Dwarf, didn’t your people try to destroy the world a number of times? Weren’t your people forgiven?

The Dark Iron Dwarves should not be forgiven for the atrocities they committed, and most of those who were responsible are dead now. Blood paid for Blood.

We wouldn’t even be a playable race if not for Moira having stockholm syndrome and having a legitimate claim to Ironforge’s throne. But all of that is more acceptable and digestible writing then the second coming of Sarah Kerrigan.

Team jaina forever.Let it snow.

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Do you hate her because she’s peoples waifu, or do you hate her because she’s not your waifu?

I hate her because of her atrocities.

I hate her, because she should have been put out of her misery instead of being allowed to create some mock society of fellow abominations, instead of allowing them to be given the rest they deserve.

I roll my eyes and at times am disgusted by her fans who consider her their perfect smol bean waifu who did nothing wrong.

I can stand “Garrosh did nothing wrong”. I can’t stomach “Sylvanas did nothing wrong”.

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You hate her… because you love her so much. :heart:

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This is weakness. There is nothing to forgive and everything to celebrate. Sylvanas did Azeroth a favor by removing that putrid weed. It remains a warm memory in my heart.