So Sylvanas Has New Armor

Yeah or Varian getting taken out by a couple of Felguards.


Rando warrior noob is bladestorming an entire pack of these guys while outfitted in quest greens and watching Youtube videos.

Hello, consistency? You there? Hello?

While I find it silly Sylv got armor / weapons. Buuuuuuuuuuut. Our own toons are hella guilty for a lot of things and we still get to fight.

You sure do delete your posts a lot.

Is there any context behind her new look, like any actual information, or is this guess work?

Because people looked at the new cinematic and started claiming Sylvanas is half human as well.

It just sounds to me like people are throwing any old thing out there and none of it sounds right.

Okay. Here’s where I land on that one. My toon has blood on his hands. Lots of it. But none of it from innocents. So I can live with it. I don’t buy the argument of ‘collective guilt’ that says ‘Alliance/Horde did a bad thing, therefore you’re guilty of that bad thing.’ Yeah, I’m Alliance, but the first I heard of Camp Taurajo was the quest chain where I was tasked with finding out wtf happened. Did I raid Dazar’Alor? Of course. And the Zandalar trolls had interfered in a war that didn’t concern them on the Horde’s behalf prior to that. I think the expression is “F*** Around and Find Out.” Well… Rastakhan found out.

But the Alliance didn’t slaughter everyone in the city. We didn’t murder innocent people. We were there to send a message to a mouthy king. Message delivered, we left. That’s a far cry from “BURN IT!”

That is just bad story telling and a massive copout, i hate it when writters take the easy way out “oh it was her evil half, but she is ok” just bad bad writting

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Oh! Step back everyone… :laughing:

J/k with you :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

LOL! Right? I’ll be totally honest with you. I’m probably the worst DM ever. I have to have notes for absolutely everything and I hate ad libbing things. I don’t do spooky voices all that well and I’m constantly trying to kill my player’s characters. I don’t know why they put up with me. :smiley:

Okay. That’s not true. I do know. It’s because I’ll let them try whatever they want, and if they fail it’s on them.

Bellular did make a good point on story telling and how it her gear can be used for a more depth look . I would hope to see that with the three sisters.

I hate to defend Blizzard, but she wasn’t forgiven. I don’t know how anyone has gathered that out of the cinematic.

Given the quality of feed back a majority of players give game companies, I wouldnt listen to use either.

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I usually don’t quote this far back, but…


I like ugly Sylvanas better😯

If I, a humble Forsaken gentlemen can forgive Sylvanas, why can’t you?

Insert technical term for Corpse lovin’ here is a hell of a drug.

I stopped reading after this. Saved myself 30 seconds or so.


But she was mind controlled. The jailer is the one to blame. She’s completely Innocent. I know it’s a disappointing story, but according to the new lore she did nothing wrong. Proving once and for all that she is “morally grey”. :rofl:

The redemption of Sylvannas was foreseen ages ago. They will NEVER make good villains in WoW or hold any villain accountable if its female and her name is Sylvannas.

Horde apologists always ignore that their faction has committed actual war crimes and crimes against the sanctity of nature/morality/life, while the Alliance basically only ever attacks military targets and is sometimes “mean” to non-military targets (like when we disrupted the Vulpera trade caravans).

But watch them try to march out Garithos and Admiral Proudmoore like they were members and acting representatives of the current Alliance to try and justify their narrative.

I think I suggested this exact story development a while back… also I’m Forsaken, so I do like where this story is going. But I might be just a bit biased.