So Sylvanas Has New Armor

The man went out on his own terms. He’s earned his rest.

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This is giving me the same vibes as tauren shaman not being allowed to cave in Magatha’s skull back in Legion.

No, really. What can she tell us that the Primus can’t? There is no reason to keep her alive. We should at least get the option to beat the tar out of her.

Really think about it, what could she possibly know? The jailer wouldn’t tell her anything that can be used against him. The primus would know more about the doohickies of the first ones than she ever could. What do we gain by keeping her around?

Bring back Metzen, my god.


To me, her eyes spell Death Knight~

That’s actually part of the joke. And it is a joke. Apart from me being totally not fine with the whole thing.

It’s fine. I’m totally not.

Really? I need to link the video of Bellular talking about this? You can’t go to the Youtubez and search for it? Next level entitlement. Fine.

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Not really. Because people don’t usually have a desire to watch him. Especially when some sort of actual fact is buried in there somewhere.

I can respect that. Also found out when I went looking for the clip that he has, like… three different channels now. So… okay. Not an unreasonable request. And I do get that some people find him to be obnoxious. He doesn’t grind my gears as much as some others I could mention.

gets even better when you factor in blizzard for many things goes man…not enough time/people. You know its not easy being a AAA developer. so we can’t do this, get to that, or touch up that other thing.

so…that means someone put much time and money into this to have her not been seen often in it.

you modeler and texturer peeps…make us a great set of armour for sylvanas. make it so hunters wish they had it.

Will they?

Hell no…this is a ruse to throw off data miners. she will be seen for like 5 seconds before we send her off camera.

really? You are paying us for a week or 2 of work for a ruse? and will be seen for 5 seconds?

Yep. cunning is it not.

Blizzard is using the DID clause for Slyvanas as she had her soul split, and even though she did horrible atrocities they were committed by her evil half. However, now that her good half has been returned, and even though she feels horrible about what they did, that was not her and she is not at fault for it.

So, all the blame is on her bad side not her good side, and she is absolved all evil doing. It typical Jekyll & Hyde story in that the evil persona hides in the body of the good side, but they are not aware of each other or what the other has done.

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Okay. I think this principle should apply to people other than Taylor Swift/Goth Girl mashups!

Hey Blizzard! All those times you forum banned me? Yeah, that was totally my bad side. My good side had nothing to do with it, so I should be Forum Trust Level 5 or 6 or something at LEAST!

I mean… You want your Sylvanas redemption story? I want to be able to post GIFs. We can work this out?


Sylvanas is unironically far too lucrative of a character to waste on a B-Side vengeance plot.

Her new armor will sell more in statue models than the combination of everyone who unsubs because of the story.

Them’s the cold, hard facts.

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Blizzard had to find the easiest way to give her a redemption and this is one of the easier tropes to use to explain why they should be redeemed.

Oh and the fan art that will be made. All those poor pillows :sleepy:

When WoW players nearly unanimously said that she shouldn’t be forgiven, that it is bad writing and so on, they decided that she should definitely be forgiven. At this point, it does seem like Blizzard does the exact opposite of what players want.


If you were just a loyalist all along you wouldnt care about any any of this because Sylvanas did nothing wrong

It feels bad when they not only redeem Sylvanas but at the last minute make up this soul splitting stuff with Frostmourn. Also, with this, they’ve destroyed all the character building and agency of Sylvanas up to this point.


I follow some of the writers on Twitter. I’m respectful and don’t try to argue with them.

Reason I’m bringing it up is I want to acknowledge that it’s frankly sad seeing how they deal with all this. I feel for them, I really do. It can’t be easy having a constant stream of people telling you how you bad you are and that you should be fired. Because that’s just not a healthy place to be in no matter who you are.

That said, I can’t help but feel they don’t deal with criticism very well. You should acknowledge positive and negative critiques while ignoring the trolls, but I feel like when they constantly shine a spotlight about it on Twitter, the only thing that happens is that their followers become more aware of the fact that more people don’t like the story.

One of them even went off on a rant about how “show don’t tell” isn’t even a thing and that people are perpetuating an imperfect and baseless standard.

And I’m just here thinking “is this really happening right now”

I mean, like I said, I feel for them but… just wow

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It’s new plot armor.

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Yeah. But… she doesn’t need plot armor now? They made the Ranger General Sylvanas look like Taylor Swift and gave the actual NPC those slightly too big, blue, “I’m a good person now” eyes. And I swear I have not been able to get that old Kim Carnes song out of my head where she’s concerned.

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She’s isn’t all that dark from what I can see any more.