So Sylvanas Has New Armor

Because Blizzard has confused “Doing ANYthing” for “Doing well” since at least October 2005.

And the Developer teams have gotten objectively WORSE at that confusion since then.

I came into this thread looking forward to a well written critique of Sylvie’s transmog skills.

I am a most disappointed cow.

/moo :cow:


Cost cutting.

Everything they do would be ran on a budget they can’t stray from.

Plus with my knowledge of how people typically handle their money I’d wager that despite them making oodles of it they have none to spare in the face of lawsuit payouts, legal fees and unionizing staff revolt.

They’re also no longer hungry so they don’t feel the need to put in effort anymore, hence why they’ve let this fanfiction run rampart over this franchise. I don’t know who came up with it but it is horribly leaning in keeping Sylvanas alive or redeeming her actions just to keep her worthless cadaver around when 90% of the time in any other narrative direction she’d be dead by now.

why should any of us be shocked about the obvious redemption armor. honestly, if I were part of the Horde council I wouldn't stand to forgive her. but, you know...for the purpose. let bygones be bygones and all that jazz

Makes me miss Garrosh even more :cry:
The way Sylvanas has been “re-written”, sickens me.

How Danuser is having fantasies about A WALKING CORPSE still boggles my mind…


The problem with the new armor is this…

Hunters don’t have access to it. Therefore it’s frustrating to even look at.


It’s all a ruse for distraction so evil Sylvanas can kill Tyrande :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Et tu, Sylvanas?


At this point Blizzard’s writing wouldn’t surprise me if they actually try this angle.

When have we ever made decisions in an MMORPG that affect the long term storylines of major NPCs?

I mean, I don’t like the storyline at all… but I’m not going to pretend that me or my character gets a say in this at all.

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I was not aware you were a lead at Blizzard


Citation needed.

That could be said of any mortal hero though. Malfurion almost dies due to a normal axe because he wasn’t expecting the attack. Cairne died because he got knicked by a poisoned blade. (yes the follow up attack is what did it, technically)

And Sylvanas got brought down by a single bullet because she was literally shot in the back. Just because these characters are strong doesn’t make their skin any thicker if they get caught out.

It would make sense she would dress differently if she felt differently. Clothing is a way of expressing ourselves. Doesn’t really make her a “good” character.

One does not commission craftsmen to make new weapons and armour for personnel sent to the brig/prison.

they get a nice jumpsuit. With a most unfashionable color of say…orange. easy to spot if they run. and part of the psychological break down of a prisoner.

you are inmate 345454. the guy next to you in the same orange coveralls is 345455.
Sooner accepted, sooner this goes much better for you.

Long ramblings with no citation that all is forgiven. Shocker.

They need to give that set to hunters. It’s 1000x better than anything they have.

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They need to let hunters use leather mogs. its already in the class up to a level. And, well, mail mogs are jsut lacking, imo.


That would be nice. I wish they would get away from that ugly scale stuff they have been using lately lol. It’s so bad. It’s even in the new tier sets… /cries in hunter I want to look like an archer, I could care less if my armor looks like mail or not.

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