So should I NOT use the gear update on anyone?

I heard that it bricks your char from ever completing any heritage armor requirements. Considering they’re still releasing some for certain races, I’d rather not take the chance to lose that.

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Woah, I didn’t know this. That’s a kind of a deal-breaker on the gear boost. You’re talking about the ability to update a char’s gear when they haven’t been player awhile, yeah?

It breaks it because it’s flagged as a boost, though it’s worth noting that the “no boost” rule only applies to Allied Races, Core Races won’t be barred from getting their heritage done.

That being said, I’ve heard people say that the gear update is more trouble than it’s worth, since it basically resets your inventory (whatever you had will be in the mail) and actionbars, which is questionable when all you really get out of it is some mid-sized bags and a set of completely average equipment.

My characters that had gear updates showing previously no longer do.

Gear update is only worth it if you haven’t played wow or a class for years.

Other than that? It’s useless.


I’ve only done it to get free bags.

I mean i didn’t have any problem however i might have already been flagged for being eligible for armors before i did it. Also I did wait a couple days after applying it. Also it was my gnome so idk considering others have said it might be just restricted to allied races.

I used it on a level 42 Human Hunter and still got the Heritage.

It does not break heritage armor requirements. That was a bug that was fixed…oh, a year or two ago.

i don’t know about heritage armour, but i’ve used it on two alts so far and on each i ended up pulling my old crappy world quest blues out the mailbox and re-equipping them as they were better than the gear the boost gave me

This. There’s not really anything to worry about. For the core races when they get their heritage armor sets, just being level 50 is the only requirement. Allied Races require you to play them from the beginning.

I had a level 60 Tauren Hunter that I race-changed to Orc and was able to get the Heritage armor for Orcs.

Mate the gear update system has existed for like a handful of months.

Tried it with one alt, i had 252 gear in all slots. It gave me like ilvl 152 gear or something, and smaller bags.

Never used it again!

If you played ANY of SL, then i would not use one, because the gear given is absolute junk, just checked, its ilvl 132 gear lmao.

Ok I got the time frame wrong (it was before I returned), but still…it’s fixed.

Seems to me the only time the gear is an upgrade is if its just a random low level alt you stopped leveling because you got bored and are therefore in a mix of greens and blues (or missing slots entirely if low enough), almost none of which are actually for your current level.

But that’s also just… how leveling is? Like you don’t need a gear catchup system for that. It’s normal. So the whole thing seems pointless to me.

Maybe also some weirdness with old endgame patch gear when they smoothed out the ilvl increases between expansions, but this system was added way after that change and doesn’t seem like the kind of thing they’d be compensating for.

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This. The biggest problem I have, as you mentioned, is resetting my action bars when I used the gear boost. I had the hotbars set up just how I like them on my alts that are eligible for the gear boost. I got really annoyed once I saw that my hotbars were reset. I use Bartender if that makes a difference. The gear was an improvement from what I had before. If it didn’t reset my action bars I would be fine with it.

Doesn’t brick core races. Only requirement for core races is rep.

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It doesn’t allied races anymore either. Even if the gear is worthless…why not. Vendor it and get a few gold.

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Had a 60 dh that I tried it on just to see and yeah, was far worse than the SL pvp gear he had, and that wasn’t even 250 ilvl as it was just some base honor gear from the end of SL.

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I mean, for demon hunter it gives you a recolor of the set you start in.

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