So Shandris Feathermoon is the Night Elf Representative for the Nazjatar story

Like I’ve said before, we have different people and groups writing about the same subject, and it’s bloody obvious that no one is bothering to keep them on the same page. So my feeling is when I see contradictions, I go by what’s presented in the game. Prior to her being the Night Warrior, Tyrande never used any other weapon in game. And generally the bow itself only came out when she was a boss in PVP raids. When you’re assisting her in a quest, she doesn’t bust out a weapon at all prior to the Darkshore gig.

I see your point and it’s not wrong but the books do trump the game.

Actually on classic she does use the glave when she’s a city raid boss.


As I’ve noted elsewhere, Classic is not Vanilla. It’s story is a strange mishmash of Vanilla with elements of every other expac thrown into it. Anduin being King is one of them when he wasn’t King in Vanilla. (either Bolvar or Varian was the PVP target back in those days, depending.)

Classic, Vanilla same thing. In Vanilla, BC she used the glave until they updated her model. She used the bow too but I know she had the glave in game.


The Night Warrior also has a healing aspect, at least for the dead.

This is also stated in game in an Archeology item:

    Necklace with Elune Pendant

    Elune is the primary goddess of the night elves. She is associated with the larger of the two moons, the White Lady. While she is a goddess of peace, she is not a pacifist. One of her aspects is the Night Warrior, who takes the valiant among the dead and sets them riding across the sky as stars.

This is likely what we saw with Ysera in Val’sharah.


Looking up her abilities on the respective websites, one of them is “Cleave” which would require some type of melee weapon, like a glaive.


Exactly and I just watched a video off her using that weapon on 2 horde players.


The funny thing is, the polearms used by Survival Hunters are closer to an irl glaive than moonglaives or DH’s warglaives.


The point of the whole things is for the Alliance to blame the Horde, not themselves. The assumption is the Alliance would have done everything in their in power to help each other, while the Horde abandoned them when they promised to fight and potentially die if need to be save Azeroth.

Besides, Jaina of all the characters in WoW, is the last person the Alliance, or really anyone, should guilt trip more.

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Khadgar (or any mage, really) could also have saved Varian.

He was destined / designated to die on the Broken Shore and nothing was going to save him from that unless Blizzard on-high ordained it so.

I don’t recall Jaina even being in the picture at that point either. After leaving the Kirin Tor and removing herself from the (visible) events of Legion, I’m not sure how she would have intel to act on either.

She didn’t really involve herself when Argus appeared in the sky. If a planet above Azeroth doesn’t scream doomsday, then I’m not sure what impetus she’d need to act.

So were we still talking about Shandris out of this entire nearly 300 post thread?