Verlius’s Note: The contents of this post are not my own, but from my friend Wintersong on the Story Forum’s Discord! Please keep in mind while reading that they are not a native English speaker, which could result in possibly strange wordings, etc
We all remember that glorious polygon interview from Steve Danuser, right? There is plenty wonderful things which can be discussed, but for now I will stop on particular one:
“ Tyrande Whisperwind, the Night Elven leader, leaves Stormwind and starts a rogue operation of her own. Tyrande becomes the Night Warrior and begins the task of hunting down Forsaken in her territory. It’s a major change for the character, and one that almost didn’t come to pass.
“ We certainly considered” making Maiev, the notoriously vengeful Warden, the Night Warrior instead, he says. Maiev had a full story arc in Legion with Illidan and the Vault of the Wardens, however, so the writing team decided that Tyrande and Malfurion needed a time to shine — as well as the ferocity of the Night Elves .”-Danuser.
When we looking on bold parts, first which comes to mind is- Night Warrior originally must be passed on Maiev, but Tyrande “stole” it. Second is- by doing this he just admitted, Devs have no idea what to do. And while many claimed, “ Devs have no idea what to do with Tyrande ,” I come here and say-“ No, they have no idea what to do with Night Elves in general, including Maiev too, and their previously established lore .”
Before we start, I want to make myself clear:
I dislike Night Warrior as it presented in 8.1. Power ups almost always were cheap tools for telling a story. And it doubled when applied on person, who were already strong enough.
In perfect world I would prefer Night Warrior be just metaphor, as it was before, which just indicates that the Sisterhood stepped on warpath, rallying and leading Kaldorei forces to war. Warriors of the Night, assemble.©Priestess of the Moon. Remember? But Devs isn’t.
Anyway, what done, is done. Night Warrior aspect as we saw it in 8.1 should exist, someone should ascend and powers must be granted.
Main question-Who? Tyrande or Maiev. For answering such question we need:
1.Take a look on what Night Warrior is, actually. Or what it supposed to be.
2.Take a look on both successors.
Let’s start:
- Night Warrior.
Elune is the goddess of peace. Her divinity and domains of magic are strongly associated with healing, tolerance, and nurturing life. But she is not a pacifist and will not advocate peace at all costs. One of her aspects is the Night Warrior, the goddess of war.
“ In contrast to the previous times that they had met, the novice priestess of Elune-the Mother Moon-wore an outfit more befitting the way of war than the peace of the temple…
To Malfurion, she looked more like the priestess of a war god and evidently Tyrande could read such in his expression. With a bit of defensiveness, she admonished him, "You may excel at your new calling, Malfurion, but you seem to have forgotten the elements of Mother Moon! Do you not recall her aspect as the Night Warrior, she who takes the courageous dead from the field and sets them riding across the evening sky as stars for their reward? ”
“ The Sisters of Elune did likewise, their groups poised to aid in whatever way necessary, be it healing or war .”
“ Then, another welcome surprise-chanting came from the center of the advance. The Sisterhood of Elune, resplendent in their battle armor, strengthened the fighters further. Day might have held precedence at the moment, but the priestesses’ rhythmic singing literally fed the nocturnal warriors. It was as if the moon herself suddenly hung over the host.”
“ Warriors astride night sabers charged into the battle from all sides, their beasts mauling some of the demons before the latter realized they were under assault. As the newcomers attacked, they sang. Malfurion gaped at them, only belatedly realizing that they were not the soldiers of Jarod Shadowsong. Their armor was more silver and-he looked twice-shaped for more feminine figures. The song he heard was in praise of the Night Warrior, the fearsome battle incarnation of the Mother Moon .”
Then we proceed to Cataclysm:
“ Elune guided Shalasyr’s spirit from her remains and allowed her husband, Jarod Shadowsong, to relive all the tender moments of their marriage. Meant to be a private experience between lovers, Elune showed only Jarod and the spirit Shalasyr what she did, even excluding the High Priestess who officiated the funeral.”
“ The Night Warrior takes the valiant among the dead and sets them riding across the sky as stars.”
Necklace with Elune Pendant Archeology.
“ It would seem that one could expect special power from washing their face in the fountain… Upon opening your eyes, you are able to see the spirits of ancient elves.”
Quest: Nothing a Couple of Melons Won’t Fix
“ In ancient time, after battle, the enemies’ weapons were to be cast upon the basin in exchange for a divine gift of some sort.”
Quest: To the Hilt!
“ According to ancient legend, this ancient brazier was placed here for the performing of sacrifices. From what little you remember of the stories, a blessing is bestowed upon the being who places the flesh of Elune’s enemies on the brazier’s burning embers.”
Quest: Ten Pounds of Flesh
So? It’s still about manipulations with souls. But now it also added offerings by flesh and weapons, which is also pointed on things suited for God/aspect of War.
Next in Legion, upon Ysera’s death, Elune reached down and cleansed Ysera’s body and spirit as well as her relic the Tears of Elune. Ysera’s spirit was seen lifted and dispersed in a dragon-shaped constellation.
And in BfA we have this one:
“ Legend says that long ago, Elune bestowed her fury upon our greatest warriors to secure Kalimdor. In a sacred ritual, the strongest among them became her avatar - the Night Warrior. Our victory was swift. None who have attempted the ritual since then have survived. Elune’s raw power tears them apart.”
Quest: In Darkest Night
So let’s summarize all of this: Night Warrior is fierce aspect of War who also takes the courageous dead from the field and sets them riding across the evening sky as stars for their reward.
Now let’s take a look on successors
“ She has become vengeance itself, bound forever to the hunt.
I only pray that in her zeal, she doesn’t cause even more havoc than Illidan ”©Malfurion tft
Only the strongest wills can stalk evil into the heart of darkness without succumbing to its temptations. Maiev Shadowsong knows that all too well. -WoW Maiev page
Maiev Shadowsong stood watch over the imprisoned Betrayer for ten thousand years, and hunted him relentlessly after he was released. Some say she’s determined; others say she’s obsessed. Either way, she will stop at nothing to ensure the security of her world .-HotS
For 10,000 years I have served as Warden of the Barrow Prisons. In that time only one has escaped, and you will not be the second. Abandon hope, for I am Maiev Shadowsong, and none shall flee my grasp!"- Heartstone
“ she is the leader of the Sentinels a group of warrior women who have sworn to protect Kalimdor’s shores while their male counterparts, the druids, sleep in the trance-like Emerald Dream. Tyrande is a fiery warrior ” –wc3 manual.
Tyrande is the High Priestess of the moon goddess, Elune. She has served as the leader of the night elf Sentinels for nearly ten thousand years, but her long vigil has left her with little mercy for those she regards as her foe. An exceptional and fearless warrior, she stands as one of the greatest heroes in recorded history. – WoW Vanilla manual.
Tyrande Whisperwind strikes fear into all who wish ill of the Kaldorei. As the highest ranking Sentinel and High Priestess of Elune, she is not only the night elves’ most deadly warrior, but also their most cunning leader.- HotS
Not everyone sleeps during the night. Under the light of the moon, I truly shine, for the goddess Elune grants me strength and her power shields me from harm. I am High Priestess Tyrande Whisperwind. Those who dare harm my people will not live to see the sunrise !-Heartstone
I took information about both from WoW and external sources, and as we see there isn’t any inconsistently. There is stable view on both characters.
And after that Mr.Danuser, you gonna tell me, you considered Maiev for Night Warrior first? Really? You were ready to slap a pure aspect of War on Vengeance/Justice girl, while a real War/Goddess Wrath girl was all this time around? You considered using Maiev as main person who will react on Kaldorei harm, while all this time it was Tyrande’s theme? Brilliant.
It’s like if in Legion with Illidan/Wardens story, you will suddenly receive Tyrande as main character, instead of Maiev.
Also when I read that the sole reason that you used Tyrande. after burning of her city’s and huge life losses of her people, instead of Maiev (mind you, it even isn’t Val’sharah elves, whose allegiance to Tyrande under question, or CC who have neutral reputation since vanilla, it is exactly NE under Tyrande leadership), only because you considered her appearance in Legion as not enough(actually it was enough, aside from her opening soul to champion, she was good, really good in Legion, but this is another story)? How out of touch you can be for saying that at all?
Despite Danuser’s interview about Maiev/Tyrande choice being notable, first time when they failed on this happened at Blizzcon, and then it proceeded in game, post ritual.
I talk about Terran Gregory interview on Terror of Darkshore cinematic. When he suddenly said that Night Warrior was Warden inspired thing. Why? How? Do you read your own lore or what? Or it was because soul shenanigans? Then it is once again wrong, because Avatar of Vengeance operated not with souls, but rather with emotions, like great desire to revenge, which shaped in such ghost forms. See difference between Maiev&Sira avatars. So they just took stable concept, which reinforced by solid portion of established lore in years(!) and decided to make it “physical”, but since first successor for that was Maiev, in their eyes(once again, this is brilliant decision, no less), they just shifted it in muh Vengeance direction, for no reason. Great, just great.
From here rumors about Tyrande=Maiev 2.0, the only way make Tyrande interesting it’s gave her Maiev treating- started.
Then we saw ritual which only reinforced that to absurd degree. But we will talk about it little later.
On one hand, claiming, that all Vengeance in the World should be Maiev is, just laughable, no less. Like your home with your family just gone in flame, and you can’t avenge them, because what? There is some woman in the world, who patented that, right? Tyrande have all rights to do it. Thing is, it’s not about what she gonna do(avenge her people), it is about how she gonna do it.
(If you think otherwise, then in this case Maiev stole Tyrande theme in WotA, where they gave her for no reason Senior Priestess role, and made Tyrande some wishy-washy “chosen” girl, instead of solid character building in role which is always meant to be for her).
And here we come to:
On other hand, what exactly would steal Maiev theme is over usage such words as Vengeance/Justice and more importantly, acting AS Maiev . And that is what exactly happened.
This is just ridiculous.
We literally got situation where(reminder, unfortunately NW should happen as it presented in game-aka avatar of “X”) everything was settled right for good story.
You have Night Warrior as furious aspect of War, you have Tyrande who is always represented that, you have Maiev who is represented Grim Vengeful stalker/huntress. You have catalyst aka burning. All you need to do is:
1.Ascend Tyrande as embodiment of wrath, and let her lead kaldorei army as tide of primal fury and ferocity. Which will sunk every Horde presence in Kaldorei land. As it always supposed to be.
2.Since Maiev on board after burning, send her do what she’s doing best aka stalk reinforcements/supply lines/some key targets etc, you know, what was actually presented in Terror of Darkshore by Malfurion. Like sign for Horde, they cannot escape their doom. As it always supposed to be once again.
Malfurion and Shandris portrayal I will skip for another story.
Here we get story, where Tyrande and Maiev playing own roles and not stealing from each other anything, while pursuing single goal-Vengeance for their people. It is really plain and simple, it is so obvious. But not with current Devs it seems.
I just lost my mind in attempts to follow their logic, and how they came to this solution.
Instead of Tyrande, they decided to put Maiev as main character in upcoming story first, so they changed Night Warrior for it be more fitting her, then they came to the conclusion that using Maiev as main representative is wrong, but for absolutely wrong reasons, they switched to Tyrande, but not changing Night Warrior concept back for as it was established and actually fitting Tyrande.
Completely messed with how characters should act.
In the end Maiev is leading the army, Tyrande stalking Horde and yelling that she muh Kaldorei Vengeance and will bring Justice, left, right and center
We got Tyrande, who acting as Maiev, and Maiev who acting as Tyrande.
Now, when I look on all of this, I was just in undoubtful awe before current writing team, because creating such mess with all that established lore would required real talent and true passion.