This is true in game. I doubt the lore will remain that way. Prior to BfA Ashenvale probably looked like it did in classis according to the lore, except for the Cata landscape changed the Orcs attacks aren’t happening. Why they never updated it from Cata is beyond me.
This is something I can agree with. This is a possibility for them if they are not killed off. Had you lead with this I would have agreed with you.
Believe me, I’m with you. One of my few high level alts is a draenei mage. I made him a mage because I’ve always been slightly triggered that Blizz completely ignores the draenei’s incredible arcane heritage. It’s one of the reasons I look back so fondly on WoD: it finally showed the draenei having a significant arcane bent to their civilization. In MU Azeroth though, they’re all either priests, paladins or shamans.
It just really annoys me that the Alliance used to be the powerhouse when it came to the arcane due to Dalaran and Silvermoon, and now we have exactly zero civilizations that are dedicated to it, while the Horde has not one, but two.
So we are told, but from what we actually see in game, the Alliance are the magical powerhouse, with Jaina as the poster girl.
Anyhow, you can just chalk the Horde’s supposed edge in magic to the Alliance’s supposed edge in technology and spacecraft, as things that should be consequential, but really aren’t.
I know, I acknowledged Jaina in my first post on the subject. We also have Anduin, the greatest priest to ever exist, and Malfurion, the greatest druid. Meanwhile, before he quit, the Horde had Thrall, the World Shaman. The most powerful shaman ever. They also have Sylvanas, the greatest ranger/hunter of all time.
When looking at the strengths and weaknesses of the factions I try to ignore the Godlike hero characters. Otherwise it’s entirely pointless and we may as well have arguments about whether Superman can beat Goku.
I don’t know, I think he has a point here. It does feel like the Alliance isn’t as dedicated to it as it once was but Jaina is the main Alliance arcane representation. If anything the horde should have the edge with the Sunwell and the Nightborne.
Are you sure about that? Anduin really? I think I’d put Velen above him and possibly Tyrande over them both.
In any case the is a clear power difference in the two factions but i’m not sure if that’s shown accurately in game.
He’s revived an entire army on the field of battle. At the very least that puts him up on the scale as performing the greatest stunt of holy magic seen in a cinematic.
That’s even more true if we go by the claims of some posters that he not just revived that army but resurrected it.
In terms of actual power over the Light, I’d put Velen over him. In terms of the game’s narrative and how it treats Anduin, I place him on top. I doubt we’ll ever seen Velen do something significant with the Light ever again, whereas I’m certain we’ll see Anduin do many feats.
I’m honestly not sure where Tyrande falls. Is her access to the Light similar to Anduin’s and Velen’s, or is it dependent on Elune’s grace?
Yeah even before, Elune’s light was always not really clear in lore.
Now Tyrande still uses silver abilities but mix it with darker ones.
At this point Elune’s light seems closer to some sort of star/astral magic than holy.
I feel like these was just mass res. Incredible to see but I think it maybe something others can do, but I could be wrong and it’s Blizz way of showing his power and his significance as a priest.
If this isn’t true I don’t know what is.
I think it’s the same and different. Elune is a part of the light so priests have access to it though her. From what I’ve seen Tyrande and the sisters can do the same abilites as other priests. Tyrande seems to have an extremely high level of access to the Elune’s light, similar to Anduin. Her prayers never go unanswered, and similar to Velen she has visions. She also has access to celestial abilities unique to Elune. I do think that however without Elune Tyrande would just be another powerful light wielder jusy not in the same level that she is now.
Whatever the enigmatic Night Warrior is she now has full access to Elune’s power. She now is able to use what seems like the duel light and dark aspects of the goddess.
The ritual that Tyrande evoked was for her most curel and vengeful aspects. That doesn’t really sound like a continuation of her healer role. Tyrande abandoned her mount and her bow, her assumption on the Night Warrior was contingent on her giving up all aspects of what she once was, Healer and Huntress. to become a pure engine of vengeance. If they were going to develop this story any futher it would probably would mean her end.
You have thi remember though all of the sisters are trained to fight as the warrior is part of Elune just as the healer is.
Actually Miaev said that she abandoned those because she had to go to the ritual pure. She had to be unburdened for the ritual to work. It’s kind of a cleansing process, at least that how I took it. But also the priestess of the moon class was never just a healer huntress their is also the paladin aspect to that. Warrior priests are basically paladins anyway.
Also I don’t know why she uses that bow in game, the lore clearly states that she prefers the moonglave.
When I PVPed her on the Horde side, I was always under the impression that Tyrande was the Alliance mirror of Sylvannas. She’s never used a glaive in the books I’ve read. The in-game lore states that the bow had never left her side since the days of pre-Sundering.
In Stormrage it states that she favors the moonglave. She even creates one out of moonlight when she loses the real one. In WotA she actually uses a sword. I remember that description about that bow and I found it odd considering the lore.