Nathanos is Danouser self insert and main bootlicker of the warchief, he need to apear everywhere.
but that was what happened? tyrande and malfurion stay to fight in darkshore and shandris go to naz’jatar
Nathanos is Danouser self insert and main bootlicker of the warchief, he need to apear everywhere.
but that was what happened? tyrande and malfurion stay to fight in darkshore and shandris go to naz’jatar
I meant that Tyrande or Malfurion is enough to hold Darkshore knowing that there is also Maiev and all nelf forces.
It would be hilarious if the Broken Isles became the new Nelf home via Tyrande just marching over while everyone’s fighting Azshara and nuking Suramar.
I mean, I’d hate it, but I’d laugh too. It’d be so awful but a somehow fitting culmination of all the garbage that’s been heaped into the shape of this story so far. At least then the Nightborne would have a good reason to be galvanized.
Isn’t it sort of unavoidable with this type of game, though? You get very limited time with story, so naturally a lot of the story has to be implicit.
I’m not saying Blizzard’s writing is good—just that even good writing for WoW would involve a lot of inference and subtext and head canon.
Oh, it’s definitely generally unavoidable, or, at the very least, would require a lot more work and employee work hours in the same number of limited days - which, realistically, is not plausible - as resources are limited, and Blizzard has to pick and choose what they want at any given time.
Though, in this particular case, they did have a Jaina comic:
This comic ended up being completely redundant because of “Warbringrs: Jaina” and most of Jaina’s quests in BfA. So in this particular case it could have been avoidable if they had used this comic instead to show Jaina’s perspective at the Broken Shore and then what she was doing after, instead of skipping the Broken Shore and having what Jaina was doing on her own be a single panel and ultimately not really adding anything with the resources they used up.
At the end of the day, only a small group would even think/much less care about it. For the most part, aside from the story forums(and maybe a small handful of GD post) no one has ever blame Jaina for Varian not being saved. Even in game no one mentions it and we just have to assume that there was a perfectly valid reason why she didn’t.
As for the collapsing suggestion, they would have to possible animate her getting aboard the skyfire(of course she should stay collapsed on the ground!), animate potentially holding something while the ship tips over, and then actually have some dialog reacting to Varian’s death.(robbing some of the dramatic effect from Genn).
What? No we don’t. That’s like saying we have to assume there was a perfectly valid reason why catapults could burn Teldrassil.
Blizzard can just have bad writing, you know.
See right above your post about the Jaina comic they wasted their time on.
The Tedrassil thing could easily have been fixed if they mentioned they used some Azerite, but anyway back on topic. Jaina not being able to teleport has never been a hotly discussed or even an important enough plot point for many people. Well, unless if you hated Jaina then it was always used against the character.
Adding that felt a natural thing for a comic about what made Jaina tick. Ultimately, Blizzard I think always has to make a decision about what should and shouldn’t be focused on and there are always trade off.
That’s actually on topic, since Blizzard could have easily fixed a lot of things, but hasn’t, specifically because of what you pointed out:
Doesn’t mean we have to like those trade offs.
See, the Jaina thing really bothers me because Varian died and she should have been able to easily prevent that. It’s a major story beat, not a minor side-quest.
And if she could have prevented it but didn’t, there should be major story consequences. At best, something prevented her, and we should know what it was. At worst, Anduin should be furious with her for taking off and leaving his father to die.
It’s like having Superman in the comic, but then something terrible happens that he could easily prevent, and he is just randomly missing. It’s impossible to overlook.
You’re misquoting me again. I said I’d accept it if it was a well done story. It would have the advantage of the Night Elves no longer being Blizzard’s favorite chew toy.
There is no scenario where that is a good thing. I don’t care if the story is good or not. Wiping them out, not just a large potion but all of them, for the sake of a plot line is terrible. An ancient civilization gone just to further the human focusn terrible.
It’s a better end than being reduced to beggars in the streets of Stormwind.
That is clearly temporary and why do you assume that’s the end game for them? I get a hero or a large group of them going out with a bang to preserve the others but the whole civilization getting killed off, after what happened with Teldrassil?!?! Your constant criticism of NE fans wanting anything combined with your frequent lore inaccuracies are annoying, both of which are made worse by the fact that you post with a NE avatar.
He summed this up perfectly. I’m done with you.
I have seen hundreds of posts saying, essentially, “make night elves fierce again like WC3”…would this be such a bad thing?
(I guess it depends if Blizz turns it into an “villain” thing or uses it to strengthen the NEs).
This is the important point. If it strengthens then fine but it would suck for them to use that as a reason to turn her into a villain.
I dunno. On this, I actually half agree with Drahl. Not that the Night Elves should die off, but that eternal beggardom could be a real thing for the Night Elves. I mean, how long have the Gnomes been squatting in Ironforge? And they’ve made the Worgen doubly homeless, rather than touch Gilneas.
And this is why I kill every 7th Legion Night Elf I see when I play horde. It’s a better fate than seeing them reduced to serving the human empire just to avoid starving on the streets.
I’ve thought about this too. It’s unfortunate that that they are in this position but it’s better than killing them off. At least they have the chance to rebuild. I have an issue with then not being given that opportunity. I hate the current situation, HATE IT, but I don’t think or hope it’s not the end game for them. I doubt it remains that way in the lore but it might for the game which sucks. The poor Gilneans can’t catch a break.
We’re not going to get Darnassus back. Darkshore is locked into being a perpetual seesaw warfront. the encroachments the Horde made into Ashenvale in Cataclysm are pretty much permanent. There really isn’t a place where the Night Elves come back from what they’ve lost.
What I would like to see is the restoration of Nighthaven as the Night Elf capital and enough of this koombyah representation of a combiined Night Elf/Tauren druidism. relocate the common center of Druidism to the Dreamway and have Tyrande take back the Moonglade and the Felwood.
Or better yet, let the Taurens have their own style of druidism in the Barrens or Mulgore.