So Shandris Feathermoon is the Night Elf Representative for the Nazjatar story

Unfortunately I think something along those lines is possible. Thousands of her people killed, she become Elune’s vengeance, and then Saurfang is released. They could take this totally in the direction that Tyrande wants nothing but war war war. It’s not like they haven’t screwed the Night Elves before.

She could have worked with them, it could have worked, at least with those 2 characters.

Feathermoon Stronghold was not created until after the Horde came. It’s purpose was to keep them from taking over Feralas. During Long Vigil and the Styr War before that Tyrande was leading the Sentinels.

That is also not true. In recent times she has focused more on the sisterhood and let Shandris lead the forces but even Garrosh stormed into Ashenvale it was Tyrande that personally lead her forces from Darnassus through the Zoarm Strand and straight to the front lines.

Also who do you think saved Malfurion from the Nightmare and battles it’s forces both in the walking world and The Emerald Dream? Who cleansed Erakanus in Moonglade when he went crazy?

I agree. She’s and intresting character that’s been on the back burner for too long. Now that she’s getting some development maybe they’ll give her a new model. She doesn’t even look like the General of the Sentinel Army.