So sad demo is back

Rivinroon out there chopping that wood getting it done.

Same lock just sent me this from a key he did

These are overall numbers

Very interactive spec yeyeye

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Why are you posting this garbage?

Take any spec with a bunch of undergeared noobs and youll get the same results.

Posting dungeons logs out of context is the cringiest thing ive seen all day.

Literally git gud.

Okay now you’re cruising for a bruising, tune demo pvp i dont care. But leave mythic+ demo alone let us have this please

Mythic+ is joke content anyway

Im about to break your friends pc if he keeps sending screenshots

Mage, lock, and feral are all within 5 ilvls of each other and mage/lock have 4 set to feral’s 2 set

All around the same m+ score all of them were like 2400-2500 m+ score last season

We can debate whether m+ is a joke or that there’s no context (even though it’s not that relevant given this is overall at the end not a random pull or fight) but this group is pretty on par with each other in every measurable metric

I know you are a demo main and you’ll cape for your spec unless or until it’s made dog water, but there is no arguing that whatever changes were made to demo between last season and this season were bad

No spec’s damage breakdown should look like that

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PvE forum is this way son.

Go join them if you like it so much.

Good peasant. Now back to the stables with you.

Some specs can AOE cc the demon squad when Tyrant comes out

Give demo metamorphosis back

I’ll die on this hill !


Destro is more broken already with just the 2 set. You can’t CC, range, or LoS a portal.

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Can ground it. Rsham meta inc

Pls no

At least games will be fast since they do no healing

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trying to trap anything when a demo lock is in the game requires the patience of a buddhist monk

25% of his dmg done is his main pet.
23% of his dmg done is from people standing out casting in front of observer.
12% of his dmg done is from dread.
9% is from vile.
7% is from himself
6% is from imps.
I see nothing wrong with this breakdown. It isn’t overwhelmingly “non main pet” damage and if he was specced differently, imps would be 40% though. :wink:

This was like watching a ‘i am very smart’ dude, with thesaurus in hand, try to play alpha to an -actually- intelligent person.

I don’t know where that other guy got off to but its probably raw special instinct caught up and got him scrambling away before you could spit out the rest of his cringy internet-guy argument

Please I stand on my healer with 10 imps, 2 dreadstalkers, a vilefiend, fel guard, and a fel lord and the hunter just throws the trap in the vicinity of my healer and it somehow lands.

deserved for having a 3v30

OK, require the demo warlock and BM hunter to cast 2-3 times every 20-30s to apply those dots then. That can be interrupted IE kicked. Also dispels despawn all the pets.