So sad demo is back

Destro gonna be more broken than demo with tier lol

Mark my words

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maintain whatever rating you’re at rn without moonkin form or this is cap

why does sofan want casual readers to think he doesn’t play demo


And get Polymorphed, lose 10% damage? No, thank you :smiley:
As someone who plays the exact same class, I am sure you realize any ask to change defensive capabilities, nerf or buff, is the absurd outcome of damage and mobility imbalances of classes going against you, and exclusively these issues.

I sometimes wonder when some of you started playing WoW…
When a game changes so dramatically, especially in pace and intensity many will just stop playing it, as is evident by our current predicaments.

Your issue is with pet classes. Youre just biased, this conversation is going nowhere.

But I can guarantee you this, demo will keep clapping you behind pillars right into the next expansion.

Also to your question: shaman root totem, druid roots, war fear, ret blinding light, evoker root, dk blind, mage root and ring of frost. I can keep going.

Im out, its just bad players crying as usual.

My issue is with FoTM feeders and elitist online tribalists gaslighting people about how the game works and should be balanced, and promoting thoughtless PvE gameplay in PvP.

But you are right. Discussing this amongst ourselves contributes to nothing.
Have a nice day.

it’s crazy to watch you hype yourself up for the insight that dropping moonkin form actually has more tradeoffs than the armor that was obviously the point of the remark. i never thought of that! what a deep cut. you must be some kind of thinker

this is ai generated word salad

this is vague sloganeering. put down the thesaurus you’re not qualified to use it

You clearly have no patience or practice with reading comprehension. I hope it’s the former, because it seems to be purely selective.
It’s no surprise that the same people are the ones advocating for keeping the less effortful gameplay strongest.
I WOULD normally say if you want a zoomfast, go to Overwatch, but WoW is becoming more like it, so y’all win.
Let’s just make everything the same boring thing. Everything hits instantly and does 100k dps. CC is null.
Then, wonder why healers are complaining and queues aren’t popping.

what kind of cataclysm would have to strike the earth for you to entertain the possibility that you’re just doing a terrible job using words to express whatever it is you’re attempting to say

The exact same that would make people to read and think about what others are writing back to them instead of clinging to “I’m right and good you’re wrong and bad just because”… ideologies everywhere.

It doesn’t matter. The patch notes determine everything here.

I fare you well, and good luck to us all in whatever meta comes.

i gave you a chance. this is pathetic even by the low expectations you’ve set for yourself.

i hope you didn’t waste your own money on an english degree

I would gladly give you money if you would be willing to go get conseling for your gnostic guru-like narcissism. Online trolling is a serious issue…

Do you genuinely see yourself eligible to talk down to people because of some line in your rating tab or whatever?

Anti-gaslighting disclaimer: I have the right to respond to personal insults made by an elitist angry person.
I will report trolls as always.

All I can say is:

I love when a patch comes around and lets demo FINALLY express the skill we possess.

Were just better players :heart:

i see myself as eligible to talk down to you because you’ve made 3 editing passes on this post and it still says “conseling”

that’s kind of the theme of everything you post. you have the socratic depth of a peanut butter sandwich

So you are also a an ethnocentric/ racist/ supremacist?
Yes, I am using language I detest, but I rest my case as I’ve shown your true colours.
Reported. Goodbye and good luck.

because i combined the superpowers of

  • knowing how to express myself in english
  • knowing how to spell an english word
  • remembering that you voluntarily bill yourself as a writer by trade

seems like a long reach. are you a reachist

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Not true, and even if I were, am I then expected under your insane arbitrary troll standards to maintain a linguistic decorum in a colloquial forum?
You’re playing with fire here… the hypocrite is showing.

Put that aside, the fact you remember things about commenters and choose to pick at them with those details because you disagree with something they have to say about a video game is weird at least, bordering on pathological. Being petty personal is bizzare and concerning, especially if you are an adult.

You have no argument, so you’re going after posters.
That warrants a troll report. Good luck, have fun.

P.S. Professional writers have editors. I Gotchyu.

wrong, i don’t even remember what you initially said. i’m organically conversing with you, replying to each new thing you say. maybe this is an unfamiliar experience to you

yeah 100%. it is zero exertion for me to meet the bar you keep coming in well below. where is your socratic reflex?

there’s no editing that makes this drivel a meaningful answer to the question i asked

see line 1

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Therein lies the problem.
You are not here to talk about WoW PvP, you are here to bully people because there are no repercussions.

That’s alarming.

that’s the opposite of what i said, but okay i’ll do the work for you and dredge it

you issued this claim: “armor doesn’t matter in modern pvp”
i argued against it: “that’s easy for you to say behind plate-equivalent moonkin armor”
you replied by either honestly missing the point or being deliberately obtuse. and you refused to go back and respond to what was actually said! i am not responsible for your failure here

it would surprise me if a microwave beeping isn’t alarming to you

That’s false to begin with.

I have no idea what you’re trying to do, except being mean because it seems you are not used to receiving backlash for your anti-social behaviour.

Reported for trolling. Goobye. I wish you good luck on the weekly vault :slight_smile: