So sad demo is back

Fair enough, but I still find it hard to see the argument for why lock or hunter pets should be able to stop me healing myself behind a pillar and finish me off. I also still don’t get why there needs to be that many of them all over the field. It’s low-risk compared to having to cast and CC in LoS as most casters do, let alone being up your enemy’s face as a melee.

Same friend in raid I think


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If anything that makes demo worse. CC the felguard, suddenly you have a non soul link lock with 50% less dmg.

I swear its like you guys dont even try.

The pet is nothing more than a DoT with more abilities. Just because you run around a pillar doesn’t stop a DoT from doing damage. Just like a mortal strike lasts a specific amount of time. Just because you ran around a pillar doesn’t stop it from reducing your healing.

And most demo locks pump their mastery up a ton, so they lack the haste to get off their own normal spells in a timely manner. That means fear, shadowbolt, and other spells seem to take forever to cast and are easy to counter. That’s why most of the damage is placed into the felguard… to compensate for that.

I really wanted to make the demo lock my main in blitz brawl, but it was miserable to play mostly because the mobility spells that worked so well in arena absolutely sucked in a blitz brawl. Those mobility spells require constant set ups that are never ideal in that setting. Whereas in arena you have time to set up the gate and circle teleport, not so much in bltiz brawl.

Maybe if the devs let us set up the teleport circle 30 to 40 yards away from us instead of right under our feet…

To be fair, the same thing has been said about BM every time it has been good in the history of the game

“Just CC/kill the pet!!”

It doesn’t really work like that the vast majority of the time

I am rooting, roaring and cloning demons btw… Starsurging observers…
That’s the thing, my time and risk casting on NPCs should be rewarded at least equally to the time the pet class spends casting at me. You’re not actually stopping the lock because there are 40 pets on the field. You can’t stop the damage or the CC, you can’t dispell pets like DoTs.

That’s because BM hunters have a lot of instant cast abilities whereas a demo lock needs to literally cast everything other than agony. And most of its damage comes from one school of magic. I think Hands of Gul’dan is the only exception.

I mean, i get your point, but ccing the felguard literally cuts demo’s lock dmg and cc by a ton, and makes him lose one of his major defensive passives.

I know were all playing RSS, but a proper retwar for exemble would literally blow their CDs on the felguard then immediately swap to the demo, and its insanely hard to deal with.

Big difference between demo and BM is also that demo casts. Its the biggest turret caster out there. So its much easier to be disruptive with them.

Btw, i play demo, and devoker, so ive been on both sides and honestly dont feel its an issue yet.

Armor only reduces the damage of Felguard and Dreadstalkers. Imps, Vile Fiend and even Tyrant do magic damage. Also Demon Bolts can hit 100 k non crit. Armor doesn’t really mitigate much. Good Demo Locks maintain 100 k dps.

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You can. Tyrant, you root n hide. Suddenly the lock does 0 damage for 15 seconds on his majjor cooldown.

As a devoker, I save my root for all tyrant gows and fly you idiots out of harms way cause youre just so oblivious.

Averages about 34% of my dmg in arenas

Wild imps 2nd

Dreadstalkers third

I don’t play vilefiend

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I’d love to know the roots that last 15 sec. Also good Demo stuns you twice into Coil on the go so before you can do something you already take quite a lot of damage. The only spec I play that does well into Demo is Enha thanks to the talent that increases the damage of Stormstrike for every target hit with Crash Lightning. Ele and Shadow feel miserable into it.

Roots break to DoTs… my AoE root is 30 sec cd… I can go on…

As a general note, by the time I cast to manage maybe 10% of those pets, the two classes dealing 100k unstoppable DPS have already won. I’ve started just trying to CC Demos and melting their teammate as the strat.

Good thing this aint a 1v1. And rooting + retreating usually mitigates 10-15 secs, which is the go.

War’s that know whats up leap aoe fear and run. Rets blinding light, etc. Etc.

Just gotta git gud.

I mean theres no 100% way of shutting players down.

If your vision of demo is there should be a way to make it do zero dmg while being wet paper, i think your biased.

No, not at all. My vision has the game like it’s been for most of its years up until this zoomfast overwatch meta expansion. Every class should have a chance to respond to others. Skill and casting the right thing in time should win out every time. PvE damage, hide and seek and sending computers to do your work for you across the map is not skillful, nor fun. Every playstyle should have a counter. As it stands, half of the melee classes and a couple of ranged, esp. pet classes, do not. Butchered CC that takes time and cooldowns doesn’t count. Delaying the enemy’s button mash by 1 sec is not enough. It’s a miniature version of the Ret 10.1.5 problem - every classes cooldowns, outputs, utility and mobility should be of relatively close weight. You’re trying to protect PvE gameplay for reasons that elude me. It could sound like you are FoTM biased…? :slight_smile:

I mean. Demo is literally the most reactable to. You font get a free pass cause you go behind a pillar. Pet classes can counter you. Plan for it or get screwed lol.

Demo has high sustain if left unchecked, good cc and low burst. Literally the definition of a reactable spec.

Okay. Name a CC in the game that counters 30 pets of different calibers and archetypes being all over the map, pummeling you down with micro CCs and doing more damage than you can sustain. More than most of the other classes in the game btw. NPCs, doing more damage than players… You’re trying to protect a terrible design that nobody is enjoying except those on the side sending it…

Just leave it it’s impossible to get the guy to ever admit the slightest possibility of demo being overtuned


Indeed. Now, if you want an example of a Warlock that hits hard but is counterable - see Destro.
If you eat bolts, that’s definitely on you. I may not like the pillar gameplay, but that’s the way it is.
Even so, that’s totally different to the Demo situation. But as the comment above me rightly suggests, it’s going to be very hard to get FoTM enjoyers to admit the game needs be balanced every now and then… at least we can all rest assured it will be, in due time. :slight_smile: