So Riot is hiring veteran WoW developers does this mean RIOT MMO?

Anyone know if they are hiring Ion to join Ghostcrawler?

Probably another MMO that will be trash. I’ve played them all over the decades. I’ll try it out when it comes out in 2027.

Who knows? Just because there are a bunch of ex-WoW devs making the game doesn’t mean it will be good. Remember Wildstar?

Who really cares, Riot’s practices make Blizzard look like saints, which is saying something.
They aren’t a company I’d support personally.

Riot hasn’t made any good games, so i don’t know why this new one would be any different.

wildstar wasnt made by ex devs though init?

I saw the word “riot” in the title and thought that this was going to be a political thread.

Because the community is toxic only talk about what they want to talk, is crazy the madness here, this stuffs are making wow die in the future.

Riot is making an MMO.
It will probably be good, based on the resources and talent they can throw at it.

Nothing is ever set in stone though.
Looked at LoL lore once and it’s a lot more developed than I thought it would be.

At this point Runterra as a world is comparable in development to Azeroth.

Which isn’t bad considering they rebooted its story and basically rebuilt the entire world from scratch back in late 2014.

A Riot MMO is old news. It’s not surprising they’d try to recruit people from the most successful MMO of all time.

There’s only been an announcement and poaching of Blizzard employees. Zero other information about it. The fact they haven’t even done a website with concept art or FAQ means it’s still in vaporware stage.

No. You are asking in an MMORPG forum titled General Discussion which is for WoW chat not other mmos. Please ready the guidelines and post in the appropriate place.

Eh, low quality anti-WoW bait thread, I really don’t see why you continue to pay just to have access to the forums to try and get in cheap shots at Blizzard. Surely you have better things to do with your time, or better games to play.

As for the topic: is this in regards to the Tweet you shared yesterday? The girl went to Amazon first to work on the LOTR MMO that was just recently canned, so I’m not surprised she left to find another company actually working on an MMO. Will it be good? Who knows, it depends on if they go the boring route of general high fantasy like every single other MMO out there right now. It’d have to be special to win over WoW, ESO, FF14, BDO, Tera, etc. etc. Or they try to create something new, and risk it being as fun as Wildstar.

It could be good, but odds are it’ll be a F2P mess of predatory micro transactions, and it wouldn’t surprise me if they put classes behind a paywall like they do their LoL characters.

Like how this is flagged… why?

Anon is a well known troll and Riot officially announced they were making an MMO earlier this year.

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Got it thanks lol

I dunno about that. Their card game Legends of Runeterra is incredibly generous for a card game, and pretty much all well known top down mobas make you grind for characters except Dota 2

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My prediction is it will be good since GC is at the helm.
It will have more buyers/subs on its launch day than wow ever has, why? Bigger playerbase than wow already

and that’s just the LoL players, other gamers will be interested as well. So I predict an unprecedented launch day. Then I predict “wow is dead” threads like you’ve never seen before. Then after the initial hype everything will settle down and life will go on as usual :man_shrugging:

You really hit a nerve on these forums with this question didn’t you?

I’ve only seen people (YouTubers) speculating on what could be coming from riot games. There has always been this idea about some big new WoW-killer game rising up that will do all the things right that WoW does wrong and sweep the players off their feet. While there are games that chip away none have been able to even get close to WoW.

I think it’s highly unlikely, but there’s always a chance. WoW has been around so long and through so many iterations. But they are definitely stumbling right now. I don’t think Riot is looking to move quick on their game, in fact from what I can see they only have job openings and an announcement that they are making a LoL MMO. So it’s not alpha or beta, it’s probably mostly concept art and project plans.

I think if it comes out and is a typical mmo it’s going to do ok, probably pull in some LoL players. For something to be a WoW killer I think it has to be new and the content has to be engaging enough to really pull people in for months. Enough to get them talking and sharing with their friends to say, “you HAVE to come play this”.

If Riot is focusing on innovation and creativity and letting devs run wild to find something new and fun then I think they have a chance in the market. If they are simply doing a copy/paste of the mmo format and ‘re-skinning’ the mmo genre with LoL I think they will probably end up somewhere in the top 5-10 mmo’s but probably start even smaller.

Much like Dreamhaven and other spinoff studios, we will have to check back in on them in 3-5 years when things start actually launching.

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