So Riot is hiring veteran WoW developers does this mean RIOT MMO?

If so is it gonna be good?


perhaps you should ask this on the riot forums.



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Im asking an MMORPG forums that is World of warcraft currently to distinguish if the idea of a RIOT mmo would be good or not. So why would i ask this in a different forum?


Yes, no, maybe, I don’t know. Could you repeat the question?


they’re veteran developers who happen to have MMO experience. they’re not necessarily “MMO developers”


I didn’t say they were/are MMO developers.

They literally announced a while back they are doing an MMO.
Google is your friend.


Sorrry busy playing this amazing expansion. UWU


It might be good, but probably not if it’s being made by the developers that made the game you hate. Honestly, it’s not Warcraft so I won’t be interested in it. When I inevitably get tired of WoW, that will probably be it for gaming for me.

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You spent all that time posting on the forums.

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good joke, cus… ya know… riot killed their forums

So firstly, wrong forum, if you’re going to ask about a Riot MMO, well, there are the Riot forums and other non-wow related forums that would be able to answer your question better.

But if I had to take a stab. Too early to tell. The MMO market is not easy to break into and a popular IP doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll get success (Warhammer Age of Reckoning and Star Wars the Old Republic would like to have a word). We’ll see what happens, but I’m not expecting much.

which is the WOW Forums. Cuz warcraft. UWU

Riot has said they want to do an MMO. No one knows if it will be good except for maybe Greg Street. Right now it is all sugar cubes and lollipops. Next year it could be dog excrement.

What kind of developers they have literally means nothing.
What matters is the leadership they have and what the company ultimately wants.

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refer to this

Oh, you are trolling. Not surprised Anon but you should know better.
You spend X time making this thread.
You’d have your answer faster by googling it.

Not sure why you bother but w.e

The way the normal game is in lore i don’t see how there going to be a 100+ classes work from League of legends work in a MMO setting mind boggleing really.

Because we have absolutely nothing to go on. Riot has only ever made 1 game; a MoBA. The current alternatives to WoW are Final Fantasy and the Elder Scrolls; both of which capitalize on major franchises that stretch back over decades.

There’s absolutely nothing to suggest that a company with no experience in MMOs and no existing IP to use as a foundation would suddenly be able to craft one that can compete with WoW, ESO, and FF. If anything, there’s more a chance of that happening at Dreamhaven, and they’ve specifically said they don’t want to do it.

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