So rewatching old wow cutscenes:

It has been over 10.000 years, is the immediate first thought you have if you get to return to your homeland of “Well, I better check on the people we locked up and forgot about”? I don’t get how folks complain about Dragonflight’s story without understanding parallels.

No Night Elf really ever “forgot” about Illidan when he was locked away for 10.000 years. But because no one also thought of him for that long, that meant that he was assumed gone, dead, no longer, and so on. It wasn’t until Tyrande was reminded of Illidan that it became relevant.
Why would we assume Alexstrasza, a diplomat, would start thinking about combat and war immediately upon returning to the Isles? Especially since each region still had to be stabilized first and foremost. And before you ask “but why though?” again, locked away. Until Razsageth told us what she was up to, we had no idea what was happening. At the same time as we were told Alexstrasza was also told and reminded.

We have no idea what she sought to do while we helped each flight get established on the isles. And let’s not forget that the plan was “Activate the Oathstones to reinvigorate our aspectral powers again”. As it turns out, the Oathstones (as far as we know) only ever related to each respective’s flight connection to the Dragon Isles and their particular oaths. Not anything about their aspectral powers.

Furthermore and again, Alexstrasza for being an aspect is easily the weakest of them all. She can’t control time, have an entire realm to herself, have no control over the leylines that stretch across Azeroth, or can call upon the might of Azeroth itself. She’s the aspect of life, her task is to be as close to a nurturing mother as possible ya’ know … the reason why she’s not fighting is because she’s as close as possible to being a pacifist.

On top of this, let’s not forget that we as mortals have repeatedly beaten (with relatively limited help) the Aspects again and again. If Raszageth can beat Alexstrasza, why not send their most combative aspects to deal with her? Like the black dragonflight’s aspect … whom didn’t exist yet.

Alexstrasza ain’t dumb. Nor has she ever been. What one can call her is naive as all hell though! But then again, listening to why Vyranoth and the other Primal Incarnates chose to fight the aspects is why she was willing to ally herself with us. Not just a tentative alliance as she first proposed but for all intent and purposes as a Primal dragonflight. Just the same way there are now freed and non-hostile skydragons on the Isles. Why there is a Netherwing flight on the isles now.

Now, calling a diplomat acting diplomatic … that is something I think we can agree on is dumb.

And quit with this jackass attitude of calling anyone and everything “brain damaged” just because you dislike something.


If I’m entirely honest, if they were to have properly developed The Jailor … he easily would’ve been a far more interesting and complex character than Arthas ever was. Regardless of whether an expansion or three were dedicated to his nipples or not.


Why was the op flagged? Are we really that sensitive? ^^"


80 billionth “wow is weak now” thread, its spam


It’s not just Arthas, though. The entire franchise of “Warcraft” was shoehorned into a moral ambiguity trope in Warcraft 3: Good Alliance Arthas HAD to become Evil, and Evil Horde Thrall HAD to become good. IMO, it didn’t work, at least for the long term.

This isn’t Game of Thrones and it isn’t ESO. It works in ESO, there is no concrete Good side and Evil side: each nation stands fairly equally have their own ambitions and national “interests” In Warcraft, it took MULTIPLE Retcons and re-imaginings to get the Horde into a halfway decent organization, and the Alliance has just been dragged through the mud again and again.

Arthas is just a product of that.

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Thems fightin’ words.


80 Billionth? you mean there are 80,000,000,000 threads like mine?

Last I checked “this is my rifle there are many like it but this one is mine”

Same Concept: this is my thread, there maybe many like it but this one is mine so I don’t see how it falls under spam outside of your own mind.

As I said: I still do love wow, still do play wow, I am taken a memory trip with videos FROM WOW’S VERY PAST feeling some type of way, it is my right as a wow player, forum user, and paid subscriber. Sometimes you can post something postive (again like i still play quite often) while pointing out its weakness (god this is a children’s show at times) and it just be that: a conversation, we are aloud to have objective conflicting views of something we enjoy at least last I checked.


I’ll be entirely honest… I haven’t got the faintest clue what on earth you are on about here. At no point was either faction universally good or bad. At least never from Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos onwards. Can’t speak about Warcraft I and Warcraft II, but everything about the lore has never really painted either faction as good or bad.

they don’t enforce it but you’re not supposed to start a new thread when a similar discussion already exists.

The Orcs are evil invaders and corrupted by Fel when the story starts. It isn’t really until Warcraft 3 where they get a redemption arc.

I’d imagine this was done because WoW was already in the works and having one side the good guys and the other side the bad guys, might not have worked.


Pretty sure that Wiggly tuff was implying that people that complain about DF being Care Bears is a:

Whether they were just implying that to the OP or every one their gender is still irrelevant to the conversation. They could have just left it as “this is spam”, which is kind of true since there are already threads on this topic.


Can I fire you for no reason?

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Yes. Bring it. I’m your huckleberry.


Over 9000?

Can we turn this into a cat thread now?

Wait… can we turn this into a The Boys thread?



Like where we had legion and BFA cinematics the real comparison of how bad it is now should be the Sark cinematic…

It answered nothing and was just “boo hoo daddy issues” DED!

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Why is that?

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Same reason I can’t watching the first 15 minutes of John Wick: I’m a dog person.


Oh, thats fair. I’m also a dog person and had burned the durotan one from my memory.


I’m really weird when it comes to cinema deaths.

“YAWN oh look some younglings were killed.”



Someone post the 5 minute cut-scene of Deathwing and Alexstraza fighting in Cataclysm if you want to see how far we’ve come with cutscenes.

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