So really how many would race change their Blood Elves to High Elves if they became playable on the Alliance

This. The cosmetic difference is slight at best, the lore clearly states, as Calenaur said, that the last prince of Quel’thalas decreed that there were no more “high elves,” that they would be known as “blood elves” from that point forward. A few here or there didn’t stay in Silvermoon, didn’t draw on the power of a captured Naaru, and didn’t have their eyes change color. And they still crop up from time to time.

But they’re splinter groups, separate from what was the very essence of high elf culture. They would still be welcome in Silvermoon like Alleria was until she nearly corrupted the Sunwell all over again with foolish shadow magic and void essence, but “high elf” is blood elf. Lor’themar took over as Regent Lord after Kael’thas left, and has led and looked out for them ever since.

Even if the remaining fraction of so-called “uncorrupted” Sin’dorei that still have blue eyes (who are “high elves” by leftover technicality alone) became playable on Alliance, I wouldn’t switch. I might roll a new alt and get it to 25 like I did with so many others, but I don’t need to have blue eyes or an Alliance tabard to play a “high elf,” because my blood elves are already as “high elf” as it gets. :stuck_out_tongue:


Nope, I made Blood Elves because they were the only Elves the Herd had at the time. I will likely make Helves if they become available. Now if they make Half-Elves for the Alliance…

void elves are high elves. therefore, we already have them.

really, how is this not basic knowledge at this point


I mean, its mostly because they’re not

High Elves are the rep you work with in WotLK and MoP

Void Elves have tendrils digging into their brains like maggots and hear the endless laughter of those who lie beneath, their eyes constantly pulled back and staring at the unending truth of the cosmos that we will never see

Very different things

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proof. Evidence and logic says that they will happen. If ion doesn’t do it the game director after him will.

Blizzard is a business. They have nothing to lose whatsoever from adding them but they do stand to lose out on money for not adding them.

Hey now! That’s just mean. :cry:

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There is an entire megathread dedicated to the discussions of high elves, both for and against. Bring your poll there. This is just spam.

There is your thread for high elves.

There is your one against.


Since you were already playing a high elf to begin with, is it really a “race change” if you change from blood elf to high elf? :thinking:

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I would not faction change. I mean why would anyone who mains Hordeside faction change just for blue eyes?

Why would I want to give up the great racials, huge pool of raid/mythic+ players to draw from, and being written to actually DO things instead of REACTING to things the way the Alliance is. It just doesn’t seem worth it.

I’d make High Elf alts though. Cause… well why not? I’ve got alts of most of the allied races already, whats a few more?

Idk why it needs to be asked. Just look how popular Velves are and add like +25-50%.

I’m not sure the popularity of velves has anything to do with Horde Blood Elf players faction changing their mains.

Excellent point.
With the cleansing of the Sunwell I can see a story going forward where our separated brethren come back to Silvermoon and join the Blood Elves. We should have a reconciling with each other.


I wouldn’t or couldn’t care less about the race of my toon, as long as he’s Gnomish

God, that would be so funny. I can hear the screams echoing through time…


Dont need to. BEs are already HEs, just ask Khadgar’s minion you follow around during the BC Shatt quest.


Not much we can do about the extremists who play wow… :scream_cat:

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I think the truer indication of popularity would be how many who play a Void Elf would walk, nay, RUN away from them if High Elves were playable.

I was always an Alliance player and was DEFINITELY pro-High Elf/Anti-Void elf. Guild fell apart, I said “screw it” and faction changed to Horde and started researching the lore of the races I was playing to enrich my experience. Once I did the Blood Elf heritage armor quest line I was permanently hooked.

Blood Elf and Horde for life now. For the Horde! FOR THE SIN’DOREI!

(but if you wanna play an Alliance High Elf, I hope you get to someday)

The problem is the “High Elf” story really did end when the Blood Elves renamed themselves. They had an opportunity in Legion when Alleria shows up after 10,000 years to find out the kingdom she knew has fallen and her sister is now a banshee and High Elves are now Blood Elves.

She could have rallied the remaining High Elves, swayed some Blood Elves back into the fold, and BINGO: High Elf playable race …

OR rallied the remaining High Elves, trained THEM to use the Void and become a “crack commando squadron” or whatever (I still laugh at this … Gods Velves were so poorly implemented) …

OR hell, they should have changed Alleria’s story, had her infused with Light from boinking Turalyon for 10,000 years … or have her be the only non-Draenei to surivive the Lightforging ritual and BINGO: Lightforged Elves. She returns to Azeroth, infuses all the other High Elves with light … new Allied Race.

But no … we get shoe-horned Purple elves and Alleria reduced to giving useless upgrades to the BfA experience on a boat in Tiragarde Sound.

(eye roll)


If I race changed my blood elf to a high elf on the Alliance, I wouldn’t be able to use her to play Horde story lines. That would defeat the purpose of having a blood elf Paladin.


Actually it is not I am simple asking a question that as yet to be asked in those threads but has been shown to be a fear by Horde players as a reason for not allowing a NPC race to be made playable and I am honestly curious. But you are entitled to your false assumption.

It is discussion revolving around high elves. Something which has been beaten to death over the years. We have two threads for both sides of the argument.

Your poll here could be used by either to support either end. Therefore those threads are the place to put this poll and idea. A new thread is not needed. It’s just spam.

Bring your poll to the appropriate threads.