So really how many would race change their Blood Elves to High Elves if they became playable on the Alliance

Since it has come up by some people that if High Elves on the Alliance became playable there would be a mass exodus of Blood Elf player race changing to them. I decided I would create a Staw Poll asking just that.


You won’t get reliable data on the forums…


I don’t race change. Especially for what? Eye color? No thanks.

Edit: I eventually did race change but not for eye color.


I’d need a Blood Elf to do that.

/looks at characters

Yep, still no elves of any kind. :slight_smile:


You mean faction change?

No, because:
-I have no money to do so.
-Even if I did, all of my characters are already established as Blood Elves.


True but you can indeed get a basic idea same as with any other poll even a census poll

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I doubt it. You’ll get helfers putting no and antis putting yes to mess up the poll.



Blood elves look much better and have better transmog options.

Void elves have the coloring of dead blood elves. Ugh!


I would happily roll up such a character, if they became available. But race change? No. Too much invested in this lil’ angel here.
Flips hair


true childish people exist on both sides of that particular debate and would “troll” any such polls but i am still curious as to how it will turn out. I will leave it up for about a week before I close it all the same.

I wouldn’t race change. Why would I even want to? I just don’t feel the lore would support it which would make the construction of a back story ill fitting, at least for me.


Nope cause I don’t care about these high elves.


That’s my thoughts as well, but since that has come up as a reason against Alliance High Elves being made playable I figured I would just ask and let players answer. I love my Blood Elves I have a few of them, would I faction/race change them, not in a flat minute. Would a role a new character , in a flat minute.


No, it’s not a polling of wow players, it’s a polling of us weirdos who post on the forums.
How do you know anyone would be honest with it?


I will be adding a link to the poll to other venues such as the reddit and so on, it’s not just going to be a WoW forum poll

Blizzard just gave alliance void elves, a carbon copy of the horde’s most played race, be happy with what you have been given

Do you seriously think they are going to give one faction and extra race of playable elves? Right now each side has two races of playable elves, alliance has night elves and void elves, stay with me now :slight_smile: and horde side has blood elves and night borne. Its equal, neither side can claim favortism or bias.

Just let it go and be happy with void elves, they speak Thalassian, ride hawkstriders, same animation as blood elves, and same body style.

I really hope they just put the silver covenant on a shelf and let this dead horse be put to rest.


Your response has zero effect on the question I asked. But thank you for the thread bump.


Eh. If I wanted one I would just create one. Even if I had the disposable income I would still just make one because I like playing.

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Big nope. I have 0 interest in High Elves. I’m not happy about void elves on the Alliance either, but that’s life. I’d be happy for those that want them, but I’d never play one.

If they added San’layn to horde however, that’d be where my race changes would go.


Oh you have no idea. I’d race change all my chars to High Elves. Blizz would be rich that day xD
Though I doubt DHs would be included in which case she would be the only one who isn’t a High Elf.