So ranged survival in NW

Survival didn’t have it’s roots in melee. That’s asinine. All of the melee abilites exclusive to SV (that weren’t shared with other specs, i.e., Raptor Strike and Wing Clip) were designed SPECIFICALLY to allow you to get back to range because, as I’m sure you recall from playing in vanilla and BC, there was a dead zone, and if not a deadzone, still a transition from melee to ranged. So yeah, those melee abilities were designed for you to NOT DIE when an actual melee was using you as practice for their upcoming proctology clinicals.

Also, there is no complexity to MSV (PVP perspective). The extent of the difficulty is pressing 6 instant cast buttons when they light up instead of 3, and refreshing some dots. It’s not rocket science. The only added complexity (if you can call it that) is having to be in melee range to interrupt. There is ZERO interplay between your abilites unless you take a talent that literally nobody uses in PVP. Further, you can set up your own traps without burning a stun and have a pretty decent self heal.

What makes no sense to me: Why does SV rely on their pet for focus regen via KC, but BM uses Barbed? Shouldn’t those functions be swapped? You shouldn’t be completely boned as SV if your pet dies, you should just lose some utility.


were designed SPECIFICALLY to allow you to get back to range

Yes, so it always had melee/ranged hybrid roots, the devs must have been really smart back then to be on the right track so early.

Also, there is no complexity to MSV (PVP perspective). The extent of the difficulty is pressing 6 instant cast buttons when they light up instead of 3, and refreshing some dots. It’s not rocket science.

No one is claiming it’s rocket science, but the complexity is mastering when to go in and when to kite.

Thank you for illustrating my points.

I think you have some form of cognitive dissonance, you’re unable to accept a rather small change of opinion. It’s very obvious to anyone not furiously slamming keys what he is getting at in those two statements.

but also focusing on melee instead of ranged offensive abilities.

That statement is literally making you angry. That’s really weird dude, don’t think I’ve seen someone get upset over something like that ever on any forums.

Perhaps his first take was incomplete, and now that he doesn’t agree with you you accuse him of cognitive problems. If I were him I’d stay away from crazy people like you tbh.

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By that logic, Warrior also had hybrid roots, and still must be hybrids since they had/have ranged abilities. And Rets. And Windwalkers. And all specs of Rogues. And and and. If you build a thesis on flawed logic, your thesis is flawed. Sorry for the bad news.

That’s fair. That is part of the complexity, but that isn’t the argument you made. You said:

You implied the amout of buttons you press creates complexity. But, I also realize you’re just saying whatever you can to get people hot and bothered. So troll on, small goblin.


Jajaja rogues are hybrid since they had throwing knives in classic, very good faith argument you are making there. Survival had multiple abilities and talents of which are still even in the game right now.

I mean, it’s true that survival does have to press more than Barbed Shot, Cobra Shot and CDs in arena. That’s mostly memeing on the state of BM hunters.

Thanks for proving my points, good day!

This is getting pretty sad and embarrassing. Metroid said two entirely irreconcilable statements about an objective, factual matter. The first was the correct statement that SV in Classic and BC was about staying at ranged as much as possible. The second was invented nonsense about SV always being melee-focused or outright melee instead of ranged. This isn’t a matter of opinion: the second statement is factually incorrect.

The fact of the matter is the current SV cannot be reconciled with Classic and BC SV as much as melee SV diehards want it to be the case because they think it gives legitimacy to melee SV. There was no precedent to a Hunter spec lacking a ranged weapon and only being able to reach its full damage potential to melee range. You can argue that the revision was good if you want and then we can talk about how that’s also wrong, but this matter is as factual as it gets and you should stop trying to bail out Metroid from his contradictions.


In a discussion about whether Survival should remain melee we generally aren’t interested in how competitive it is.

All anyone reading this thread needs to know about people larping for 10 year old double dot class.

Maybe blizzard adds it in 5 years, will your hands be able to press Black Arrow then?

You keep quoting that line. What’s your angle here? Ridicule? I could explain for the 50th time that making melee SV performant doesn’t make it a good design decision but you seem dead set on failing to understand that so I won’t bother. Just know that your posts are only serving yourself and they’re the ones being ridiculed.

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You’re literally malding on here and on Metroid youtube channel at the same time. You need some help, please do not attempt to speak to me again. Thanks


So troll on, small goblin.

Implying there are big goblins?

But they aren’t the same… Marksman felt very slow to me whereas Survival felt a like I was always moving and doing something. Even now Marksman still feels clunky to me so I don’t really enjoy it all that much.

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It’s hilarious how you argue that someone who goes from saying how they fell in love with a playstyle due to X, Y, and Z abilities, while specifically using those examples to highlight the differences to another playstyle in a certain expansion, only to then a year later do a 180 and spout how similar the specs always were before, “especially in said expansion”, how you argue that “it’s just a small change of opinion”.

Not to mention how, that person now simultaneously argues that the spec was always a melee spec, even though he just said that the specs were always the same.

Nice try.

I don’t get angry over forum discussions. I do however find what the two of you are doing to be somewhat pathetic.

When did I do this?

If anything we’ve accused him of trolling. Which isn’t at all the same thing.


You forgot to address the cosmically important, complex, and grammatically correct nugget of wisdom “cry is free”.


jfc dudes relax I don’t want to live rent free in your heads anymore man. At least let me pay you if Im gonna continue to stay there seemingly forever.

Did you just admit to being both Metroid and Darthstinky? Because I was referring to Darthstinky.

I absolutely knew you’d reply with the tired “rent free headspace” comment. If I retort, you say “why are you so mad”. If I pick at your silly sayings, you say I’m thinking about you all day. It’s just dumb at this point.

No im just me. There isnt a way to win for you man. Least you get that.

Dang. Check mate. I can’t win.

I guess I’ll have to recap how I’ll defeat a forum cancer who has a massive YouTube channel with dozens of subscribers.

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Its going to stay melee so better get used to it already lol

Instead of trying to revert it come up with ideas to make SV more enjoyable to you otherwise go play BM or MM. You get 3 choices for DPS specs with Hunter and 2 are ranged. That’s hard to argue with.