So ranged survival in NW

Shhhh they scare easy

Psst check Yuraā€™s post history first


I think what confuses me more is the fact that a blue posted about why they changed it to a melee spec right before they changed it stating that they felt like melee matched a SURVIVALIST better. Now this statement confuses me deeply because if I am fighting a giant horrible monster or even something as simple as a bear, Iā€™d rather shoot it than punch it in the face. I feel like distance from said creature is safer xD

Because they have a different perspective of what ā€œsurvivalistā€ means. They see it as a Hunter thatā€™s out in the wild alone and has to get by with what they can scavenge from the environment, and since itā€™s a lot simpler to fashion a melee weapon than a ranged weapon (basically just sharpen a stick) they see it as fitting for it to be melee.

Of course this ignores the fact that theyā€™re literally predicating an entire specā€™s identity on being handicapped and that defies basic spec design philosophy as well as common sense. They also did a really bad job at conveying that fantasy when outlining melee Survival in the first place. In the Legion Hunter class preview itā€™s painfully evident that someone who prefers a Warrior class fantasy wrote the Survival section with nonsensical statements like ā€œsurvival means facing oneā€™s enemy eye-to-eyeā€, which is kind of fitting given Warrior mains rather than Hunter mains were the target audience for the spec.


yesā€¦ thats why its melee. You already have a rambo spec to play no need for another version. I have no idea why this is so impossible to understand when you just explained why its meant to be what it is now. Keep up scooter.

Yeah, and as I said, thatā€™s literally predicating a spec on a handicap. Survivalā€™s entire identity is being less equipped and worse off than the rest of the Hunter class. Donā€™t be surprised when nearly the entire WoW community treats the spec as a gimped spec when thatā€™s its thematic basis.

Itā€™s even worse when, as you explained in your video, almost the entire spec is ranged anyway. It only has a couple melee abilities. It throws a bomb (because apparently the primal wilderness survivalist just has grenades lying around) and shoots a poisoned arrow with a ranged weapon it apparently canā€™t or wonā€™t use for anything else. So itā€™s trying to be both the wilderness scavenger Warrior ripoff and the resourceful munitions expert at the same time and failing at both. Wasnā€™t making it melee meant to give it a solid identity and not totally screw it up like this?

Cut the Warrior ripoff crap. Cut the aspects stolen straight from BM. Cut the nonsense melee that does nothing but hold the spec back. Focus on what Wildfire Bomb and Serpent Sting represent: resourcefulness, utilitarianism, and special munitions. Thatā€™s still very different to Marksmanship. Itā€™s a unique identity that makes sense and logically builds off the core class. Itā€™s also proven to work via ranged Survival in the past. Melee Hunters can get a talented stance within BM for all I care. Devoting 1/3 of the class to this silly experiment was always a dumb idea and it has only proven to be a dumb idea after 5 years of being one of the most reviled and avoided specs in the game.


As often as you quote my random videos that dont matter, you should realize the difference from classic to retail, what is satire and what isnt. Its been fun messing with you but im honestly not feeling it anymore as I feel like you might honestly be on some sort of spectrum and its just wrong to continue with people like that. Also, when one thinks of a survival hunter in the real world, What the spec is now is closer to what it should be instead of haha boom boom explosion shots

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How is this relevant? So when you explained in your video that you had a ranged SV build and that SV was good because of its ranged capability it was all just some hilarious satire?

I mean Iā€™m not the one who abruptly reversed their perspective on a factual matter.

Uh, did you miss the part where the current SV throws grenades around? Are explosives only ill-fitting when itā€™s ranged? Iā€™d think it would be the literal and exact opposite, in fact. The current ā€œsurvivalistā€ spec is running in and suicide bombing and this makes sense according to SV fans. Melee brain strikes again.


This is why I think your on the spectrum.

Read above

Watch Predator

First off, are you saying that people shouldnā€™t bother watching your videos because youā€™re just mocking the history of this class and itā€™s past design? Or are you doing it because itā€™s your way of providing constructive criticism?

Feel free to clarify how you intend for saidā€¦satireā€¦to apply.

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I mean its obvious which is which. Some videos I explain why I have fun playing what I do, other videos I mock MM. Its self explanatory really.

Yes including one where you say you always hated MM and in turn you always stuck to SV because it was distinct from MM.


Pretty much this.

In Wrath you said you fell in love with SV because of the differences it had to that of MM, listing several of itā€™s signature abilities.

Now you say that ā€œthey were always pretty much the sameā€, but at the same time you also say that ā€œSV have always been a melee spec, ever since Vanillaā€.

Based on this, it kinda speaks for itself as to why people question your logic. What you use as a basis for your arguments.


Survivals ā€œglory daysā€, had a couple moves to survive in melee but it did best at ranged. The goal was still wing clip to slow them down, maybe trap, raptor strike to reduce the dmg they were doing to you, and disengage out so that you could dmg again

As this is a reference to the Vanilla/TBC-era, I would indeed question the ā€œglory daysā€ definition of SV, back then it was specifically designed to add survivability through utility and defensives to the core toolkit of the class(which at the time consisted of a single core playstyle).

I guess it can be argued as a personal preference in terms of class design.

But IMO, when it comes to SV in particular, it got itā€™s own thematic focus with more of a core playstyle-oriented design in WotLK and held that up until the end of WoD. While itā€™s true that what SV was back when it was ā€œRSVā€, wouldnā€™t be enough to hold up on itā€™s own by modern standards, but thatā€™s not the argument any of us are making. By us I mean those who are asking for it to come back.

Based on what was intended with class and spec design during those days, RSV was perfectly fine on that end. Anyone who argues differently is either heavily biased or doesnā€™t know how these arguments apply to the matter at hand. Itā€™s actually quite funny to see how noone who does make the argument that ā€œRSV and MM were the sameā€, how none of them can manage to specify how they were the same, beyond making the generalized point of both specs being focused on the use of a ranged weapon that isā€¦

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you mean counter attack. It was completely doable as melee. People really dont know how to melee hunter and it shows.

I have to start including in some of my post that I DO NOT want MSV gone because I find it cool too. I just want what I loved back which was RSV and they can do it if they could do it if they wanted to while keeping MSV. I didnā€™t think this post would go this far though lol.

Donā€™t know, and probably donā€™t care.

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But you can grapple right in them and kill them to

Survival was never about being a melee spec. It was all about getting the hell out of there. You want to get out and get your ranged back and thatā€™s pretty much all you want to do as Survival.

Some people like to argue ā€œyouā€™re supposed to engage in sword-on-sword combatā€. Thatā€™s not the case. Thatā€™s not true at all. Youā€™ve got 4 melee abilities: Raptor Strike, Wing Clip, Mongoose Bite, and Counterattack. Two of these donā€™t scream ā€œI want to be in meleeā€.
