again, reciting CLASSIC WOW. We are currently in our 8th expansion. Try and keep up scooter. Also dont forget to subscribe for the memes
Like surv better 15 games 400 kills 11 wins
Uhm, in that video, you’re talking about why you chose to play SV - in WotLK…
You DO talk about the things you like when it comes to SV in Classic, pointing out that it’s still ranged, but with more options when forced into melee for getting back to ranged. Quote “getting back to ranged, the whole point of it”.
And again…
…at the same time you also say that “SV have always been a melee spec, ever since Vanilla”. Something you said in your more recent video.
To be clear, you’re the one who initially brought up references to Vanilla and talked about SVs design from then until now.
Wow . Now that’s a stretch. Literally a video up for SV from classic ? Lol and even in the video AS is the main shot being fired. That SV is nothing like the current, the abilities that are melee do not even work the same. What it does show, is many of the spells for SV were the same as MM…I just do not understand why people keep living or wanting to play in the past.
I could be wrong, since I don’t bother watching WoW videos, but I think the latest argument is over Metroid having changed his mind over the years and I think over the fact that Bepples and Ghorak both felt that Metroid was lying about his own videos?
I kinda lost track…
I understand that, but even the video, which is clearly about CLASSIC SV Hunter talks about the tools SV had, and he was correct, THAT version of SV Hunter was not built to go toe to toe with melee. You used the different skillset to get back to range because I had said, then the range to melee ability was 90~10 easily.
So using a argument on a class that literally do not even have the same abilities currently is not putting the argument in context. Which is why I also keep saying we are complaining about a spec that is near 7 years removed. If anything this video actually does show just how close to MM SV was.
The current SV setup is nothing like the one in the video, and that is why Metroid has changed his stance since this video. It should not be hard to comprehend. People who want to argue this though is just tossing out this fact, just so they can support the argument which is flawed from the beginning considering this was not done as of this patch, but now going on SEVEN years.
While the video is mainly about SV in classic he does briefly discuss later SV iterations. He named specific abilities that SV gained in WotLK because that’s the expansion in which he started playing SV.
Yes, he was correct in the first video. In a later video, however, he claims that SV was always aimed at being melee even since Vanilla. He completely flipped his position on a factual, objective matter.
Yes, SV was the same as MM in Classic. In later expansions it would gain its own unique abilities and would end up being very different to MM. People like Metroid are claiming that even MoP/WoD Survival were the same as MM more-or-less because they both use a ranged weapon. The unique thing about Metroid is that he specifically claimed SV was distinct from MM to the point that he exclusively stuck to SV over MM, but he abruptly changed that position in 2021 as if his own WoW experience pre-Legion never happened.
Again it sounds like you didn’t actually watch either video. He specifically mentions WotLK Survival in his first video and talks about how it was great because it used Explosive Shot and Black Arrow while Marksmanship was just boring Aimed Shot spam. Ignoring the fact that all Hunter builds still took Aimed Shot in WotLK (it was instant cast in that expansion however) evidently he did view Survival as something unique, fun, and distinguished from MM before abruptly reversing that position some time later.
See Bepples reply; So ranged survival in NW - #208 by Bepples-barthilas
If you don’t get it after that, you never will…
People…I am not sitting around looking for videos someone puts up. I watched the troll video, only after iit was posted it in this thread. I HAVE NOT WATCH ANY other video because honestly…I do not care. Unless its a video of the CURRENT sv setup, I am not going to litigate pass integrations of the spec because guess what ? I played them. I already know how it played. Yes I been around since day 1 @ 12:30 AM on Mannoroth. Guess what I am still on Mannorth. Still playing this same Hunter.
I see you guys going on about his view has changed, but honestly, do that matter what was said since Legion ? Since last expac, since the beginning of this expac ?? Its understanding some people want RSV back ok. But wow…every bloody thread that has SV in it you have to read the same tired arguments, honestly from the same people, ON BOTH SIDES. I am at fault for even answering in these threads. I will still stand by what I been saying since the beginning. The changes were made. Blizzard decided for whatever reason to do it. Its done. Period. Now going on SEVEN years. Will they make a 4th spec ? Doubtful. Will they erase MSV ? Doubtful. If they even decide to do whatever with Hunters, MM BM or SV then it will be what BLIZZARD wants to do, and you can either adapt, change, or quit.
You can continue with this pointless, yes pointless argument. Blizzard does not react when errors are in the game…Animal Companion ??? So this back n fourth on something that is nearly 7 years in…yeah good luck with that.
I’m done.
Then…don’t post arguments with the basis of something you haven’t even watched?
Fair enough, but then you’re more than equipped to understand what people are talking about when they discuss “RSV” or “Ranged SV”. Like you said, it’s a commonly discussed topic and people frequently bring up the design elements of it. Examples: Explosive Shot, Black Arrow, Serpent Spread, L&L, Trap Mastery, etc.
If you have played since the start, then you know well enough when those abilities and effects were added. Which makes this which you wrote earlier sound rather strange honestly…
Again, you know which playstyle and fantasy people are talking about when it’s about “RSV”. So why are you making this argument based on a time that is irrelevant to this particular discussion(Vanilla/TBC)?
When in discussions regarding class design, arguments made post-era do deff matter.
Every? No, not really. There are plenty of topics regarding SV out there that do not include a discussion about RSV. But as per how forums work, topics tend to “drift off” after a while once people stop posting in them.
Having said that, considering the subject of this particular topic, you’re one to talk…
You have your standpoint, that’s fair.
But one thing’s for sure, if we don’t continue to talk about getting the spec back(or a modern version of it), it definitely will never do so. There’s only one way for us to hopefully get it back, and that’s to continue talking about wanting it back.
7 years ago was when the pre-patch for WoD went live. Not sure how that’s relevant to the removal of RSV as that happened with Legion.
Depending on what talking points they want to use, they reference bad memes from meme videos as some kind of validated proof or something. I mean, I have videos talking about spell hunter being the ultimate and they for whatever reason cant understand im being funny. The more they try to use some random line I said, the dumber they get.
This guy gets it. Literally simple to get and understand and some reason 40 IQ forum griefers cant grasp the obvious. At this point ima just say for them to go touch grass because gd.
bring back legion survival!!!
Who would have thought that the comedic genius of “Survival Hunters weren’t meant to fight in melee” wouldn’t have landed?
I do recall noone commenting on your spell hunter video within these discussions…
If you’re saying that your other videos are also just you “being funny” then by definition nothing you write or talk about here matters. Either way…
In short, either you are what you say you are here, that being someone who’s just trolling/meme’ing, which then means that noone should take anything you say into consideration. Or, you do mean the things you say, but you can’t handle being wrong and thus start making excuses.
Youtube comments in the past and in game people upset.
I mean it doesnt take a genius to see im making goofball videos. That doesnt reflect my original posting here though. I only started memein on you and bepples when you started spewing nonsense and figured you were absent minded.
or im just memein on you and bepples because you guys are literal circus clowns on topics you dont play or understand.
I encourage you to recheck which topic you’ve posted this in. Considering your stance on the topic of RSV, this is pretty ironic.
Read the first 6 words of what you just quoted me on. Take as long as you like. Call in to work if you have too.
My bad, should’ve been more specific.