So premades are... actually a problem

Great. So you strictly support that groups should only face other groups who grouped together and other players as fill ins as the premade vs premade duke it out?

Thats what you acknowledging right?

But you’re not always always put against another group. It’s hard to tell in the smaller bgs because there might only be 1 or 2 premades.

At this point, it could just be confirmation bias.

We don’t know if the system is still matching premades at all. If it is, it’s very clearly doing a poor job in epic bgs.

The funny thing is, I haven’t been banned. I’ve just been lurking. Felt like talking some :poop: today. Glad to see I still have fans.

It’s already a thing in rated PvP. I didn’t know it was “watering down” by wanting to have faster queue times and wanting to play with friends cross faction. PvP should be just that, Player vs Player.

Cross faction guilds are becoming a thing in 10.1. Might as well let us queue with each other.

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“strictly support” might be overstating things, I am not opposed to it.

Like I said… in my experience of quing as a group it is already this way, so no I wouldn’t be opposed to it as nothing functionally for me would change. I wouldn’t say I am giga supportive of it because again it’s already like this for me, so I just don’t care that much if they do or do not make the change.

Hey man if your as awesome as a player as im sure you are, you will have no problem if it comes to group vs group BGs.

But lets be real… Premades dont want to face premades… case in point the numerous ‘premades’ that quit at the sight of a premade.

Very excited about the cross-faction guilds. It does feel like mixed-faction BG’s are the next step. I welcome it. It feels like everyone is re-rolling alliance toons in Dragonflight. Will be nice to play with everyone.

I don’t think it’s fair to generalize everyone. There are some premades who leave at the sight of another premade. But I don’t think it happens as often as you think. Playing PuGs over and over again gets stale.


That is what most BGs are like anyway when I que with my guildies, business as usual :man_shrugging:

Some of them sure. My groups don’t leave, deserter sucks yo.

Your right … its not fair and when I see that a premade backs out of a BG after not seeing a opposing premade I will let you know.

But also… As ive said before, ive grabbed a couple friends off discord to login and BG and we faced this “enemy” premade. Faced them first game and had them WSG GY Camped… which they AFK’d out of so please tell me again… how premades want to play other premades

A single premade you faced one night = all premades in the game?

So your teachers always gave you back your tests face down huh


Ironic :rofl::rofl::rofl:


I’d say that it’s 70/30. 30% of those premades that you will come across do it to stomp pugs.

Well, this is a different beast entirely. I’ll stick around for a loss, i’d rather go down with the ship than suffer a 15-minute penalty. But I don’t fault people for leaving a GY farm.

It’s the people leaving at 1400-1500 or right after losing the first team fight that should be shamed.

Oh its truly not a single night. It’s quite common…

You face a premade solo…
You grab friends…
You beat the premade…
The premade no longer queues…


Yes, you want to water it down. Maybe you just want to click buttons but I prefer different sides in bg’s when I choose a faction. Just as I prefer the race I chose. It means something. There have been players lobbying for destruction of the faction divide for a long time. And they are always playing horde for some reason. It started when horde cried over long ques because they all piled on to the more popular faction. Guess what, when you choose to stand in a long line, it takes longer.

Yes, merging the factions in that regard waters it down. Because you just want it for faster ques, which btw, only gives faster ques for horde. Alliance ques would increase. There is never the perfect amount of players queing for instant pops if you add cross faction. They’re random bg’s and epics, not arena.

And if we have others on the same faction that we often end up in bg’s with, that we enjoy playing WITH, we all have to now group up when queing to avoid facing a problem created by a solution to a different problem.

Just WTF are alliance and horde fighting over AB for if we’re all grouped together?

You know what really drove a nail in the coffin of BC classic? When they started catering to horde and tried that cross-faction bg crap. Mass exodus.

If you don’t want long ques, don’t stand in the long line(overpopular faction). But see, you want to be on that side because you maybe you like that faction, those racials, the friends you have on that side. Right? I doubt you would see it as advancement if players were trying to break you from what you enjoy, that has been a core part of the game since forever(faction divide).

cmon bro. just let it happen! It’ll be great!

All so YOU can get faster ques and premade communities can still break the rules.

Please tell me Dookieboy how its ironic…

Before merc mode, the dominant faction’s queue times got longer and longer. Everyone was migrating over to the winning side. They’d rather wait longer for easier wins. (It was also better to be part of the stronger faction, because you had an easier time finding teams for rated PvP content.)

The weaker faction was getting smaller and smaller. Players got tired of losing all the time.

Blizzard made changes to PvP (e.g. merc mode and cross-faction stuff) because the situation was untenable.

I’m glad you found my guild with all of my alts. Probably because I have nothing to hide.

With the way the games lore is headed, it makes sense why faction barriers need to just be eliminated at this point. Lorewise, after Shadowlands, they pretty much made amends and have gone into peace time.

I don’t know if you read the novels either, but it went as far as Lor’themar inviting Alliance leaders to his wedding when he was getting married to Thalyssra. Horde and Alliance leaders were literally there peacefully watching a wedding.

Funny you say that because Alliance actually have the longer queues right now, not Horde. It flipped ever since cross faction.

No, it’s mostly because I would want to play with my friends who are Alliance. Instead of having to level another character or pay for a faction change, why can’t I play with an Alliance who is in the same guild as me? It’s stupid, sorry.

Again, lorewise, they aren’t even fighting over Arathi Basin anymore, not ever since BfA when they officially declared the winner of Arathi Highlands in the Warfront.

Nah I just like my Blood Elf. He’s a pretty boy with golden hair and not with a receding hairline like Void Elves have.


Blizzard needs to do something else besides trying to maintain faction conflict.

Each expansion, it’s like we’re enemies, we’re friends, we’re enemies, we’re friends, etc.

It was getting dull that Blizzard had to invent a lore reason why the factions’ relationship was constantly flip-flopping.

So for clarity, you see PVP as you and your friends being a room full of bullies and everyone else can either quit or try to stop you? And yet at 85% win-rate, that’s obviously not happening and your solution is… too bad?

You do realize that the average WoW player is 37 years old and has a life now, right? You realize that every instance/“bully room” that you and your friends sit in just turns everyone else off, drives them away and makes them quit? And that at the end of the day it’s mentalities like yours and Degeneratebri’s that ensures that the end-game of WoW PVP is the same 30 people constantly queuing against each other because no one else can be bothered to enter your bully chamber?

It’s remarkable - how many thousands of hours have you spent literally ruining random player’s nights and you never once stepped back and went “shoot, I absolutely love this game, would stomping strangers make them stay? If I keep making this unfair and unbalanced, and everyone leaves, will I still love WoW? Am I the baddie here?”

No one wants forced group content - literally no one. It’s not 2005 anymore, the rest of the world have lives and obligations. LFR is a thing. RDF is a thing. SS is a thing. The game needs accessible solo-queue content to remain relevant and yet you and the motley crew of 4-5 habitual BG forum gas-lighters act like the most accessible form of PVP in WoW is the one spot where the exact opposite must be true.

I guess I just absolutely do not understand your goal or your end-game; because stacking teams and ruining reasonable play helps absolutely no one but you. Which is ironic, because you keep hyping this as a collaborative game, and yet you don’t care about anyone else.

Big shrug I guess!