So... portals are getting removed

?? the gadgetzan teleporter SENDS you to Tanaris.

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?? the gadgetzan teleporter SENDS you to Tanaris.

If you are an engineer.

If you arent it wont work.

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as was outlined in the first post.

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Thank you for adding a list of toys and items for Blizzard to now remove.:upside_down_face:


Better start flying to CoT now then lol

Sounds awfully like those mysterious “hey, who needs flying when you have gliders” and “flight paths are cool” posts that appeared around the time of Blizzard’s anti-flying forum campaign.

Call me cynical, but you seem a little well prepared with your list of “ways you personally get around the world even though portals exist and I don’t actually need to use these until they’re removed.”


There. Problem solved.


Haven’t had a reason to go there in ages, but the portal to Silithus in the new capital cities is close enough. And the cataclysm portals in SW/Org…unless they’re removing those too?

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No point in even being a mage…

I mean, I use these items all the time if I can’t immediatley hearth to Dalaran or Borallus to access the portals . For example, if I am finished with my emisarry and I’m sitting at the turtle dude in Stormsong, Ill just pop my cloak of coordination and take the borallus portal in stormwind if my hearthstone is already on CD, or i dont wanna waste a hearthstone CD

Please stop! My bags cannot handle such punishment!

All the portals currently in Stormwind are staying, they are moving most of the existing ones to stormwind but removing them from everwhere else. However all the portal locations have portals to take you back to stormwind. The ones getting completely removed so far is Karazahn, CoT, and Shrine

Which is fine, but that doesn’t make them substitutes for portals that already exist in the game that have been there for years and are about to be arbitrarily removed.

“Don’t you all have cloaks?”


The cloak is just sold off the guild vendor for like 250g

While I’m against the removal of portals, I don’t have a problem with the OP’s list of ways to get around. A lot of players might not know about all these things. I personally don’t find things with hour-long (or longer) cool downs to be worth the bag space, and I’m not about to make all my characters into engineers, but I see nothing wrong with listing various options.


More upset about the portal to Kara being removed considering it provided quick access to the bottom half of EK to Horde. I guess there’s the zeppelin to grom’gol base camp in Org, unless these jokers stealth removed that too in 8.1.5. :roll_eyes:

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Yeah, honestly for horde the removal of Karazahn is a punch in the gut. There is a ring you can get I think and after 2 clears or so of running the dungeon you can teleport to kara with the ring. Its been like 2 years since I did the quest but it drops of the flaming dragon boss i beleive, night bane is his name.

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It’s more the “look, the portal removals are no big deal if you grind out all these” implication I took exception to.

Ah, I didn’t read it that way.

That’s kind of the problem with written discussions rather than spoken ones. No way to truly tell the tone.

Thanks for the helpful suggestion, I might have to look into that, but still…



Absolutely my reaction too. With the added bonus of “I did all this grinding so why should you have quick travel if you haven’t done it.” I’m all for options and choice but the tone of this is altogether wrong. It is not OK for Blizzard to suddenly yoink things that have been in the since forever ago, and to have players take this line on their behalf is… not as helpful as you might think.