It’s nothing tauren or gnoll related so it doesn’t exist to me.
As someone with I think it was 19 70s, I use duplicates to have a PvE toon and PvP toon. Don’t have to chose between PvE and PvP gear in vault, don’t have to carry around 2 things of gear on one toon. Obviously if you only do one of those things, then yeah, there isn’t a practical reason for it. I’m just an altoholic.
That makes sense.
Usually my schedule only allows one focus per char so i usually commit to one type per character per season.
Then use a different char to go into the other content for rewards. Dk for keys and pally for pvp etc.
With mark of mastery duplicate characters makes a bit of sense cause you can cheese the elite mog.
This patch i had two dks, one 1600 pvp in rss and another ksm for the mog.
I hit 1600 on my hunter and disc priest but dont want another so gonna have to grind that to 1800. RIP
Its a hard pass for me on 2 levels, the main being i think they are gonna be a neutral race and all dwrves should be a alliance race. The second giving the female dwarves beards, it gives off the impressions that someone was ingoring blizz lore. Tolkin dwaves have beards, but warcraft dwarves dont, that be like a quest giver calling a gnome a hobbit.
This is what I did with my monks this season. Once I saw the Elite set was pink for monks, I had no choice. I wanna get the priest elite set, but doing any amount of arena as priest sounds awful.
You talking about the PvP set?
Yes. /10char
Oh, I’d like to get the Shaman set, maybe the Warrior and Warlock sets but that’d require me to do PvP, which I am complete garbage at.
i hate that they can be dks immediately…
Just getting tired of all the allied races being modified existing races.
Goodluck! Hope you manage to get all the elite sets you want!
Heh, thanks. I would love to but. It’s not happening. Never got all the artifact appearances from Mage tower back in the day and I’m paying for it now.
I guess it’s wow’s version of sub races? I wish they’d just do sub races in stead. Imo, Vulpera are really only the true allied race, since they use the goblin skeleton, but they aren’t goblins. I suppose Nightborne are the next closest.
What about Kul’Tiran? Or Zandalari?
Kul’tiran, while they use a different model, are just large tall humans. Should have been a body type for humans imo. And Zandalari are just taller, better-postured trolls which should have also just been a different body type for trolls.
They’ll just be another - “level solely for the heritage armor” - for me. As for which class… I guess I still need/want an A-side DK.
It would have been cool if Horde got exclusive rights to Earthen and Alliance got Frost Dwarves. They’ve technically been part of the Alliance since Wrath when Muradin; as Yorg Stormheart; brought them into The Alliance. And yet we don’t even have any type of customization for them.
I don’t even understand how they’re getting DKs.
I understand where the fourth generation came from, Bolvar still had his hat, but them?
Maybe the requirements are different now. Maybe you no longer need to die to be a Death Knight.
Let’s be honest here, Vulpera was the only new race, even if it’s based on an old model. The rest are just different flavors of old races/customization options.