So, Playable Earthen

I have no interest in them.

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Yawn is my general reaction.

Now imagine this: instead of these weird stoney dwarves, they discovered a race of neutral cave dwelling Ogres.

The reaction from a lot of players would have been way different. (Not that I like Ogres, but they would have had the beauty of being both asked for (which the Earthern weren’t) and creatively interesting.

I just don’t want them on the Horde. I would literally rather the Horde get nothing.

Wish that was a Horde Allied Race. I don’t know how it’d work in story but still.

No .


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To me, yea cause armor sets and abilities are the same. If i wanna play war, why have two to pick from?

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Hate it literally no one asked for more Dwarves and unless they have an op racial on launch that should of never made it to the live game like the other two Dwarf races they’ll probably be around Mechagnomes in levels of unpopularity.

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I suspect that they now intend to sell only such garbage as “new” races and gradually shift the remaining races to the opposite faction. What nonsense. Might as well just make the current races neutral. It should have happened at the latest in Legion anyway. But now, releasing cheap copies one after another, which should just be customization options… no thanks.

I’m currently “meh” about them. Not hatin. But not mega thrilled either. I’m sure it’ll be fine once we see their quests n stuff.

They do make me think of Shale from Dragon Age tho and that’s always fun. She’s an icon.

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I haven’t mustered up enough enthusiasm to level my dark iron dwarf again after two expansions after unlocking them and I really like dark iron dwarfs.

I have no desire nor know anyone who has uttered the phrase “I sure wish we had more dwarves to play as, especially earthen!”

Now I’m not saying that those people don’t exist. I’m sure they do. I just haven’t seen one.

At best for me it is “Oh… okay I guess.”

I’ll be honest… earthen is a waste of resources. They could of given us ANYTHING else for a new race but they give us another reskin of dwarves. New elves, dwarves, gnomes, humans, hey even new tauren and trolls…all been done before. We don’t need more dwarves, we certainly don’t need anymore elves… they could of given us those what moknathal or however you spell the name of those half orc half ogre people. Ogres would of been new and exciting, Saberon, Gnolls, Sethrakk, hey even those cat taur people from Uldum would of been something or the new centaur for that matter. Sadly…they’re giving us more dwarves then probably more elves in Midnight… it’s not exciting…it’s dull and boring… makes me want to play something else instead of WoW if they’re going to keep being lazy and cutting corners. Really sad to see the company I had hopes for so long ago…fall so far as to focus on profit rather than fun with their games.

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I am very much a regular user, I only play attractive characters. I just have a very broad definition of attractive.

IMHO the only Races that look and feel unattractive no matter which customization options you pick are Dwarves and Tauren. The rest is all good.

As for my past as Mortis, all I can say is that Male Undead look exactly like Handsome Squidward. How could someone who looks exactly like Handsome Squidward be ugly? :rofl:

thats certainly an opinion

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Ill make one for sure. But who knows if he will get past lvl 30.

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This is just an “easy content to add since we have the model and barely any effort needed” type of alliance race.

I view them the same way I view the dragon people, why? They don’t fill a demand, unless I missed people clamoring for tall stone dwarves and androgynous dragons bipeds.

Why do they have real hair and not you know, moss, crystals, fungus or something.

Why does blizzard constantly have to take the easy way out on all their designs?


Because they aren’t pure earthen. They are earthen who are slightly affected by the curse of flesh.

Fellow watchers,

When you were assigned to observe the state of our titan-forged subjects who, regretfully, fell under the influence of flesh, the keepers could not have anticipated the effort necessary to follow them as they spread throughout the world.

I shall do my best to ensure your perseverance is recognized. But for now, you are to continue your duties until a new directive is authorized.

It is apparent from your reports that the degree of transformation in titan-forged subjects is significantly diverse. There is no group in which this variance is more easily observable than the earthen.

While some have succumbed entirely to the malady, such as the earthen who emerged from Uldaman and called themselves dwarves, others remain resistant–whether in full or in part.

One particularly notable variant can be found in the earthen contingent dispatched to investigate the fissure detected in Sector AR-938 (for further details, search records related to geological anomalies).

In the course of their duties, these earthen began to manifest behaviors analogous to those which would one day be apparent in the self-styled dwarves, despite the two groups being separated by vast swaths of time and distance.

In fact, based on their origin dates, I could identify no corollary at all between these populations.

Yet while their behaviors, language, and demeanor show many similarities (for example, assigning Sector AR-938 the colloquial name “Khaz Algar”), physiologically the two groups remain distinct.

Is this distinctiveness due to exposure to the unique qualities of the anomaly, or is there another reason? We require more data before a conclusion can be reached.

As ever, your aid in this analysis remains invaluable. Remember, we are the eyes of the titans.


Watcher Melenia

So they’re Earthen, but with an in universe excuse for being less interesting than other earthen we’ve encountered before.

I would say it’s an excuse for them to have free will. The Titanforged don’t have that. Freedom is not a construct of Order lol

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