I’m looking forward to them highly since I plan to make one on Horde side with bonus points if they get a main racial as good as stoneform and fireblood.
Might make a shaman but I don’t really like dwarves
Just a re-skinned dwarf. No, it isnt exciting.
Aren’t new races supposed to actually be new? This feels more of an allied race. Idk what blizz was thinking with this.
Pretty much. Third dwarf. Feels very boring.
It is highly unlikely that I will make one.
It was announced as an Allied Race not as a new race.
Oh perfect lol. Yeah I haven’t been keeping up with anything about the new expansion m. Whoops
I think they’re pretty boring and do not care about them at all. I have regular dwarf and DIdwarf, I did not really want earthen.
I won’t make one. They’re uggo.
Dwarves are one of the very well designed WoW-races. They not only look the best, body-wise, in every media, but also have great animations. I think you need to see it from a different ankle, because you’re also a Forsaken-player (according the public characters on your account), so you should actually enjoy playing them, compared to the regular user, who just wants to play beautiful Barbie dolls with pointy ears.
I’m not looking forward to the fourth Dwarf-race. Bronzebeard, Wildhammer, Dark Iron and now Earthen?
I LOVE Dwarves, Previously they and Kul Tiran humans were my only reason for wanting to play Alliance at all. Now I can have Dwarves on Horde? Great addition, I just hope if we’re gonna be grabbing new skins of existing races that they add forest trolls during Midnight.
Considering this takes time and resources away from an actual cool AR? Annoyed.
Is it truly a duplicate if it’s not the same race/class combo?
I’m not sure why they thought we needed yet another dwarf race, especially when Dark Iron Dwarves were added in BFA and many of the current allied races barely have any customization options. It’s just going to be another race played by only 0.6% of the playerbase.
so ah… not really interested in playing “rock people”
but throw in some more “animal head” mog options for all armor types and i could make it work if the racial abilities are… Rock Solid.
Absolutely. The problem lies within the player’s perception, racials, accessibility and game design.
The game focus too much on Humans, Night Elves and Blood Elves and makes other races not appealing enough in the storyline.
Very boring. As usual Blizz spends all their dev time on orc, human, dwarf, or elf.
No one asked for it, I really don’t understand it, and I hate that they are playable as horde, and I am a horde player lol.