So People Want The Water Strider To Be Restricted?

Kinda depends on what the cost will end up being. Rumors aside I’m waiting to see what they actually are

Oh, another person claiming no one cares about this. You’re a funny little man. :slight_smile:


Ofc currently water strider is still on the spotlight.

Jeez you’re so naive.

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And what would be so wrong with that? Taking away the water walking actually removes something from you, and you have to choose that all of your mounts have water walking, or they have anti daze you won’t get both. It’s not more choices, it’s less.


Probably, but at least you would have some agency in deciding how you want to play. Now there is no real choice, it is just cosmetic.


i kinda want them to do mandatory surveys that prevent you from playing games every few months. like 1 question and you cant close it just to 1. get player feedback in a more cohesive faction (cause this whole forum this is trash) 2. to piss players off

How is this in any way less choices? You had water walking, you still have water walking. You just now have the choice to change water walking to something else.


how is it less? there is only like what? 6 mounts in the game with special abilities?

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What this is really about, but what people have a hard time articulating, is that people dislike that rather than offering a pure upgrade to practical mount usage, Blizzard instead has offered a choice to switch out an upgrade people already had for a different upgrade.

In other words, the ability to not be dazed is a pretty significant benefit. So is the ability to water walk. People will find themselves selecting the upgrade to not be dazed, and will occasionally then have to deal with bodies of water that take a lot longer to cross or go around. Or they can keep water walking, but feel an extra level of annoyance every time they get dazed, due to the knowledge that they could have chosen the option to not be dazed. Whereas before, they were used to dazing as simply a part of the world, now they will experience it as something they didn’t HAVE to experience, but are experiencing due to making the “wrong” choice.

What the people who want the water strider to keep its ability are really after is for Blizzard to let them get the anti-dazing equipment for every other mount, while keeping the ability to cross bodies of water quickly when needed. Anything else to them will feel like a side-grade, where whatever they choose comes with a penalty.

TLDR - the bottom line is that the complaints are coming from a psychological place where they foresee themselves often experiencing the feeling of having made the “wrong” choice. That will happen no matter what, because people who choose to water walk will get dazed, and people who choose to keep the anti-dazing will occasionally deal with annoying bodies of water. And there are a lot of people who hate choices that feel like penalties rather than bonuses.

(Admittedly, the calculation changes when a character is able to fly in a zone - people are mostly approaching this thinking of pre-flying mount usage and alt leveling usage).


“Guys having a mount that walk on water is exactly the same as having one that doesnt but you get 1 gem to make it does, see, exactly the same” :crazy_face:


Ultimately, it comes down to philosophy.

If you want every mount to be 100% cosmetic and be able to choose a mount only due to its attractiveness, then you should want EVERY ability from EVERY mount in the game removed including faster herb, vendors, and all the other things that currently just come with the mount.

Instead, you could still have that system, but have a few mounts that instead come with their own unique abilities. Like for those classes unable to turn invisible, they can still obtain the consumable that does that effect.

People aren’t requesting anything radical and frankly, something fairly simple.


There is no reasoning with these folks I’m afraid, they made their decision to be upset with Blizzard.

Blizzard can give everyone 3 free months of game time and people would call it a “shameful desperate marketing ploy.”


Crazy idea: Don’t let the water strider benefit from water walking, let the equipment affect the other mounts.

Boom, done. Everyone’s happy, problem over - no need for debate, problem solved, hooray!

Crazy idea, what if the water walking mount is my favorite and I want to use the parachute item on it?

Sounds like everyone isn’t happy now.


Right I’m either stuck with water walking on ALL my mounts or I can have one mount with water walking…the one that originally came with it, and then I can use anti daze or whatever piece of equipment on my other mounts.
Why should I have to re choose water walking for a mount that currently has it.


But it isn’t about “Every mount” it is about two specific mounts making hundreds of others irrelevant. The AH mount doesn’t make any other mount irrelevant. Nor does the vender mounts. You only use those as needed and not your go to mount for entire zones.

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You get a free piece of water walking gear in the mail. Meaning you still have water walking, and it now applies to all characters. You lose nothing here.

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Because that is the only reason why your other mounts are getting waterwalking…

So should we remove the sky golem because it makes stirrups irrelevant for herbalists?

Don’t be ridiculous. It has a specialized purpose, it’s no better than any other mount for ground travel.


If only they mailed everyone with the water walking mount a free pair of water walking equipment, that way players could just use it on the strider, and it’s like nothing has changed!

Boom, done. Everyone’s happy, problem over, etc.