So i am just making this thread cause i am genuinely confused how people are mad about the water strider. The new water walking gear will be tied to the same rep so you’re not losing anything. I’ve seen some people argue that the water strider should keep its water walking but not be able to equip gear which just… why? All that does is make the water strider worse than other mounts.
it doesn’t make it worse it gives players more choices. Example: If the water strider kept it’s water walking but couldn’t be effected by the mount equipment many people (including myself) would just make other mounts unable to be dazed off and still use the water strider to go over water. Right now I have 3 mount hot keys, one for normal ground/air mount macro, another for transmog yak and another for the water strider. With the change it means I’ll have to choose being water walking on a mount (which is a reward I farmed for 6 years ago) or keep from being dazed on my mount.
Personally I really don’t care anymore but I completely understand why people are annoyed
People are just using this as an avenue to express their deeper frustrations with the game. No one sincerely cares about this. Trust me.
- We have to pay to get water walking back on every single alt. I don’t care how cheap it is, it’s wrong that I have to pay all over again for something I already earned.
- We can only use one type of equipment. Once the water strider is nerfed everyone will just be using the water walking equipment to replace its function. The other equipment is just for show. The whole point is nerfing the strider.
And I think you are misreading the tea leaves on this.
By nerfing an account bound item it opens the flood gates for much worse things.
If you have the required REP you get a free piece of water walking equipment in the mail. Also it will be at a greatly reduced price if you want to buy more.
That is not a good compromise going from free to paying for it.
Let’s see, from free to paying a fee. Which is better I wonder
It’s also another hoop to jump through to get back something I already have.
Because people would like different mounts to have an actual purpose and use, such that you pick a mount for the abilities it provides, which all makes sense in an RPG.
What makes less sense is letting people have ANY mount do WHATEVER they want without any sense of immersion.
Nevertheless, the strider owners are happy to let others use this system, but don’t understand why we can’t both keep the strider and let the system be in place? That set-up hurts NO ONE except those against the idea that a mount can have a particular utility.
Eventually, cause this is only step 1, there will be similar equipment for repair, transmog, auction house, and . . . FLYING.
I love how these forums always dumb down what’s actually happening so it sounds worse, it’s seriously hilarious.
Explain how that in any way negates what I said. I still have to buy again, for every single alt, something I already put in the work for and all my alts currently have.
Even their reasoning is “We dont want people think they use the wrong mount”.
I can smell Sky Golem nerf incoming already.
Oh boy back to complaining about things that aren’t happening, yay.
When it does happen people like you will say the same thing anyway.
The more experienced players who have been here for 3-4 expansions have seem this story before and know exactly how it plays out.
Any new system from blizzard starts small, and then expands.
The mount equipment is account wide, when you apply it to once it effects all characters and you won’t pay for it because you get a free one in the mail if you have a water strider.
Blue post hinted at the possibility already. I can feel the nerf hammer coming down all the way from Loch Modan.
The equipment is account bound so you can mail it to alts, but the equipment is per character.
Wrong. The mount equipment applies to all the mounts in your collection on a character per character basis.
Every alt has to slot something which applies to everything.
You don’t just apply one and have it effect everything.