So People Want The Water Strider To Be Restricted?

More and more Blizzard sounds like the Borg, assimilating individual choice and freedom to be the homogenized collective.

Also someone that has more PVP expertise, since I have not PVP’d in a long time, inform me, do path of frost and shaman WW work in BGs, if so that makes pretty much any other mount an advantage over the water strider.


You poor bastage! Do you realize what you are doing! Stop with the logic… on no, they are coming. I’m out of here. May your gods have mercy on your poor dense soul!

Like I said before, I will NOT buy another thing from the Shop, what happens when they (ion and the rest) decide to change the Shop mounts, pets etc. You bought so and so mount with pink rollerskates which shot sparks from the wheels for $30.00 (real money) ion or one of the others decide to take the sparks and the skates away, now its just a mount with no special use. Player is now out $30.00. Nope, I’ll pass.


The equipment is character specific.
I have 100 toons and will get one free equipment.

Mounts with WW equipment take falling damage and dismount you from low heights which do not have this effect on the water strider at present.

Mounts with the water walking equipment are difficult to bounce back to the surface if you need to remount them in water.

Mount equipment is designed to be swapped around - BFA crafted mount buffs only work in current areas and will not work in the new 8.2 areas, so when we need another buff we will have to pay ~1000 gold for the new equipment gem, then pay for a new WW gem to overwrite it when we’re needed water walking again.

You’re supporting Blizzard removing choices, slowing down travel and introducing a new, continual gold sink, and for what? So you can have a nerfed version of water walking on your store mounts? Such people make me laugh.


It isn’t exactly like before. He now hits water like concrete.
And not that blizzard is particularly talented at designing all these unique functions of multiple mounts, these “shoes” makes all of our mounts do the same thing. Except the golem, which for some strange and bizarre reason, they saw fit to leave alone.
What I still don’t understand, is whether or not a goblin glider will work like they always have. Someone alluded to the fact that they don’t, and I guess I’m going to have to d/l a PTR to find out.

When I do the turtle emissary quests, I often fly to the Corlane(sp) FP, run to the edge of a cliff, where good 'ol Nola is waiting below with her “beachhead” quest, pop a goblin glider…and float to her waiting quest arms. My mount disappears when I do that. Will that function be broken now as well, when I have this new equip in place? Enquiring minds want to know.

More complicated stuff like that they probably haven’t even thought about yet.
I’m guessing once this goes live Blizzard will suddenly realise gliders are competing with the far inferior parachute equipment and prevent them working in the new areas.

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And then they will say, “it’s what the majority of the players wanted”

They are genuinely unhappy about this specific change. This specific change goes directly to the “deeper frustrations” with the game because it is a continuation of bad behavior and ethical shenanigans that have been going on since Cataclysm. Trust you? Ah hahahahahahahaha hahahaha ahhahahaha ahem. No.


Some of us actually do care about this.


Thankfully, back in MoP the devs had not yet discovered their passion for disposable items that only work in one expansion’s worth of zones, and were actually creating things to add to the World of Warcraft, rather than gimmicks for Current Zone of Warcraft.


It’s my default mount now, in protest. I rode the poor thing in Vol’dun, even.


All those poor, overworked Waterstriders… and yours has to carry a Panda :confused: Poor thing.

Ain’t nothing compared to the experiments blizzard performed on them

Far as I know water strider doesn’t work in Bg’s.Pets they can but not the mount. Shamans and DK’s still have there abilities in Bg’s but with the equipment I don’t know.
Only reason the bouncy was removed ,to think of it was for world pvp,if a shaman was to push you off a cliff on the mount you wouldn’t die on impact with the water,but as of the patch the bouncy gone.

According to those on the PTR, it isn’t “exactly” the same. The strider currently can land on water without breaking. People on the PTR say mounts with the shoes hit like a ton of bricks, take damage, and lose water walking.

When you ask, “Why would you need more shoes?” it’s very clear you don’t understand how the equipment works. It’s per character, not per mount. The equipment is like a gem slot, and it’s applied to each character. When you apply it, every single mount in that character’s collection–except the sky golem and lumber extractor–is affected. I repeat: each character can have only one piece of equipment at a time, and it affects all that character’s mounts.

You get one free piece of water walking equipment in the mail (if you already have a strider) which you can apply to one character’s mounts. If you want water walking on any other character, you must buy the equipment.

The equipment affects all mounts for a single character. Other characters must purchase and apply equipment if they want any effect. If you want all your characters to water walk, you must buy water shoes for all your characters. If you want all your characters to have any equipment effect, you must buy the equipment for each character. If you want to trade out one effect for another, you lose the equipment already socketed (exactly like a gem).

Do you now understand?


You mean like Cold Weather Flying for Northrend, flight in Pandaria (except for the Timeless Isles), followed up by flight in Draenor, then flight in the Broken Isles, that sort of thing?

Don’t get me wrong, I like my water strider and flying mounts. I like that (when I can’t fly) I can go and explore a bunch of new places that I wouldn’t be able to any class that isn’t a DK or shaman. I like the fishing pole that turns me into a fish so I can swim everywhere. I love this convenience, but I also think it’s stupid that the only land-based mounts that have any relevance are water striders and anything that carries convenient NPCs.

Yes that’s exactly what he’s saying…and from the events and patch info during the WoD flying debacle he posted…that pre-outrage is justified given their track record

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The tool deal isn’t that big of an inconvience until they implement others with different fuctionality forcing you to waste bag space on tools.

This would be hilarious if it weren’t for the fact that it’s sadly true. With this dev team…nothing surprises me anymore. And Pathfinder is the prime example of this and it’s evolution to suddenly having a part 2 after WoD

They’ve already nerfed a druid’s ability to herb/mine while in flight form in the sense that you have to be actually touching the ground in order to do so, because apparently it was OP to do it while hovering a few feet off of the ground :roll_eyes: