This is inaccurate. When they took away flying, me, and several others, canceled our subs immediately. It only took ten days from the time Ion said that in an interview until they had done a total about face, and I do not think subs have ever recovered from that moment. If players actually care about something, they say it with their money.
If a company tests products on animals, and people do not like that, then those people do not buy from that company, and those that do are expressing that their desire for the product is such that any amount of animal torture is acceptable to support through their money they give the company.
If flying is important to people in WoW, for example, and they take it away. Players, take away their money, and suddenly flying is back on the table.
Since this change is still rolling along, it means that few if any players have unsubbed over it. A majority of players do not even use the forums, so this is no way for them to discern what players like or do not like. If a person is paying a monthly sub in WoW, that, as far as devs and investors are concerned, means that they like the aspects of the game enough to give money for it. People do not pay for products they do not like.
And, again, this is just like flying. If people do not want to fly, they can ground mount. In this, if people do not want the strider to slowfall or not be dazed, then they will have it still walk on water.
Which would be perfectly serviceable, provided we knew what we were getting into. I don’t have a problem with Pathfinder, per se - it’s a pain and a grind, but I also know why it’s thrown into the game. Every expansion (except for Cata) has restricted flight in one way or another, which is a pain, but it puts the player on a breadcrumb path, which helps the storytelling aspect of the game. In most cases, I’ll bite: I want to see a good story, so I’ll play along and see how it goes. Freedom to explore can come later.
Hell, if the first reward was account-wide waterwalking and increased mount speed, that’d be more than good enough. As it is, I see this mount equipment thing, and the first thought I had was “oh God, that’s a really complicated way of doing a take-back on water striders.” New gameplay features are there for one of two reasons: to add something to the game (which may create more problems unless it’s left to stagnate), or to fix a problem that’s been in the game. Which do you think mount equipment is meant to do?
I never used to ride it everywhere but now I ride it always to protest (and apparently antagonize people/blizzard who just hate it). You never know when a huge lake is going to open up in the hallway of the great seal of dazaralor while I run to the flight master.
Friends and i were thinking of going in the other direction, all 5 questing together on size-enhanced Brutosaurs.
So Ion, you thought Water Striders were annoying?
Hahahaha - resonating throughout Azeroth in the deep booming tones of a multitude of mountainous mega-fauna.
Yes, under the new system, if you have one trait on the mounts, you will not be able to use anything else to gain another trait. No bardings, no gliders, no water walking potions. Why would they leave them in the game if they want you to swap out as needed? So, choose wisely, or enjoy spending gold for the equipment.
I’m sure you’ll choose the parachute since you’re a druid tank. You’ll still have all 3 in game…not water walking but faster water travel, and stun avoidance.
Yeah, the system will not affect me on this character, and my other 31 toons (all 111 right now) will be flying soon. I only play the game when flying is available (did make an exception to become a Zandalari- was worth the sub money to promote it- hopefully more troll races available later so I can max out 50 toons). Anyway, so the system has no affect on me at all.
On my main here, the equipment has no effect on druid forms, so, honestly, I’ll just keep using my raptor form until I unlock flying, since I can’t be dazed, I can run through water, and I get my extra far jump in travel form. Again, just no effect on me or my play style at all. As far as my own dev issues, it is all with flying, but they lose out on about 7 months every expansion of my sub money. And, that’s fine, apparently most people do not mind waiting so long to fly or we’d all quit until it becomes released. All I can do is put my money where my mouth is, so to speak.
So let me get this straight.
Right now, if I jump off a cliff while mounted…any mount…it disappears, and out pops my goblin glider. I glide to wherever.
So you’re saying that my glider will be broken now, if I don’t dismount first?
Say it ain’t so.
Relative term. Regardless, thereof, anyone can get it within a day now. I might add that even when it was added, it took 21 days of doing 3 dailies a day (less if you did those quests over in the Dread Wastes). That’s not a big grind at all. It’s, even if you are just terrible at fishing, maybe two and a half to three hours of game play. And, most quests were to kill mobs. So, that I cannot empathize with being “grinding”. I had to get that enchantment from the furblogs back in Vanilla. I know grinding.
Lots of those like-minded here who feel that everyone should be equal. Working for something doesn’t matter to them. They don’t want to do the “grind” but they want their mounts to be “equal”. It’s the new way of thinking.
It makes the water strider be a water strider. Like how the Brutosaur is an AH mount.
I would genuinely prefer the ability to opt out of the mount equipment altogether. Let my water strider stay exactly how it is and I don’t get to use equipment on any mounts. I would be perfectly happy with that because I wouldn’t have to buy water shoes for every single one of my alts.
Oh yes, I remember you from before. Plus I am Old Zul, so you may even be the Brahmina from back in Vanilla. Anyway, the problem with this (the only issue with it) is that others might want their striders to have different abilities instead. The whole, “take damage don’t fall into water” change (which I assume is what you are eluding to) would change either way to keep it in line with the other water walking, I would think.
Either way, it appears it shall be happening, so my best advice would be to put those free boots you get on it, and then just never even think about it again. It won’t be exact, but it will be as close as you’ll be able to get to what you are used to.
That’s why I said I’d like to “opt out”, meaning the equipment is there for those who want it, but those like me (who are going to put on the shoes and forget about it) have the option to just stay exactly the way things are now.
No, I’m not the Brahmina you knew back in Vanilla, sorry. I didn’t start until Wrath.
I feel the same way. Give everyone a choice that way, instead being force-fed this horse manure about having a choice/no choice.
But that’s a high concept for this company…that makes a ship mount incapable of floating on water. (and precisely the reason I didn’t want/get one.) I thought that was the stupidest mount concept ever.
I don’t really get this argument, but maybe I’m dense. If you put the free shoes on your Strider, it is exactly the same as you had before. No net loss. Why would you need to buy more shoes if you only wanted water walking on the Strider?