So People Want The Water Strider To Be Restricted?

Shhh…don’t give them ideas lol :joy:

Don’t forget the waste of gold.

With crafted equipments predicted to cost 1000 gold each, (remember to cost of crafted follower equipment? Started at more like 100,000 gold each,) it could add up to a constant outlay for each character we use, as the equipment is per character, affecting all that character’s mounts. And the gem slot system means using one equipment destroys the previous one used.

More gold spent in game means more tokens bought by players.
Over half Activision’s income now comes from micro transactions. There is no way Ion is not trying to fight the tide of lost subs by trying this as a sort of micro transaction to keep the game afloat.

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Also, we have not even seen the crafting requirements for the pieces yet to my knowledge.

Would not be surprised if they make some of the mats come from dungeons or raids to add in that extra bit of irritation. Maybe even having to have rep to get the recipes to begin with.

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Myself ? I could care less about the water walking bug…I have used potions for water walking . As for those who cried and or complained about this add on for mounts , well-l-l-l-l big whoop .
What would be really funny is if blizzard for 8.2 put a vendor in all capital cities and that vendor would sell a water walking bug ( not a strider ) for like 50g and no special rep / achievement required.
What would be funny is if blizzard replaced the water walking add on and replaced it with mount speed boost ( if your mount is in water ) and make the speed boost so huge that you would actually swim faster then a water strider can run .

Ah but you forget, that would be too much as they seem to think players are too dumb to find a PVP vendor and give players too much choice.

But funny thing how they add other vendors for other rewards in the current content city zone, so maybe you could be right. All about the choice Blizzard wants you to have, not that you want on your own.

The change does add variety to the mounts that can water walk… so this is nice.
BUT, because the slot is character wide and because changing equipment is painful and expensive I cannot and will not be able to use anything other than water walking.

What would have been better is an equipment slot that is per-mount. I would easily have bought a dozen water-walking equipment items and a handful of the other equipment types and placed them on my favorite mounts.

Gold cost aside, I just cannot afford the bag space to carry several slots worth of equipment, changing them out periodically. Sorry, leather-workers.


That would be awesome, if it meant they’d leave my strider alone, and if the water walking worked like the strider does now (does not break from fall damage, can bounce back to the surface if you mount in water) and not like water walking is working on the ptr (breaks from fall damage, many mounts can’t reach the surface to begin walking on water).


We had that choice already. Now we have one or the other. Where is the “choice”?


You don’t seem to realize this isn’t about the haves and havenots. This about Blizzard taking an earned items ability out the game. Time played use to = items earned. Now that same formula = items to rent…and it sucks.


Which is worse?

Blizzard thinking we’re all stupid and they can just pep talk us into thinking this is an improvement?

Blizzard essentially saying that the old devs gave us too much and that we haven’t contributed enough to have earned what we have?

Blizzard crapping all over their own game to force everyone into their preferred single path of play?


I do. Unless what’s on the PTR is just buggy, the water walking we are getting is complete garbage to what we have now. At least the bug works. And removing things from the game is stupid.


Because EACH TOON other than the first must PAY to regain that functionality.


The people of wow: Wow we are kinda sick of looking at the water strider. Could you possibly sell us a new mount in the in-game shop that would have water walking as well?

Blizzard: Sure we shall hand you this “system” that will allow you to do that but you will loose what you already had and you will have to forgo all the other cool thing we can let you do with this new system in order to get back what you already had.

Is blizzard playing “ruin a wish” with us?


Because then they can equip the Daze-Proof mount gear and run around and not get knocked off their mounts, while switching to the Water Strider to cross the water as they do now. It’s a win-win.

Ironic isnt it? They say they are trying to copy something EXACTLY as it is (saying they are not nerfing anything) yet they can’t even copy something they already have working perfectly?

I mean dudes, its control-c then control-v. Unless the nerfing you are adding is intended, despite what you are saying.

When you lie about little things like this, why would you expect us to trust you on bigger things?


Im sorry but this is wrong falling dmg always broke ww.

Not on the strider.

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Just tried it and it’s true, There has always been the trick if you nose dive into the water didn’t take damage you could hop up and start water walking immediately.

I tested this just a few days ago, jumping off the docks in Boralus, getting the little “oof” as I hit water and a drop in my health bar, and then striding merrily away across the harbor. On the PTR, even 1 point of damage from jumping off a rock breaks water walking.

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And they try to tell us they’re giving back the strider’s ability with this little “equip” trick.
I just did the “Captain Wintersail” WQ that’s next to the mountains and waterfalls in Tiraguard sound.
I didn’t know exactly where I was going, so I had to search around. I wound up jumping with the strider, sank into the water, and floating back up to move along on top of the water looking for this NPC. I did this twice.

So after this goes live, if I find myself needing to jump like that, I’ll NOT ONLY be breaking the ability, but the mount won’t just hop back on top of the water so I can go merrily along my way.
I will be forced to re-equip the ability, spending gold on it, and having to take the extra time to accomplish this.
That does NOTHING but increase frustration, in order to do something I have to repeatedly do in the first place, because I choose to do world quests.
This is a stupid, unnecessary, flying fickle finger of fate (you have to be old to understand that statement :stuck_out_tongue: ) on blizzard’s part, and I’m sick of them doing crap like this.

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