Careful. Like you said there are “rational” people and “emotional” people. Getting kinda emotional there.
Obvious baiting.
me i dont care buy they either need to remove the water walking for it or design better land environments so there is no point to the water strider.
Agree 100% Stop the maps designed like mazes with only 1 path!
yes its mostly a game design problem not a mount issue.
Ok, I’ll watch it. Though, I was only letting them know I had dealt with them before the post in which I had mentioned that they seemed to be on the forums 24/7 which sent them into quite a frenzy. They even won a contest they created for themselves to win. It was… something interesting, indeed.
Of course with my Asperger Syndrome (though the psyciatric community simply says that I am autistic these days), I cannot always tell what people are saying on here. However, I do know how to use critical thinking and logic is almost all I know. lol
And yet we have the herb mount that does not use any equipment, go figure.
Maybe they should also remove that passive and make equipment so all mounts can herb, pointless yes?
Same pointless in that the water strider is a WATER STRIDER which inherently walks on water and Blizzard are just saying “Oh well, let’s just alter this creature in our universe so it does not do what a strider does because lols”.
The herb mount will change too, if they ever put in mount equipment that allows for gathering like it does. Then it will become “just a mount” for the same reason the strider is. Because then folks that like that mount the most will be able to use the other equipment instead, or choose to just keep it the same.
All this trouble just because some idiot couldn’t be bothered to add the lines “only works in Pandaria” back in 2012.
Love the new portal rooms…no issues…as for high elves…not really my thing to play…I much prefer my Dwarves…Gnomes…and Taurens…Worgens…mostly Dwarves and Gnomes…as I am very short in real life.
lol Good point. If they had, then, I doubt any of these folks would feel upset.
Dude, my kid is probably older than you are, and my granddaughter acts older than you do. Butthurt isn’t the harshest word either of them have heard before.
As for the “community” you speak of, regardless of HOW much of the player base they represent, I’m going to go out on a limb here and say a good 80+ percent of them don’t like this change.
Which would put them in the category that YOU, now roughly 10 minutes ago, called…
Right off the bat.
And you called them that why???
Because YOU feel they’re attempting to take away your choices.
I mean, honestly, I’m quoting you directly.
And yet, you’re asking us to treat you kindly. And NO, I was not rude to you first, and that’s easily proven for anyone willing to spend the time to slog through all the comments. I disagree with you, but I’m not simply being rude to you because I enjoy being rude to random people.
In fact, I have nothing against you. We just disagree. ( which is exactly what I told you the first time you decided to gripe about, about my time spent playing)
But the entire point of special mounts is that they are special. A water strider is a water strider so it can walk on water, a sky golem looks like it could cut down trees, just like those ones you use for your quests early on for Horde and just like the one in WoD, so it would make sense to have it do the same when mounted.
Why not just introduce more mounts and have mount families so you can have a choice which one you use? Like the 8 or so swimming mounts we have, they can all swim faster under water, or are they going to all of a sudden say "No, no no those can no longer swim under water unless you equip the swimming equipment? Will that make them a normal land mount or something?
If they made it only work in Pandaria I highly doubt as much players would have gotten it, than we would have cried it needs to work everywhere because it’s as stupid idea to make a special mount only work for that small bit of content and they would have the numbers to show it was a pointless mount.
I like the portal room too, my point was just that those threads accumulated a massive amount of posts (though like with this if you look at the threads, it’s the same people. I could literally list the people that are complaining about this) it did not change anything. You are right about the forums change, but like I said, it was because the people that are using the forums were the ones that actually affected.
Since a very tiny fraction of players come here, they do not make decisions based on number of complaint posts and such, because, look at the forums. If you tried to give it a percentile, what amount of threads and posts would you say are people complaining about something? No matter what, we know it is the vast majority. However, in regards to this change, I have noticed the logical fallacy these people are making is very akin to the “anti-flying” crowd.
That is, they want others to be forced to play the game their way rather than being given a choice. So, if they allow flying, as an example, those others that say flying is bad could always choose to ground mount, run, or walk. meanwhile, folks that enjoy flying, could enjoy flying.
In this case, they want 100% of strider owners to only be allowed to walk on water- even though- they could put boots into the equipment slot and still walk on water, while others that love that mount would have the options of slowfall or anti daze. Since they are igoring this fact, they come off as selfish as the anti-fliying player does.
In summation, it is never right to take away the choices of other players when one still has the choice available to them that they like.
Frankly, the only argument that IS logical is that they will have to pay for extra boots if they want to switch out equipment. That’s a valid annoyance, one they’d still have to accept, but a valid logical and reasonable one. The other is outside the realm of reason and does not harm them, only a person wanting their strider to do different things, instead.
Dude from your comments about people being emotional to your comments here, all I can ask is do you have ANY empathy for anyone other than yourself and YOUR opinions?
If you cant see how taking away something that someone does not want to give up as anything other than wrong is just… well I cant say here
Yes, they would have, but that gripe would be confined to only a single expansion, and then you could do the same with the water strider in WOD - you get water walking, but it only works in one expansion area.
As it is, the water strider has been the mount of choice across four expansions because Blizzard didn’t look to the long-term state of the game. They were so eager to avoid complaining for a little over a year that they created a problem that lasted for nearly seven.
That’s like saying “I don’t like needles, so I’m not going to get my booster shots this year.”
Not at all, the anti flying guys want everyone to be ground for all eternity while the water strider crows could not care less if other mounts could walk on water, they just don’t want the one special mount from being affected and have even suggested many many many times to just leave it and not allow other equipment from being used.
But Blizzard want a choice for everyone and all that jazz and before you say anything about having 2 mounts do 2 separate things for the one person, we currently have a Sky Golem that is another mount that does another thing and nothing is being done there to stop it being unique.
- There isn’t even that much water to worry about.
- Flying is coming out so it is a stupid time to be making this change.
- By agreeing to this change it is only going to allow Blizzard to do whatever they want whenever they want with anything they want in the future at any time they desire.
For me this is not about losing water walking, we get it back and my main is a DK so it really makes no difference what they do, but to me it is all about Blizzard changing something only a small percentage asked for and thinking it is OK to keep making these changes when players are obviously up in arms about it being done and still just going ahead with it.
The players, the PAYERS, the ones who keep this game going are mostly saying no to this change, but they are still standing strong and doing it anyway trying to make it sound like it is a gift from God.
I do understand you are emotional over this. Empathy is definitely not my strong point unless we are talking about robots or Vulcans. lol I am joking, but honestly, I do know what you mean. In vanilla WoW, I had been one of the only people on my server to have got one of the original epic raptors. “Whistle of the Red Mottled Raptor” to be exact.
I rode it all the time. I loved that mount. To this day I toss and turn and cannot sleep over its loss, because when they went to CATA and we got our mount journal where we could collect mounts- my raptor was not there. In fact, it has never appeared there. I called Blizz, I posted on the forums, I have since tried emailing, tweeting, everything, because they took away my mount and to this day, a decade later, I still do not have my raptor. It was stolen and gone forever.
Because of my nature, I tend to fixate and focus on very specific things, and trolls are my focus on WoW. That raptor was my focus. I have sought therapy over my raptor. I lie awake and think of it. My girlfriend has caught me staring at pictures of it online for hours. I miss my raptor. It is illogical, because it is a pretend video game creature. It is not real. I did work INSANELY hard in vanilla to get it, but, it is gone. I will probably never be able to let it go, but my point is that I am able to empathize with you in some way.
However, you will still have you mount, at least, and still be able to have it walk on water. So, the idea that you are “losing” something is lost on me, a man who truly has lost something. You do not like the change, and I understand that, but I have only been logically describing WHY it will no longer have water walking as an inherent ability (though it will still have it if you put boots on it). Having to buy more boots, I can understand n issue there with certitude. Gold you did not know you’d ever have to spend. Of course, if you look at all the gold I have paid since vanilla- we used to have to pay to learn spells and upgrade them, buying my raptor they stole, buying ammo, reagents, paying to change specs back and forth for old ZG and MC and such, all things that are just “free” now. I never got that gold back, and I am thinking it’s just the nature of the beast. At least you got X amount of time using the strider without having to pay for boots, and, I suppose, you could put on the boots and never remove them and keep things as close to the same as possible. Anyway, hopefully that helps you understand that I can, in fact, understand the emotions- now if only I could get emotional folks to understand the logic!
You don’t think this is what they are going to do anyway? Gate us behind yet more stuff to get.
EXPANSION 9.0 - ALL NEW WATER WALKING! …which does the same thing all other water walking does but needs to be done to get water walking for 9.0 yet you need more reputation, quests, and story to be completed before you can get it, estimated to take a further 6 months from when you start to unlock.
Sound familiar? Yeh, that is what they done with flying and we are still saying no to that because waiting 8 months to get something that by the time we get it we no longer need it is stupid. It will be the same with water walking, once we unlock it for the new expac it will be pointless and the same for all equipment, because once we get it we will either no longer need any of it or we will learn to get around it without the equipment.
Flying now, when it comes out I will have zero uses for it other than to fly to obscure places that have nothing to do with the story and the game and just screw around until raid nights, and even than I will use FP’s because it is easier. I will get from FP to raid entrance as my most used flying, I can see the same happening on 9.0 when they gate water walking, anti daze and parachute with three separate gated content along with any new equipment.