So People Want The Water Strider To Be Restricted?

I’m not one of those people who ride my water strider around everywhere I go. In fact I get sick of seeing so many water striders running around no where near water. If I come to a body of water I want to cross, I switch mounts and use my strider then switch back. If they leave the water strider alone and not benefit from the new equipment slot I can equip the new anti daze item and all of my land mounts will be anti daze while I can still use my strider on occasion to cross bodies of water.
For people who don’t have a strider, they have the option of equiping an item to give their mounts the water walking ability, which I love, and then if those people want to get their own strider they can decide if they want to swap out the equipment item or not. I gain nothing by using the water walking item, I just miss out on being able to use another slot item and still use my strider to water walk when I need to.

The same thing was said years back when Blizzard tried to make us use our real names in the forums…that got stopped in less then a couple days…we showed them what was really wrong with that idea…the forums blew up then.

I dont know about worse than others…but making me PAY for something I already EARNED would be a criminal offense in the real world.
Guess this is what happens when some game makers have “power” and no integrity.

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Exactly. Then they will be able to successfully say that they funneled you into their obstacles and dazing to extend your time-played while also giving it to you later, so to them… win-win. To most everyone else, it leaves a very bad taste.


I think you hit the nail on the head. Other than losing something and having to rebuy it later, the biggest issue seems to be about control.

The devs no longer want to do what an MMORGP is supposed to do. Give us one big open world to have fun in. They seem to want to make it a game on rails where they can put obstacles anywhere they want. Make it so you must go from point a to point b to point c and only along the prescribed path. THats not what these games are supposed to be.


Absolutely. Six Flags over Azeroth. The whole premise of WoW(sandbox) has been gutted.


I will say one more thing. I think its the mentality difference between RPG players and FPS player. The current dev team wants to build obstacles to beat. You can measure you skill against what you are able to over come. FPS devs want you to only “beat” their obstacles in the prescribed way. Any deviation is bad for the game.

RPG players want an open world to have fun in. Beat things yes but more to enjoy. RPG developers I feel, would take delight in seeing how players use creativity to beat encounters. Not get mad players came up with something they didnt forsee.


Flying is one of the few things they could make into mount equipment. If they go through with the strider nerf then they’ve set a precedent. If flying becomes equipment then all flying mounts lose flying. This system is ridiculous unless it leaves current mount abilities intact and makes current mounts with abilities not benefit from mount equipment.


Well, lets be honest…this game aint ESO.
In ESO the ENTIRE world is one big open world that is relevant at level 1…or level 26.
In WoW once Im level 61 classic zones are pointless. When Im 120 nothing but that tiny shred of giant dung in the ocean called BFA is all thats really relevant to me anymore.
the only way to take it relevant at all is to make a new character…which blizzard seems to be entirely bent on making sure I DONT want to do anymore…including stealing portals and my TIME investment getting the water strider specifically for water walking (oh, unless I want to pay for it on 50 characters).

This game is a laughing stock as are the companies who make it.

Activision and Blizzard WERE the game companies to look at for great games…long ago in a galaxy far, far away.

Today theyre just a joke.

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So much this. The current dev team is like a bad DM, who only prepared one potential path for his players, and by god he will railroad them down the path he wants no matter what he has to do to get them there.

Meaningful player choice has been removed and replaced with cosmetic choice.


That makes sense though, because that was affecting the forums. The feedback was on the medium that the change was intended to affect. You like your new portal room? Have you seen the type of playable High Elves on the Alliance those people are asking for?

The change you guys are trying to stop will not happen because they do not want to take away the options of people that love the strider. If people love that mount for virtue of how it looks, as in, “I ride my strider everywhere, water or not”, they want those people to have the option to still have it walk on water- but also be able to choose if it can slowfall or have anti daze.

Since the people complaining are attempting to take away players’ options that love the strider, it will not happen. Regardless of the narcissistic, egocentric, vain, etc. idea that not a single solitary person playing WoW does not see their strider as their personal favorite mount (I am sure you have at least one favorited mount as well), the reality is that it is not right to take away their choice to have slowfall or anti daze, even though those conceited folks can still have their striders walk on water as a choice.

That is the biggest crock of ish to be typed on this subject. Disgusting.


He’s baaaaaaaaaaaaaak. :smiley:

Gliders already exist and aren’t expensive. The bardings exist and aren’t unreasonably expensive.

Right now, you can waterwalk, glide, and have no-daze. The new system makes you choose only ONE of those. To suggest that is adding more choices is not only dishonest but it insults the intelligence of everyone reading and discussing the topic.


That mount is hideous anyway. Hmph!

Hops on Shackled Urzul

huh? Did you link the wrong post? There were no sweeping statements about other people and the poster never got mad at anyone. so again, huh?

I think I’ve heard it all now. Lol.
Honestly, I giggled out loud. Because I don’t know how many times I’ve typed the fact that I like my strider, I use my strider regardless of whether or not I’m crossing water, and that I think it’s cute.
The only comment I haven’t made, is that it’s my favorite mount.
But if I think about it, that’s probably true as well, because I use it far more than any mount I have…even my chopper…even my golem…dragons…winged creatures of all types…horses…you get the picture.

Nothing is being taken away from you if they leave the strider alone. You didn’t have the ability to choose your mount mechanics to begin with.
Prior to all this hoopla, our mounts were different, had unique abilities, and when we wanted a different ability, we simply switched.
A crazy concept, I know. Lol.

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Nothing is taken away from me, personally, at all. But, I am not looking after myself. I don’t even have the strider. I just know that there are people that DO have it that will not like being forced to only ride on water. And, even if that is the case and not a soul on Earth will want it to slowfall or anti daze, the same 7 or 8 of you that are repeatedly posting your disdain for this change will, in the end, will simply have to use the inflatable boots or sink.

Protip, just because you folks do not like this change, don’t be rude or mean to me. I have nothing to do with it. I am just telling you it will not change and the reason it will not change. It’s because that is still just a mount and will still be able to walk on water with equipment and will give others the choice to ride it differently than you do. I have no horse in this race at all, so maybe that’s why I can look at it more objectively, but it is what it is.

Knock it off 'Zambia. Don’t take me and the rest of the community for a fool.
You personally called me out for supposedly not playing the game, called me “gramps”, and not 5 minutes ago charged those of us who oppose this move with several cross descriptors I won’t repeat because I’m too lazy.
You get what you give out. Don’t act butthurt now.


Hey, you were rude to me first. I mean, if you are honest about your age, you have to be wise enough to know that saying generalizations like “me and the rest of the community” is inaccurate. There are a set number of a few of you that show up in every one of these threads and parrot your echoing complaints. You are not the entire community. In fact, everyone on the entire forums added together, me included, are only a fraction of the player base. Most people never even come here.

Also, someone of your age would not use the word “butthurt”. Would you talk like that to your grandchildren? If you do believe in karma and that people get what they give, then I suppose there must be a spiritual reason that your favorite mount will now require boots to your chagrin. I, however, have dealt with the same group of you now for a few days.

One thing that you all have in common is the inability to accept that there might people others out there that love that mount and will want it to utilize the other abilities that are becoming available. If that is not blatantly egocentric, what word should I call it?