So People Want The Water Strider To Be Restricted?

Not sure if I am reading this correctly. I will clarify. The new system lets you chose between three equipped items, Water walking boots, Immune to daze, and glider. You will not be able to equip both. These are consumable items, so once you use it, it is gone. You equip an item but want to equip something different, it will destroy the current one. (lets say you have immune to daze equip but need or want to use glider; you will have to destroy immune to daze.)


Just wait, next expansion the current equipment will have a “doesn’t work above level 120” tag and we wont get new mount equipment till 9.2

They know there’ll be a backlash if they straight up removed water walking for mounts, so they made system that creates an illusion of choice that gives them the ability to control how and when we can use it.


From my understanding that’s correct. The issue people who have the waterstrider is, is that they feel they shouldn’t have to do the same thing everyone else does because they have a mount that already has water walking and it should be permanent, they should have ONE mount with permanent water walking and every other mount with either no daze or slow fall AS well as a specific mount with water walking to choose from. AKA I want to be special because I got a specific mount.

This. Imagine if they did this wit the flying mount where it restricts you from flying unless you change the slot for flying on every mount and Blizz will give you a discount for flying even though you have earned the achievement.


Couldn’t this actually be said about people who decided they didn’t want to do the work to get the water-strider? They didn’t want to do the work but they wanted the special ability the mount gave?

Couldn’t this be said about those who did not want to do the work to get the water-strider? AKA, I didn’t do the work but I want my mount to walk on water too?


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Yup, they still won’t have the water walking mount ability. People with the waterstrider are STILL special. :man_shrugging:

But they will have to, to get waterwalking for all their mounts, there’s a rep requirement.

You mean just like players with herbing golems?

If everyone thinks that everyone being able to herb on a mount is so advantageous that not ONLY druids and people with the golem (which is cheap as sin off the AH) should be able to herb on every character they own, maybe it SHOULD be a mount equipment and golems should no longer be able to do that specially.

I’d be okay with that, if that’s what everyone else agrees upon. :man_shrugging:

Yes I’m sure you would.
Anything to make people spend more gold so they buy more tokens to keep this drowning game afloat.
It would be so sad if Ion was out of a job because he steered this foundering ship into an ice-berg.

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Yup, just like nerfing the experience requirement (after players BEGGED Blizzard to do so) it was nerfed. Then afterwards players complained SO much that leveling was TOO hard and that Blizzard was ONLY trying to sell character booosts they changed it to be insanely easy again?

I’d be all for your conspiracy theories if it wasn’t already proven wrong. :man_shrugging:

Keep trying to kid us, you obviously know what’s going on.
But I understand, You have to do what you have to do to try and protect your vested interest.

Not to mention in future expansions they can disable the equipment (Does not work in dragon isles expansion etc), plus to other reasons listed above. I would be happy if water strider left as it is with water walk, no gear option like sky golem is, and I can use a different equipment for other mounts. I have 4 mounts on my hotbar, for water, air, my fav ground, and transmog yak.


but for real though, this system is just making elixir of water walking more convoluted.

Vested interest? In what? I hate where WoW is right now. We’re getting charged for pets, name changes, server x-fers, re-customization, mounts, transmog, etc. and no f2p relief in sight. I’m all for saying “Eff this, Blizzard’s just trying to make money” but this is not the case for this situation imo.

I still say the best way to deal with this whole mess is to lat the gear be applied to the mounts, not the character. Part of the issue so many have is in order to get water walking on the strider they have to give up the anti-daze or other gear for the other mounts.

I want people to be able to choose what mounts have what abilities for them, but if I am going to have to deal with a gear applies to all mounts for that character, I’d rather have the strider be left alone so I am free to choose what gear I use for my other mounts, even if it is just the water walking.

Mainly it comes down to:

  1. mount equipment=good
  2. removing water walking from strider=meh, lets see how it plays out with the rest of the gear
  3. wait, I can apply gear to get abilities across all mounts on the character? not so good for those of us that like different mounts for different tasks
  4. The system would work great if they just switched from character based to mount based, that way those of us that want the stuider with water walking can have it, or we can apply it to another mount and give the strider another ability.

I’d even take it if the gear was applied across mount families, like all horses on the character got anti-stun, all wolves got something that has not been implemented yet (speed increase, able to fight on mount, etc) and so on.

I think they should go back to where non account bound mounts so you only have one toon with the strider or whatever, that way you only have it on one or two toons and not the others, and that way it wouldn’t matter.

Oh,another talking for everyone,those people you are answering for want the mount as intended as they hard worked for it. Just leave it alone and make it where you can’t apply any other equipment just like the sky golem and can’t used in Bg’s because this is one of the reason they want it out.

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The point of mount equipment was to nerf the water strider. They already tried nerfing it back in… wod? legion?..and people threw a fit, so they didn’t touch it.

This new mount equipment system is a way for them to make it appear that nothing is changing, but it will easily allow them to nerf waterwalking in future expansions. They simply have to add “does not work in X area” when the next expansion launches, and their goal of nerfing water walking will be realized and when players notice it will be too late.


Reminds me of the frog in water analogy used in Dante’s Peak, put a frog in boiling water and it hops right out, put it in cold and hit it up gradually and it will boil to death. Quite a few people are seeing the writing on the wall and are trying to tell Blizzard “don’t do this”, sometimes by offering an idea or something in place of it. I can only say if they pull the "does not work in X area: stunt, they BETTER at least make the professions able to make the new gear close to right off the bat in the expansion/patch.


Look, at best the change is neutral. We use the Water Walking equipment and our Water Striders still have have water walking. Along with everything else that isn’t a Water Strider.

At its worst, the change results in Water Striders without water walking.
An objectively worse situation than we currently have.

This system’s only determinable goal to make Water Striders worse, so we see players using them less.
It’s a bunch of misplaced effort. The team is just playing Ant Farm here, this is an exercise in player manipulation. Not the creation of a fun, interesting, and engaging new system for players to enjoy.