So People Want The Water Strider To Be Restricted?

No; They don’t want the Water-Strider to be restricted.
They want the Water-Strider to walk on water.
People are upset that water-walking has been itemized. again.

I’m all for this system, if I can make the Dreadwake float on water, but I think they’re implementing a half-baked system. You can already use a consumable to reduce the chance of getting dazed or dismounted, for a set amount of time, and You can use a parachute, flexweave underlay, or a Goblin Glider if you’re worried about falling off a cliff, or whatever argument they manufactured for the saddle chute… Oh, and potion of Water Walking’s still a thing; old recipie, but effective.

Why not lobotomize the Skygolem’s Herbology ability too?

Oh, I know, Lets go full Munchkin cardgame here, and make it so when you equip “press-on Wings” to your mount slot, you can FLY.

Honest thoughts on a troll thread; Author gets a 7 out of 10, and Blizz get a 5 out of 10 for this feature. Half baked. Good Idea, Piss-poor execution.


With the equipment available - they don’t have to.

But everyone will have the option to grind out the strider if they want a single mount that can water stride independently.

Welp, you can always buy a level boost when they change it to max lvl.

They clearly dont want us to have multi funtional mounts at once.

For example
They don’t want you to have the waterstrider with waterwalking and another mount with dazed/speed/glide equipment in your bars

So you’re admitting the reason people want it to ONLY walk on water is so they can skirt around the whole reason blizzard is doing this update? So you don’t HAVE to ONLY use the waterstrider to walk over water and you can use any mount?

What about all the people who want to use anti-daze or lowered fall damage on their water strider? Screw them because people want to have the advantage of having water walking & what other mount equipment is attachable at the same time…?

That’s literally what Blizzard’s trying to get away from with mount equipment.

People want the agency of choosing an appropriate mount, as well as having their time and gold respected. I don’t expect a refund for the gold I paid, and I’d like to have the choice of what mount to use based on the conditions I expect to encounter. As I don’t expect to ever see the equipment, all of my under-100 alts will simply lose the effect of the mount.

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Wrong. It will allow players to have water walking AND no daze. Why would they take it out? What reason would there be to remove it?

You’re comparing being able to glide without a mount at all any time you want to mounts with gliding?

You’re straight up fear mongering at this point with invalid points.

For this I just have to ask how many people use their strider for more then just crossing water? personally I hate the looks of it which is why I only use it for crossing water unless on druid (travel form changes to seal in deep water) or DK (path of Frost on any mount). This is where at least gear applied to mounts shines.

Nope. You can put water walking on them all and now instead of being forced to use a waterstrider, you can use any mount. :man_shrugging:

What good is a water strider when waterwalking equipment is added? It’s not, it’s a conflict, it will be gone.

Wrong. It will allow players to have water walking AND no daze. Why would they take it out? What reason would there be to remove it?

What part of I don’t expect to ever see mount equipment don’t you understand? I’ll also lose the bouncy effect from my strider no matter what.

There was a person in the forums just the other day saying how they want their water strider to be able to have anti-daze. So at least one. Regardless, why should the amount of people who want that be triumphed by others who don’t?

And after posting this, along comes the 2k+ poster to carry their points.

I guess I’d say the same thing to them that is happening for the people that would say the same thing about the golem - you’re keeping an ability for a trade-off through a change that doesn’t force people into paying to get back something they already have.

It treats ability-using mounts consistently while not charging people to get back what they’ve already earned.

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Flipside: why should those who want that trump others who don’t? Again, this is why the system needs to be at least per mount. That way those that want the Strider to have anti-daze can have such at the cost of water walking or having to apply water walking to it and back or to another mount ans switching.

So people who are complaining just want free water walking because they earned a mount that has it already? I could agree with that I guess, if 500g or whatever they’re charging is that much a ball buster for folks. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

bad bait

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It’s already gone,tried it this morning to test it.Stiff are a board so if you slowfall to the water now.You’ll hit like a rock.

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sighs sadly, but without surprise

yes that was a lecture rofl

The old system. You have to have rep in order to buy the strider. Thus, you can freely walk on water without issues.

The new system. You have to at level 100+ and gain rep in order to purchase at a cheaper price (or have to be at a certain rep in order to buy equipment.)
You can only equipment once as these items are consumable.

You have to choose which one you want to equip. You can only chose one.

Yes, you can mail these to your alts, but whats the point when you can only use one on current system. (Example: you equip boots water boots on your main, log out, log on an alt, you want to equip glider on a mount, you have a choice; destroy your water boots and use glider or keep it the same. You can’t have both.

If you run out, you have to go to Karasong Wilds and purchase these again from the vendor.

You jump off any land, boat, etc, you sink, you may have to spend a few tries getting your mount back on top of the water or find yourself giving up and swimming to land, remount, and run across the water.
Larger mounts such as drakes jump in place even though you are moving forward. They stop in place when they jump out of water, then continue moving when they are back in.

Price may increase above 45g as Blizzard stated it is not set in stone.

It is a huge mess.

Again, this is sad and un-needed and unnecessary change. They should leave the water strider alone and give the option for people to buy boots to give the “choice” to others. This has been mentioned several times on other forums.

Reading the comments here, it is sad people do not see what is happening and mock people for their right to be upset. They have every right to be upset.