So People Want The Water Strider To Be Restricted?

It’s sad to say, but that’s exactly where they erred with flying, and they wish to all of the old gods, and the new, that they could take it all back. But the design of the expansion pretty much required flying to be enabled, since it was all connected to the existing old world. Ever notice how since that expansion, we’ve never been placed in any previous world content, that it’s all been newly “discovered” or alternate universe?

That’s just the PTR, they want the equipment tested.
It’s clear from Bornok’s statements the intention is this equipment will only be available at the vendor in live.

That are instanced from all previous content and many of their own subzones?

That’s not the problem which was clearly pointed out to Rygarius and Lore back during WoD. You have to land and engage in combat to complete virtually every quest in the game. Players simply skip the mobs in between because those mobs are boring to kill and don’t offer any meaningful reward when it comes to killing them. Or because you have 3 quests in the camp, turn those in, then get sent back to kill the chief and have to kill all the trash a second time.

Make killing mobs fun and decently rewarding and players won’t skip content.

Case in point: MoP. Probably the highest drop rate for green gear (with decent vendor prices) of any expansion. Also tons of various crafting and cooking mats, Motes of Harmony, Lesser Charms of Good Fortune. And then the rare mobs with fun mechanics and even more reward drops.

Versus a 10g talon and handful of whiskers today.


At this point, I’m not sure I will be using any of the features.

The water walking completely goes away if you take any falling damage. So just jumping off the upper part of the boat causes the mount to wind up in the water, not on it, needing to be recast. It will be no different than just changing mounts at the water now, and I’m guessing that’s about all it will be when it goes live.

If the water walking fails so easily, what will be the downfall of the parachute and the stun resistance. Will the parachute fail if you get too close to an object like a tree or the side of a cliff? It’s not a glider so it will drift and you can’t guide it most likely. Will the stun resistance fail after x number of hits from mobs?

I keep checking in PTR to see if the water walking is fixed, but I fear it is intended, which is not even close to the strider. My main will have the water walking but everyone else will just wait until things work better, which may forever relegate them to a choice of ground or flying on basic mounts.


As it is now, the strider only loses water walking ability if you take mob damage. On PTR, if you even take falling damage, you lose water walking. The strider has NEVER lost water walking even with 50% damage from falling. This, sir, is a nerf.

As far as I could tell from my conversation in the water strider thread, that was akin to the High Elf echo chamber thread, it’s because of a handful of misconceptions people have that they are against this change. From my experience it was:

Fear of change.

Happens with humans all the time. There are the rational, critical thinkers, and then there are the illogical, emotional types of people.

The idea that WoW will never evolve.

I’ve been playing since original WoW beta when I could ride a black raptor without a saddle on it. This game has changed drastically, many times, and will continue to do so in the future as the devs come and go.

Having an emotional connection to walking on water/ a mount.

Some people simply “feel” that they have lost something of value, when, in reality, they has several years worth of using said item. They got their value out of it, clearly.

Being upset about needing to buy things with gold that “they earned”.

As far as I have seen throughout WoW, just because I get to exalted, does not mean I get something for free from that faction’s vendor. Blizz will send them a free pair, and regardless of the cost of the boots, there will be a cost. And, as with everything else sold, there should be a cost associated with it. They will simply pay or not have the water walking.

Boredom/Negativity/Need to complain about anything.

A think much of it stemmed from people’s general frustration’s and they focused on something that is very trivial to vent those negative feelings. Human nature. They know it will not change reality, but complaining helps them feel better.


In the end, this will be a new system. The system did not exist like this before, and therefore, the water strider’s inherent ability needs to be removed because a new piece of equipment does the same thing. The golem need not be changed because there is (as of yet) no piece of mount equipment for its ability.

The water walking that will now be in the game works like the water walking buffs. In fact, that is, more or less, what the mount equipment is. It is giving players some new choices that are the class buffs. Water walking will now work just like the shaman’s walk on water. The parachute is literally a mage’s slowfall. And the anti daze is the same “unseen” buff that tank specs have that will not allow for dazing.

I like the new system, personally, in that it will give us more options and choices for customization- things I love that many iterations of WoW did not have. The dev’s are seeing that players in game respond well to being able to choose more races, transmog, share mounts across toons, pets, and more. This new system will allow for new crafted items for professions, and it could potentially open up all kinds of other equipment by using the abilities of other classes as well. For example while mounted maybe there will be equipment allowing any of us to:

Double jump while mounted/higher jumping. (Demon Hunter)
Sprint on mount (Rogue)
Blink (Mage)
Heroic Leap (Warrior)
Charge (Warrior)
Levitate (Priest)
Water Breathing (Warlock)
Fast Swim (Druid)

These are a few off the top of my head. They could also have “epic” or even “legendary” ones we can obtain access too based on mounts earned or having a certain number of a type of mount. For example, allowing us to stay mounted while fighting (probably disables flying while in combat). Anyway, this system is cool, in my opinion, and I like it, but not everyone will, and that’s ok!

No one is going to read that


And it sounds terrible and takes away the uniqueness of some mounts in the game. A lot of us spent a lot of time to get that mount and now… not only is the effort I put in essentially wasted, but none of my alts will benefit from it.

It’s a terrible choice and there is 100’s of other issues that are pressing… and here we are talking about something NO ONE asked for. If it was such a huge issue… then why haven’t players been complaining since day 1 about dk’s and path of frost? Why does EVERYTHING have to be homogenized? If players want water walking, play a spec that has it or put in the time like everyone else. ffs. It isn’t hard.

You know what people actually want and have been asking for since BFA hit? Balance. M+ is broken. Arena is broken. Even meters in raids look lop sided. Holy hell the priorities of this dev team are off.


I don’t know, I am sure some folks would like to ride on their water striders but have the anti daze or parachute instead of being limited only to walking on water (which should/would still be nerfed to keep it in line with all the other mounts).

No matter what Blizzard, does, 1% of players will complain about it.

But WoW has so many players that 1% is 30,000+ players.

That is the key to understanding this forum: this forum is for complaining, and the complainers are 1%. They only SEEM like 90%, because a hundred or a thousand players SEEMS like “everyone”…when it’s really 0.1%.

Right now, any level 20+ character I have can just summon a water strider if I need to walk on water. I earned it. It’s mine. It’s easy, it currently costs me NOTHING except the time to switch mounts. Period.

I only use one when I need to cross water a lot on a non-DK/Shammy. Otherwise, I use a variety of mounts - mostly two seaters since I ALWAYS dualbox open world content.

The new mount equipment system means EVERY character after the first one has to go and BUY a 40g token and apply it. Other than my DK and my Shaman (until blizz nerfs them) it’s going to be the only option I look at, so it really doesn’t bring much to the table for me, since I haven’t really played my shaman much at all since Cataclysm, which was the last time they were fun (they were AWESOME in Cataclysm).

I am an altoholic. Getting water walking for every toon on every server across both accounts would add up to a fortune. Meanwhile, gold earning is in the toilet and everything costs too much.

Where is the improvement in breaking what already works? It’s going to cost me a collective fortune in gold I’d rather spend on other things, eat a ton of time in runs to East Osh Kosh MoP to buy, and even more time and headaches distributing a ton of stupid equipment tokens across a zillion toons on two accounts - so I can waterwalk. And again, until Blizz screws us, I CAN ALREADY WHEN I NEED TO.

Every other thing these equipment items do, you can buy a potion or barding of some sort to use as needed.

At best, It’s a solution in search of a problem…except there IS no best and it’s not a player solution at all. It only creates problems for a very small benefit that one can obtain through other means.

Blizz tried messing with the water striders before and it didn’t go well. How hard is it to figure we WANT THEM LEFT ALONE.


I was kind of curious. I was not surprised to see that most of the people that are for the change do not own either strider. Not all, but quite enough.

The equipment system can function the exact same way it would now even if you left the striders as they are. You can argue it would not be fair, but things are not fair sometimes. There are mounts in this game that I was not able to get over the time I have played. Do I want them, yes, would I try to make them change so I could have them, no. They were earned and I did not earn them, that is on me. So put in this equipment system and leave the striders alone, the way the golem is being left alone. We all know it can be done, they just do not want it to be done.

I do like how this system provides the illusion of choice, but if you see it that way I am not going to convince you. Leaving the strider as is, having the golem as is and having the choice to use any of the three equipment tokens as you would for ALL of your other mounts gives you more choice.

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And creating another gold sink. As easily as some people think that it is to put back water walking on the Strider, I think it is just as easy for them to not touch it.

** Also, will they rename the mount since it is no longer a “Water Strider”?

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What the OP is saying is that, if they do not touch it, then they are essentially taking away the customization for people that want to use the bug as their mount, but will want the new options of either parachute or anti daze.

Obviously, the water walking effect on it will need to be nerfed to be in line with the new system regardless, but why not let people that love their striders continue to ride it, even if they do not want to use the walk on water? That’s what the OP is saying. Why do people want to take away the other two options from the strider?

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Interesting. I had not thought that anyone would want to make the Water Strider their primary mount. Fair enough point.

Oh look, another sanctimonious player 'splaining why the community is totally ticked over their bonehead nerf of the water strider.
Although I’ve read most all the threads in their entirety, I do believe it’s the first time someone suggested that we’ve a “fear of change” “they got their value out of it, clearly”.
I hear blizzard’s hiring.

I am getting less patient with people who assume this kind of bait and switch, give and take away BS, is to be expected and perfectly reasonable.
It’s not. My game time is just that MINE. I don’t wish to be forced into time sinks, for the sake of time sinks, when I have been given a mount that sometimes SAVES me time and frustration having to deal with pesky mobs over and over again.
They have messed up flying.
They have messed up aspects.

They are messing with a mount I really like, have gotten used to, worked for, paid for and rely on. I don’t like it one tiny bit. Introduce new abilities if you must, but leave my strider ALONE.


Who needs to have every mount function the same way?

Your argument is laughable seeing so many of the arguments for this claim everyone hates the strider. I’m sure the few people (such as myself) who love the striders would be quite happy to switch to another mount to be not dazed or use a parachute.


I can see you are emotional, and thanks for painting me with that brush, very kind of you. But, the reality is that it is going to change. Instead of being mad at me, answer my question I posed (the same as the OP).

If someone loves their strider, why should they be forced to only have water walking even though they may want to have the other options of parachute or anti daze.

Let’s say in the future that Blizz also adds stuff like:

Double jump while mounted/higher jumping. (Demon Hunter)
Sprint on mount (Rogue)
Blink (Mage)
Heroic Leap (Warrior)
Charge (Warrior)
Levitate (Priest)
Water Breathing (Warlock)
Fast Swim (Druid)
Crusader’s Aura (Paladin/DK)
Grappling on mount (Outlaw)

The point is, whatever options are given in the future, why should people that love that mount not be allowed to give it the other powers instead, if that’s what they want?

But you do not speak for everyone, only you.

I love the water striders - when I’m on water. On land I press my random mount button so I can enjoy my whole collection.

I don’t know anyone who only rides the strider.