So People Want The Water Strider To Be Restricted?

You are quite happy to speak for other people - people who likely don’t even exist, with the claims you make up to justify Blizzard’s decisions.
I’m speaking for myself and people I know.

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There are millions of players, I am certain you do not know but a fraction of a fraction’s fraction. That’s my point. You would still have the water walking regardless. But other players may not want it on that mount, they may like something else instead.

I am not going to say you are selfish, because I don’t know you, but I do know that there is no logical reason to take away options from people that love their striders- especially because they would still be able to have it walk on water anyway, if that is what they like theirs to do- like you.

You’re the one supporting a system to drain our gold and take away choices.

Wait for next patch; there will be areas that practically require the anti-daze and others that need the parachute. The presently available crafted mount buffs will no longer usable as there place of use is already restricted, so we will be stuck with all mounts only having the one and same buff until we pay to change it, and we’ll have to pay to change it the same way on every alt we level through that area.

Having the strider we earned retain water walking and other mounts use equipment gives two choices in function, the strider being subject to the buff the others have only gives us one functional choice.

In case you missed out on maths class, 2 is greater than 1.

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Their reasoning for it is kind of silly, they could of left it as is, and introduced mount-potions or some fancy magic crafted item. This is going to be very annoying I feel for some reason. Hopefully not but just looks annoying if that makes sense.

This idea of mentioning that mounts are OP is silly, people just wanted options so they can probably water walk while mounted in their boat, or the jaina mount. Now its like click, do it, getting into a lot of mobs then click back and put in anti daze, then while your falling off a cliff, realize you cant put in the parachute option and fall to your death.

It’s just bland, boring and they could of gone about it in a more simpler fashion that still gives people options and stop with this OP mount argument, or that something feels special or whatever.

Whether or not I’m emotional is beside the point. I am tired of having things I enjoy taken away, under the false pretense of giving me more choices…choices they have repeatedly taken away in the past. I don’t like being pigeon-holed into spending more time doing the same things over and over again. I don’t like having to pay for something that works just fine as it is. I am not against the different abilities, I am against them messing with my strider. Put water walking on your kudo mount for all I care. It’s your game and I think you should play it the way you want. Bliz can design mounts to do whatever, and I’d be fine with it as long as they stopped trying to make me LIKE wasting my time to regain something I already have, already paid for, already did the grind for, and rely on to save me a little bit of time AND fully expect will be further gimped in the days to come.
They’re peeing on our legs and telling us it’s raining. I don’t have to like that, and kinda resent being told my opposition is merely because I don’t like change (false) and I’ve gotten my use out of it (equally false).

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Interesting how they have things that do the exact same thing in the game currently that stack, but of course they are limited to certain zones.

You have more choice right now if you want to use the strider and add the barding for daze or stirrups for interacting while mounted. Would it not be more of a choice if they gave the professions an updated version to include new zones. Kicking it down to one option on ALL mounts rather than a few different things as you need them is not more choice. There is also the option to have the water walking potion do the same thing as the current addons, let it last for 2 hours and not 10 mins.

More so, they should incorporate a system based on mount families, they could very well add more inherent options to mounts. This would be a much better system than they are proposing. But removing the striders ability to water walk has been know to be an issue for Blizzard. They could and can do better, this is a very poorly thought out system.

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Ok, well, all you guys are doing is insulting me and being unreasonable. So, I’ll leave you to continue being upset about things that won’t change. I learned ages ago that a reasonable person cannot argue a point to someone that is unreasonable.

Earlier up there a few posts, I said the same thing I am saying to you, And the person that was discussing with me said “Interesting. I had not thought that anyone would want to make the Water Strider their primary mount. Fair enough point.” It is because my point is fair.

The new system will come, like it or not, and people will not lose their option to ride on their water striders however they want with whatever equipment they like. It’s strange how this concept parallels with anti-fliers. They can still walk on the ground, even if I want to fly. In this case, your strider can still walk on water, even if I want a parachute. Entitlement is such an unreasonable concept.

Have I really hurt your poor feelings?
I’m so terribly sorry for you.

Perhaps if you go and do something useful, like earning yourself a water strider - on PTR water walking can’t be bought if you don’t have the Azure Water Strider or required Anglers rep, so it will be worth your while, - then you might start to cheer up a little. :smiley:

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It’s also a good example of a developer problem rather than a player problem. I was a new player, found it fun, kept playing into MoP and only left when ff14 came out. Shouldn’t be like a success story? It’s like they just can’t get over that some world quests were easy.

What’s more funnier, or sadder, is that they take away flying, but know they have a distance problem, so they:

-increase the flight paths
-increase the heart stones
-give us a whistle to go to a flight path directly
-A grappling hook to go up mountains
-Various things to lift us in the air, and to help us glide down

All that, vs. just letting us fly . . . it’s like telling someone they can’t have sex, but then give them a sex robot and tell them to use that instead.

The only thing you truly gain from flying is player agency, the thing that blizzard can’t stand, which is strange when the most natural human instinct is to have agency over their lives, so obviously a lack of agency is a frustration.

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If you say so. Best of luck on getting your way.

They are changing the strider’s ww ability with the consumables. People have been explaining this from the PTR. Nobody is insulting you that you didn’t initially insult.
I realize the new system will come. Blizzard has a track record of not listening to anything we say, especially once they get it in their head they can force players to “see their content” another half billion times, and the result will be to slow us down, along with dumping more gold into the game.
I have nothing against you wanting to use other abilities, as long as they leave the strider alone. He was designed to ww, The golem was designed to allow herbalists a perk, and they saw fit leave to that alone. Do the same with the strider and call it good.


Thank you.
And best of luck getting a strider for yourself instead of wanting water walking without putting in any effort.

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I’m going to get it next week. The dailies take about 5 mins per day, started them a week ago and I am almost revered (took a total an hour and 20 mins or so). MoP Timewalking is in just a few days, so I’ll do the quest to get the 500 badges and just buy Angler commendations to exalted.

Granted a person can get the strider in just one day during the MoP Timewalking, but I figured the 5 mins a day means I can keep a few extra badges. This mount is so easy to get. I’ll enjoy riding it with a parachute instead of having to have it only walk on water! lol

Oh, the golem is different (at least so far). The reason it is untouched is because no mount equipment (yet) can be used the same way as its ability. However, with water walking being one of the new equipments, the strider will need to become a regular mount.

I am sure in the future, they would have to change up the golem the same way if needed, so that people could ride the golem if they wanted with whatever equipment they want, instead of being forced to only have its one ability.

Because people would want to use one of the other two equipment items and then mount on the water strider when they’re near water and have the best of both worlds. They’ll conveniently claim that it’s because they “worked hard” on a run of the mill exalted reputation mount.

Wouldn’t that be terrible - players being able to earn, (so easily,) a choice of mount buffs.

Correct me if I’m wrong but won’t we be able to equip different mounts with different things?

So instead of being forced to use a bug for your water walking needs, and a sky golem for your herbing, you’d be able to designate specific mounts you want to serve that purpose instead?

Nope, one equipment token for all of your mounts excluding the golam which is not being touched, for reasons.

So you will have either No daze / parachute / water walking for all other mounts you have, but only one at a time. Also, if you switch to another token, the previous is destroyed and you will have to purchase another if you do not have one.

Ah, well that does suck. Hopefully they will reconsider.

At that point I’d just level up a druid and have him be my herbalist and just get enchanting/alchemy on my monk. That is unless they nerf it so you can’t pick herbs while in mount/flight form as a druid.