So now that the game has Pelagos and the

I agree being lgbtq+ doesnt need to be the focus of a character, but thats different from adding something to the story. If we have a vendor that just has some dialogue or an interaction that reveals they are gay then that is a fine bit of representation, we should be present as minor characters as well as major. This character would add something to the game, but nothing to the story beyond hey gay people exist and others are cool with it.

Noone wants a character who just exists to shout about how gay they are


This is entirely a case by case basis. Some people like having being LGBT+ as a core facet of their personality (and some moreso as the largest facet by far) whilst others donā€™t mind it in the background.

Sometimes, just existing is enough for people.


I feel like in a way we are arguing the same points just from different angles, or to slightly different ideas. Its a struggle no matter how its handled because a big important character that happens to be gay gets called token representation, as does a small background one

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Absolutely. I get what you mean now, and I 100% agree with you. As far as just minor NPCā€™s go, yes. Weā€™re on the same page.

But if theyā€™re introducing a major lore character, they need more substance than just being LGBTQ+. Which Blizz is doing with the three theyā€™ve added so far. Which is great.

But yes, I agree with you on the minor characters not needing any impact on the story like that.

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All I want is for people to stop saying Blizzard doesnā€™t care about inclusion. They clearly do.

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You know what bothers me about LGBT characters, the fact that storytellers go out of their way to emphasise they have an LGBT character/representationā€¦ like dude tell a story whatever makes sense in the context of that story, great. Wedging something that doesnā€™t make sense, is jarring or out of place at the expense of story is not cool.

I think the perfect LGBT character is Omar Little from the wire, he is the baddest most ruthless player in the gameā€¦ he just happens to be gay, its not his defining trait. You want to normalise LGBT, treat them like any other character and stop making grandiose blue posts about using the right god dam pronouns and how you have struck a blow for society by including one.

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Do you consider Pelagos good or bad representation?

Personally, I think he fits the kind of representation youā€™re looking for. I havenā€™t played in the Alpha but I imagine heā€™s introduced with some text about his prior gender in life but then focuses on whatever the problem with Bastion is. Someone correct me if Iā€™m wrong about how often he mentions his prior gender.

I have no idea who it is or what context the story is being told from (I am not in the alpha), my only knowledge comes from a blue post drumming up support for how they are sensitive to using the correct pronouns, that kinda makes me cringe going in because I donā€™t want that type of real world PC experience in my fantasy escapism. Thats not to say that I donā€™t want LGBT characters, if they fit the story or its just background detail for their opinions and motivations, great use them but I donā€™t want blue posts parading them or making it the central focus to score points.

Conceptually I have no issue with it but its about the execution. Right now my only exposure to it has been a blue post about correct use of pronouns and a bunch of forum topics on it.

Iā€™ll be more impressed if Blizzard sticks with the same story world wide and donā€™t pull a Tracer on it.

None of the old and established ones, hopefully. Donā€™t want another s76 situation here.

I respect your desire to see well developed characters but I donā€™t think trans people existing in WoW is inherently a PC thing. From what others in the alpha are saying, Pelagosā€™s story isnā€™t driven solely by his gender identity.

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That sounds like something Junji Ito would make.

Can confirm.

We Elves have no boundary for our love(s).

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Sounds like we got some Mulan stuff up in here

Letā€™s get down to business

You forget Wrathion and Anduin.

In lore, it is actually Tyrande who finds Malfurion ugly on the outside. She married him cause he isā€¦ Less ugly on the inside? Iā€™dunno.

Oh for the love of the elements. BLIZZARD NEVER DID THIS! In the case of Tracer/Soldier 76, they were part of a comic/short story. Blizzard promoted the story/comic but nothing about Tracer/Soldier 76 being gay. That was all the community/media doing that.

Because cats were worshiped as Gods. Far more often than sharks or monkeys were worshiped. Thatā€™s why. That and we would have an excuse to sleep half the day.

If you want an excuse to sleep to sleep for half the day, come back as a panda.

If they canā€™t do it justice, I think many would prefer they just not do it at all. So unless the character has a very well written story, done with care and respect ā€¦ its better they not even bring it up. Because if they do it poorly, it insults a lot of people.

And I honestly do NOT trust Blizzard to write such stories with the finesse they need.