So now that the game has Pelagos and the

first Night Warrior I was wondering how many confirmed LGBT characters are there in WoW?

No arguments please just actually curious. Thanks


3 total I guess. Pelagos, Thiernax, and Kadarin.

There’s been some hinted at in the past but none just flat-out confirmed like these 3.


Thank you!

there’s those lesbian elves in azsuna for the enchanting quest
i’ve noticed something about elves lately…


Not an enchanter. I didn’t know.

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I don’t remember doing that quest, but thank you.

I might have missed something but how is Pelagos a LGBT character anyway? Didn’t they just decide to become the other sex after they died?

If I want to come back as a cat next time around, does that change what I am now?


Tenwu of the Red Smoke is highly suggested to be bi/pan. They flirt with the player character, regardless of gender.

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Never noticed that.

Why would you want to come back as a cat? come back as something cool, like a shark or a spider-monkey.

Stupid and cliche cat comment aside, yes, he lived as a woman, and decided to take the form of a man in the Shadowlands, as that option only became available to him after death.

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At least they didn’t say “attack helicopter”, lol.


so how is he a LGBT character?

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He’s transgender. That’s what the “T” is LGBT stands for.


They are dead. Pretty sure to be transgender these things have to happen when someone is alive.

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I bet they’re dying to make a “did you just assume my gender” joke.

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Pretty sure Malfurion don’t want none from Tyrande. Not sure if it’s a sexual orientation thing or just that Tyrande is the ew but it’s pretty clear he keeps trying to get away from her.

Your point? In WoW, when people die they move to a different realm.


I interpret it as the Shadowlands form of reincarnation as well! From what I understand, Kyrians are about tossing their past lives to serve a greater purpose. Makes me think it’s a Shadowlands spin on rl buddhist monks!

Why not, that would be freaking awesome :slight_smile: