So now that the game has Pelagos and the

I would count Marcus as one. The protagonist of the Steamy Romance Novels.

I don’t want to see or be seen by straight people, and yet I am. I guess we both have to just get over it, because neither are going away.


No one is keeping him here. If he’s unhappy he can always leave.

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My I introduce you to Gyo by Junji Ito? It has many things of nightmares.

This has the same mood as those ironic anti-boomer “This is America! Gay marriage is legal! Don’t like it? You can leave!” images and I love it.

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I feel like the two female trolls in the Voldun questline are more than just friends.

They will historically be referred to as “roommates”.

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Glad you like it.

I really dislike how you can find a number of gay females in the game but the males are deep in the closet as “close friends”. If you were a JC in Cata the lady that gives you the quest has you getting things for her girlfriend.


They’re more socially acceptable or something like that I guess.

Because lesbianism is more widely accepted in contemporary culture than gay men.

it’s the fetishization.


I’ve been collecting all the recipes on my jewelcrafter and JEEZ lady you’ve given her like a hundred of these things now. Maybe mix it up a bit. A tea set, or like, new slippers maybe.

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Why do they need to add something to the story? If a bunch of mediocre minor cishet characters can exist, why cant we have LGBTQ+ characters who just exist in the background as well.

Though in this specific case it does seem like he does contribute to the lore, and plays a decent role in at least the zone story

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I think it is because they are more fetishized, not socially accepted. Just look at all the “media” round two women being intimate. That is not really being made for gay female consumption, it is for straight guys to put it bluntly.

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People think it’s ‘pandering’ if they’re just thrown in without having any story-related ties.

I exist. I don’t contribute to your story nor do I need justification to do so.
I’m just here…trying to jam my fist into my mouth.
(Note: general ‘you’ not personal ‘you’.)


Because being gay for being gay is just forced representation. It’s not genuine. It’s “Hey, look! We did it! We checked a box!”

Having a role, and offering something to the overall narrative should ALWAYS come first. Be a character first… Be gay second.

Being gay shouldn’t be the main focus of a character. They should be a person first, and just happen to also be gay.

That way it feels more genuine. You feel for the character because they’re a person. Not just because they have a sexual orientation that’s blasted in your face.


That is exactly how they handled Pelagos and the Night Warrior. Characters first, details second.


Exactly! And that’s great.

They offer something to the story, and they also happen to be gay. Great. I’m all here for it.

But just having a gay character for the sake of having the character be gay, is disingenuous and pushy.


yes! We are definitely held to a much higher standard with justifying our inclusion in any sort of medium. Any minority is really.

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And this is why you should want your inclusion to be noteworthy for something other than just “Checked a box”

Would you rather people look at you and say “Hey, it’s the gay person!”

Or would you rather then say “Oh, hey, It’s Opala. She’s smart, funny, witty, sharp, and a strong individual. She also happens to be LGBTQ+”

Your sexual orientation should NOT be your defining factor. We shouldn’t look at you and ONLY see “the gay person”. We should see you for who you are, and being gay just happens to be another trait among many.

But those many should shine through just as much as your sexual orientation. Therefor any gay character they introduce should be a person first, and gay second.