So now that the game has Pelagos and the

Choosing to be a man in the Shadowlands means they identified as a man.

A key part of the Bastion storyline is that Aspirants are able to choose a physical form that represents their true self.

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Right, just not while they were alive.

What even is your point? You still have yet to continue with whatever you were trying to say with Pelagosa.

Are you sure Pelagos wasn’t Pelagosa in life? Like, what’s the point of starting to use Greek names when the -gos suffix is already well established as being a hallmark of the blue dragonflight? It would make more sense that they were the same person, except that Pelagosa never actually existed in game.

In fairness, we don’t know everything about this character yet.

Yeah. I’m pretty sure. Seeing as how the Shadowlands are home to literally every single dead person in the cosmos. Every Kyrian aspirant in Bastion doesn’t use their living name, since they remove all their memories and take up new names.

Who actually knows, but the forums lit up like a Christmas tree with stupid opinions.

Personally, I guess Shadowlands is some sort of magical Willy Wonka song where anything you can do happens, ala Mograine picking up a new version of the Ashbringer.

No, it doesn’t. At all.

You’re applying the laws of the real world to the laws of a fictional universe. Don’t do that.


You kinda have to. The Bastion afterlife borrows heavily from Hindu/Buddhist beliefs. Re-incarnation is a gender reset in those IRL spiritual traditions… so its a fair point to assume it is here to.

It amuses me when people do that, though I’m guilty of it as well on occasion. :sweat_smile:

Ok I have had enough of this LGBT being shoved in my face in so many topics.

I do not approve of the act but I don’t hate the people that are involved in it.

I don’t make topics/posts about being straight either. I don’t shove that in peoples’ faces and I don’t appreciate LGBT being shoved in my face.


You must be fun at parties.


So don’t click on the thread, and enjoy your life as the default. I’m sure it’s very hard.

You can always express your distaste with a boycott.

No, you really don’t.

The person I quoted is using ‘common sense’ to claim that because they died, they’re no longer trans. That’s not how it works in fictional worlds where death is temporary or there’s an afterlife that we know about where the souls of the individual continue to exist. If there was no option in the Shadowlands to pick the body you’d prefer to be in, then Pelagos would still be a woman, and would still be trans.

It works (as far as we know) in the real world, because we have no idea what happens to us after we die. Leaving aside various faiths that would have us believe that the soul carries on into an afterlife or is reincarnated, common sense would dictate that when we die, we end, at that point we no longer exist, so people who were trans in life are no longer trans because they’re gone, lost to the fabric of space and time.

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You are certainly allowed to make up your own head cannon.

But realize that millions of people in India at this very moment believe that they experienced a past life living as the opposite gender. And they don’t consider themselves trans. It adds a lot of weight to the question of whether reincarnation performs a ‘gender reset’

Most Hindus believe that the soul is infinite and genderless. Not a bad idea, imho. That’s how I’m interpreting Bastion but again… you are free to make up your own head cannon as I am sure you will.

It’s going to keep getting ‘shoved’ in your face because newsflash
we’re here to stay.

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How is it being shoved in your face? Maybe you are overly sensitive when it comes to LGBT+ plus topics. Also it would be odd to make topics about being straight, it would be like me making a topic about being able to walk.

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Oh please! rolls eyes That is just another way of trying to control others.

The two trolls in Voldun are lesbian.

I’m glad we were able to help them get back together.