So now that the game has Pelagos and the

It’s the token T.

And goddammit, they’re continuing this night warrior garbage?

I feel like Pelagos brings a bit of lore with his existence, in showing that when you die and pass into Bastion, you’re offered the opportunity to be as you always were, but maybe couldn’t be whilst you lived due to reasons.

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So what was she in life?

They’re trans. Female biologically in life. But since the Shadowlands kinda gives you a choice about what new body you’ll be put into, Pelagos chose the male body.

Because the trans part has little to do with their character. It’s just a bit of backstory.

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If you want to be respectful, you don’t refer to him as a her.


We don’t know. Probably from another world. You do understand Kyrian are given new names after they cleanse their memories in the Shadowlands, right?

What are you trying to prove?

Why? He was a she when she was alive.

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Its now established lore so people can be “official” with their character backgrounds.

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He was also still a him while alive, but couldn’t live the life they wanted to for reasons wholly unknown to us.
It besmirches him to refer to his assigned gender at birth when he clearly didn’t identify as it.

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‘Official’ in what sense?
Having their character be trans? I mean, people did that already without Bastion’s tiny tidbit of lore coming in.

I would know.

Maybe he wanted to be a rock but wasn’t offered that transition and had to just settle with being male

How do you know what they identified as while alive?

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I’ll be honest - as I don’t have access to the Shadowlands alpha and thus don’t have access to the quest text with Pelagos, I don’t know.
I’m going off the information I have at the moment, and my own personal experience on that matter.

Official in the sense that it’s established lore and you can point to a character when people say “trans people don’t exist in azeroth”.

You didn’t need to do it before I guess since it’s your character, but now you have a character you can reference in case people want to debate.

There was night elf sentinel in wotlk who grinned at a other night elf and wagged her eyebrows suggestively. Which wasn’t the best example at the time, but something you could build upon to show that these characters exist in the game and it’s not a farfetched idea to have LGBT player characters.

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There is literally a blue post on it. That’s how.

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There was that one orc standing in front of the hookah wearing assless chaps in the old Orgrimmar inn.

Wonder where he got off to.

Blizzard is obviously drawing a lot of inspiration for the Bastion after life from IRL spiritual traditions (mostly Hinduism and Buddhism)

Millions if not billions of Hindus throughout history believe/have believed that their previous lives were that of a different gender. They don’t consider themselves transgender people.

When lore leaves us with questions… we need to look to the human root tradition for answers.

Yeah, and it says he was a woman while alive.

Biologically a woman. Identified as a man. Do we need to repeat this again?

Doesn’t say that.