So now that AV is worse

How are these changes supposed to help AV? They could have removed the cave respawn, adjusted respawn slot numbers, or allowed premades back into AV… things that would have actually helped… instead, after over 6+ months of doing basically nothing but beating it at Blizzard HQ; they finally drop a bunch of irrelevant changes that won’t help. AV will be exactly as it was before, alliance winning <1% matches and horde waiting 2+ hours in queue. The changes to our base don’t even matter because alliance rarely gets past iceblood area. The backdoor exploit north is not going to save the alliance either, lawl.

If we’re going to make changes, let’s try to make changes that will actually help the game?


I’m not saying the map isn’t a LITTLE imbalanced but the real reason alliance loses AV (along with almost every other pug) is we have EXTREMELY SELFISH players who like to queue up with PvE specs, meme specs, terrible gear and alts.

If you’re not at least in pre-raid PvP bis and PvP specced you are alliances problem and there’s not a SINGLE CHANGE that blizzard can make that is going to make the few PvPers on alliance carry that garbage to a victory.

You could give us premades back but we will not pug with the selfish alliance leeches.

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Blizz’s hope is that the rep grind is bad enough to keep players in it even longer. Frankly, if you’re desperate enough to sit through constant losses for a single item, one that is currently replaceable, you’re still going to do so regardless how bad the rep gain is.

This is purely Blizz fearing their Hordies might have longer queues.


Yup. Doesn’t address the underlining problem why Alliance don’t queue.

People stopped going once they couldn’t win. People thought the few loud-mouthed Alliance here who hated premades were going to make up for it because they were the real majority and they were going to save AV. Yeah, where are they now? Most don’t even log into the forums anymore and have quit the game or BGs.

Horde had 10 minute queues at one time but it wasn’t good enough, lost games. Unacceptable, change will help everyone!

Now there are hours long queues and alliance found rep was worth going. Yet they listen to horde once again and to the loud-mouthed alliance who hate rep farms.

I have no issue winning WSG/AB with a pug, sometimes we lose or win. In AV I never win. It’s so rare and it’s usually because the horde there suck.

So many excuses as to why AV is the way it is but nobody addresses the real problem. Until Blizzard does we won’t see fast AV queues. Play up now because come patch time AV is dead save for bots.


Horde queues were always long. 45min-90min depending on the time of day even during the peak of Alliance Premades.

Not remotely true, as Horde were bragging that their queues were only 10- 15min up until the changes, as a way to say there was no consequence for stacking pvp servers.

You’d have to be pretty stupid to think that queues didn’t change between when matches were 50/50 and generally fairly short and when AV became a 99-1 turtlefest.


Horde queue times here 45-90 minutes long during Alliance AV premades. Saying otherwise is pretty big revisionist history nonsense.

Here is a link of me mentioning the 45min queue times back in January

You mean, aside from the very title of this thread?

Proving that you’ve been revising history for months only proves you’re a habitual liar, nothing more.

According to Horde before the changes, their queues were 20-25 min, back when Horde didn’t care about winning and just wanted to honour farm. Interesting that not trying to win and just doing an honour farm is fine when Horde does it, but when Alliance are doing a rep farm it’s not right.

Or have you forgotten about that too? When Horde felt they had no chance to win so they just farmed LTs and bragged about getting more honour in losses?

Who am I kidding, of course you’ve forgotten about it.


That thread you linked was on December 19, a whole 9 days after BGs were introduced. AV premades had barely started forming AT ALL by then. Almost a full 6 weeks before my post which happened shortly after premades died…when they were at their most popular…just as people were starting to get into ranks 12/13.

Keep telling yourself what ever you need to, but you’re only lying to yourself to push your own narrative. Keep pushing that “10 minute queue 50% win-rate” nonsense.


Blizzard made a change that nullified that strategy. Horde adapted.
Blizzard makes changes that nullify alliance exploits. Alliance throws tantrums.

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They sure do, grats on ‘adapting’ to challenge the only way Horde can- non stop whining until Blizz changes things, and then lying through your teeth once you get the changes.


who tf is going to farm rep for gear that already is losing value and will continue to be outdated come AQ
any Ally doing BGs are in AB/WSG, not AV lol


People doing pvp for only their bis items is what made me stop playing pvp in Classic, and I’m a feral =/

Never forget, this is why Alliance premades died. It was not Horde complaining, but the damage the Alliance were doing to their own faction.

The only liar here is you, and has always been you.


I think your continual spew of revisionist history is worthy of the ignore list at this point.


Realistically, druid holding was an exploit and should be fixed.

However, without blizzard doing anything to sweeten the deal for alliance, participation rates will drop to just people who enjoy the bg.

Which with the current alliance winrates… isn’t very many people.

There’s always people who just queue for fun, that will never change. But this change drives away people who wanted loot, which is by far the majority.

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Closing the backdoors and fixing the captain’s rep/honor rewards were not “sweetening” enough?

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Considering that ZG and soon AQ20 will provide far better easier to get at loot for 40 players raid, I can’t see why anyone would waste time doing battleground for gear when raiding for gear is so much more effective.

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… Yes?

You’ve been talking to people all day who don’t think it’s enough, how is that news for you?