So now that AV is worse

In an ideal world one faction wouldn’t force the other faction off a server just to create a pseudo pve server… but it is what it is. Both factions did this.

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It happened in vanilla too.

It’s still not ideal. They will have trouble opening the gates

I’m waiting for when someone with the scepter missed the gate opening on their server, transfers and opens the gates on a slower progressing server at 2am on a Tuesday.

For that reason servers should be locked during the event

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I agree, I just don’t trust that they will be


Translation, I play horde and I enjoy being on the side with a massive map advantage.

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Well good, because nobody was claiming such. But nearly EVERY time the bridge choke has been brought up when discussing pros and cons of each side in regard to the map, the immediate replies pointed at the back doors.

If you want to have a “reasoned discussion”, perhaps you should start by not insinuating that others posted things they didn’t.

PVP servers that had PVP? Why I never!

More than the pvp. toxicity and threats in discord and irl.

Only alliance do AV solely for rep. Horde don’t solo queue WSG, there are too many ally premades to even think about it. So we usually just do AB for days at a time while also having an AV queue running on for 7-8 hours at a time until it pops.

10 on 1, I guess that’s the kind of PvP you liked.

I guess that does explain alot about why you fight the AV imbalance.

I’m starting to get a pretty clear picture of what kind of player you are.

I might of hit the nail on the head when I said some people here are only good when something is giving them the advantage, then all of a sudden they are good players, and it couldn’t possibly be an outside force making them good.

Explains why you won’t be doing TBC and arenas, then we would see how good you truly are…but I suspect 1700.


I started classic on Grobbulus, all the way through till raiding. We had a slight alliance advantage ratio-wise, and we STILL had alliance literally taking a month off because P2. There were roaming death blobs of both factions. Both factions were camping FPs. Both factions were honor farming levelers.

Your revisionist history is really tiresome. Blizzard made the mistake of listening to you lot, and chopped the duration in half to appease you. Time and time again blizzard gives into alliance whining, time and time again alliance exploits, then melts down when exploits are patched. Then when blizzard actually makes changes that alliance were literally asking for, you bunch focus on the clear exploit that you were doing being patched out.

Blizzard has got to be sick of it at this point. I would not blame them a bit if they decided to keep cave spawns as they are rather than give in to your whining yet again. I legitimately pity those who have to play alongside you.

I was horde bro, there is no you “lot” I was horde in phase 2 rofl, but good try as always.

Your idea of PvP is prolly you and 9 other 60s rolling down Hillsbrad, you all spot a lvl 31 priest, you sit there and watch him kill a yeti, he accidently aggros a 2nd yeti, you wait for him to be half health and oom, then all 10 of you 60s hop of your mounts and run up and all 10 of you sapper the lvl31 priest and he dies, then you all spam him with /spit.

Then as you leave you tell your friends how good you are, that’s likely your version of PvP.

Unfortunately you won’t be in TBC for me to farm in arena.


I didn’t insinuate anything. I only speak to my experiences. Others can speak to their own. People post all sorts of stuff.

You talk about the ridiculous fringe who were making overblown statements, just so that you could point out they were ridiculous. Congratulations?

The back door exploits are a concern, they do make an assault easier than they should be. However, they are not some magic thing that completely negates a choke like the bridge. Instead, they lessen the choke a bit because instead of everyone focusing on one point now you have to focus on several. Removing the back door exploits strengthens the defenses.

Reasoned discussion.

Not every server had the same experience during phase 2 and it’s hardly revisionist history to claim that some servers, did indeed hunt the other faction to extinction.

I don’t doubt your experience wasn’t like that, but I’m not foolish enough to believe it never happened, either.

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This is BS that Horde is pvp experts. On Grobb yesterday alliance killed 4/4 emerald dragons after hours long fight. AV is ruin. It has to be fixed or removed.

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except in the dungeon you’re one of five that has to do something to kill the mobs, instead of 10-20 people being beyond useless except as cannon fodder. It takes no effort, in fact many people botted/afk’d to get them, so yeah, those are welfare epics.

Speak for youself chump. Carried? I’ve been exalted since week 2. I’ve played AV exclusively since it was new in Vanilla. Players like me carry the rep exploiters.