So now that AV is worse

To be honest?

I hope they do that on the ptr. I hope they do all of those things. And if the data shows that’s all that needs to happen, great.

If the data shows these changes aren’t enough to make the winrates more even? Then either blizzard makes more changes or you wait a lot longer for an AV. Dem’s the breaks.

Complete BS. A bunch of Faerlina started on day 1 and many of us, myself included, got exalted in 22-26 hours after release and we were the originators of the premades. As more of us got exalted the premade discord eventually switched but we had a server and even cross server queuing going on from day 1.

Oh and we won 90% of our games. :rofl:

Which part is complete BS? The part where it took about a week for premades to become popular? Because you seem to be confirming the rest of my post. /shrug.

We had cross server queuing and people logging into lvl 1’s on Faerlina asking to get in on it in the first 4~ hours AV was live.

Haha yea, I got my rep and I’ll never go back until changes are made. It’s been how many months and Horde are still salty that Alliance got maybe two weeks of premades before it was axed.

Since then it’s been absurdly high Horde win rates, to the point where most Alliance simply can’t be bothered. Without the spammable rep turn ins, allowing Alliance to gain *something* while Horde are smashing through their objectives, I can’t imagine there’s much reason for your average Alliance player to queue.

The bottom line is, nobody is going to engage in an activity where, 99% of the time, they get crushed. Even the most patient of person will move on eventually.

I am curious as to how high Horde queue times will get. Maybe this is a Blizzard experiment to see how long Horde players are willing to wait for a game :slight_smile:


And when did it become mainstream? I am not saying they were not created on day 1, I am saying when they became widely used…about a week.

Here is the earliest post advertising AV Discords I could find, Dec 19th. 9 days after BGs launched. Feel free to find advertising or mentions of them being mainstream before.

They were mainstream immediately, everyone was doing it. They were just very fragmented and had to take time to consolidate to the size where they were noticeable in the majority of games.


Even if they were main stream emidiately, it was still a pedantic nit-pic on my actual point that queue times for horde were “shorter than 10 minutes and 50% win rate” for Alliance. The thread being cited being from the 9th of December. I could have said “the early days of AV Premading” to cover my butt from stupid pedantics that don’t really address the meat of the issue.

What are you talking about now?

When people are having fun they aren’t nearly as obsessed with complaining.

Horde had fast queues up until they started defending. It was pretty irrelevant of premades honestly.


I said Horde had 45min queues at the end of premades in January and was called a liar. I presented evidence to the contrary. Other person tried to cite December 19 horde times to try and call me a liar again that Horde queue times were not 45min in January.

The whole talk of when premades started has muddied the waters on this one. But I always was under the impression that the slow upwards creep of Horde queue times was because Alliance were getting their desired honor ranks/rep and no longer queuing…not so much anything else.

45 minutes is still a lot better than what you have now :stuck_out_tongue:

Nah, even towards the end, the alliance was queuing in large numbers. It was horde slowing down games that caused the queue. I know people were slowly falling out as they finished, but right up until the patch hit to kill premades, the server I was using saw steady growth.

45min queue for a 6min loss is much…much worse than a 90min for a win. So, what we have now is still much better.

Except horde didn’t have a 100% loss rate and on top of that even those losses netted decent honor/rep. So you have 2+ hours queues now that give you less than you would have gotten not playing scorched earth.

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I think you might be drastically under counting the amount of Alliance PvErs who were just solo queuing in the first 3 or 4 weeks casually getting exalted. Either way, the cause of the queue increase is ultimately irrelevant to the point that horde queues were 45+ minutes by the end of Alliance premades.

What? Why are you suggesting they outgear you? Is alliance somehow not the better faction for pve now? When did this change happen?

Maybe, either way, yeah horde queues went up over time until premades died and they spiked drastically.

Yes. But the claim was the Horde queue times were 10 minutes at the time Premadies died.